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Showing posts with label Babywearing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Babywearing. Show all posts

Friday, May 11, 2012

Giveaway : I Want To Win Babywearing Gear For Great Cloth Diaper Change Malaysia 2012

The Malaysian Cloth Diapering Parents (MCDP) a Facebook group devoting for cloth diapering parents in Malaysia is having a giveaways in conjunction with the post-Great Cloth Diaper Change Malaysia 2012 (GCDC) event.

This is a great giveaways if you are interested to get a soft structured carrier (SSC) to kick start your babywearing journey. Even if you are an existing babywearer, you are still very much welcome to join in this giveaways to add this SSC into your babywearing stash!!!

This giveaway SSC is proudly sponsored by our local Malaysian baby carrier maker :-

The SSC on the left is sponsored by Big Eyes Shop and the
SSC on the right is sponsored by SnuggBaby

Giveaway Deadline : 20th May 2012 before 11.00pm (GMT +8)

There will be two (2) winner chosen to win this SSC. It's pretty easy to join in this giveaways and since there isn't much entries for it yet, there is a high possibility that you could be one of the winner. So hurry!!!

For more information on how to participate in this giveaways, do check out :-


Friday, September 10, 2010

Babyhawk Oh Snap! SSC & Freehand Mei Tai Finally Arrived

My long awaited carrier have finally arrived!!! I have actually ordered this few months back but there is some issue on the delivery which I have finally able to ironed out the issue with the seller recently. Anyway, I have paid  close to USd 40 for postage for these.. Sigh...

I have bought both carrier brand new and now eagerly to try it out.

More details and photo to follow. Now busy preparing for my holiday for Raya. I'll be going to Singapore and Batam, Indonesia during this festive session. Can't wait for the holiday to come.