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Showing posts with label Celebration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Celebration. Show all posts

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day - 2011

It's 14th February today and it's Valentine's Day. I would like to wish everyone Happy Valentine's Day.

I know I have hardly update this blog for the past few month. There is so many stuff that I would like to talk about but I have been extremely busy with my works that I hardly got much time to be in front the computer to update the blog. Anyway, I hope things will get sort fast and I'll be able to blog more.

So, how are you going the celebrate the valentine's day with your loved one? I'll not have any special celebration today as hubby will have a business meeting tonight. Sob.. Sob..

Thursday, October 21, 2010

4th ROM Anniversary Celebration

Time flies and it's already my 4th ROM anniversary. My ROM anniversary is on early October but didn't get the chance to celebrate is as hubby is away for his business trip to France. Finally we are able to have our post-ROM anniversary celebration last weekend.

We woke up quite early that day to bring TY to the garden for a walk. We will bring her there for a walk every now and then. She have been enjoying to have her walk there ever since she knows how to walk unsupported at around 17th or 18th months old. 

After the morning walk, we went straight for a simple and quick breakfast as I have the plan to go to Ikano to do some shopping. To be specific I wanted to go the Toys "R" Us to get a drum set from TY. I saw it from some of my friend's photo in Facebook and I really got attracted with it... Hehehe...

Shopping @ Ikano Power Centre

We reached at about 11.30am and there hardly any parking space available there. After making one big round around the car park, finally we found a parking space.

As we entered the shopping area, I lead my dearie Hubby, WH to the top floor. WH asked me why go all the way up. I play dumb and told him that it's better we shop from top floor then to ground floor. The fact is actually because Toy 'R Us is located at the top floor and that is where I plan to get the drum set. Hehehe... Prior to this, I have collected some informations on where to buy and how much is the drum set cost. I know WH will not agree on getting the drum set for TY if I ask him.

As we reached the top floor, we saw Toys "R" Us there. Again I play dumb and said "Hey, there is Toys "R" Us. Let's go in and have a look. While pretending to look at the toys there, am actually searching silently on where is the drum set. It's placed not too far a way from the entrance. Right away I told WH that this is a nice drum set (though I have not seen the actual product, lols). WH response is "Don't tell me you want buy for TY, She already got plenty of toys". My replied is just a simple "YES. I WANT TO BUY!!". Deep inside I whispered to myself that is the reason why am here, isn't it... Hehehe.. I have to persuade WH and tell him how nice and good quality is it before he decided to give in. Hehehe...

This is drum set that I bought from Toys "R" Us.
This is not TY first drum toys. But it indeed her first COMPLETE drum set.

And so, I have bought the drum set for TY from Toys "R" Us. Cost us close to RM 120 for it. Most of my friend bought it for their son, but I bought it for my gal. It looks funny, huh? Well, I don't really bother by it... :P And because of me getting the drum set, I applied for the Toys "R" Us membership card called the Star Card as well. No discount for the drum set though. Merely to collect reward points.

I have applied for the Toys "R" Us membership simply because it's free.
Plus, since the drum set cost more than RM 80,
I can get the card activate right away.

After we bought the drum set, we took our lunch at Ichiban Ramen as the restaurant surrounding it got so many people and no seats is available. Wow.. Our lunch cost more than RM 60 for 2 adults and a toodler!!! It is indeed an expensive lunch. We went home right after that. Am getting "old" and is easily feeling tired from the close to 3 hours shopping. Lols... All of us "collapse" and took a nap the moment we reach home.

By the time we woke up, it's almost time for dinner already. As we have already plan to celebrate for our anniversary on that day, we do not make any booking in any restaurant for it. It's an ad-hoc decision to go to The Smokehouse Restaurant as we have never been there.

The Smokehouse Restaurant @ Bangsar

No. 67, Jalan Telawi 3,
Bangsar Baru, Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: +603 2288 1510
(located next to Chawan & Madam Kwan’s)

The Smokehouse @ Jalan Telawi 3, Bangsar

All the while I thought The Smokehouse Restaurant is located in Kuala Lumpur city centre. Never did I know that it have actually relocated from the city centre to Bangsar for quite some time already now. Not until we "google" for the address. I was suprise with the "news" but it does come as a good news to me. At least Bangsar is nearer to our place and we can cut short the travelling time.

It have never been easy to get a parking space at Jalan Telawi. That is why we decided to park our car at the Bangsar Village II shopping centre instead. Glad that we make the right decision as the restaurant is located just across the road from the Bangsar Village II main entrance.

The Smokehouse ambience does gave me some old English country house feels with the fireplace and the big old English style chair. When we view the menu, I was quite suprise that they actually offer Thai cuisine as well. In the end, WH ordered some Thai cuisine for himself and I ordered the western. So it'll be eastern-western combo.

Actually I feel it's kind of odd to eat Thai cuisine in a western style restaurant. Hahaha... But then again, it'll be a nice and something different to experience too. Didn't order anything for TY as she just taken her milk before we are out of the house.

There is not candle light dinner for us in The Smokehouse. Only tealight dinner. Hahaha... I have mushroom soup as my starter while hubby have the tomyam soup. I let TY to take a few sip of the mushroom soup. She refused to take any initially. But after she tried it, she wants more. In the end, she finish almost the whole bowl of mushroom soup!!! I have manage to drink only the first few sips before little TY finish off the rest.. Sigh..

I have order the western set of dory fish fillet for the main course. Hubby ordered some Thai cuisine that he don't remember what it called. Whatever it is, the meals is yummy-licious!!! I have the Creme Brulee as my dessert. Hubby eat it often when he was in France. He is the one who suggested me to try this out.

Anyway, overall I really love the food and ambience here. We have quite a good time there except that little TY started to be more and more cranky towards the end of our dinner simply because she want to get out from the baby chair.

No candlelight dinner. Only tealight.
Well, it's still better than nothing, right..

The mushroom soup with the bread and butter

Our main course. There is the "dunno know what it's called"
Thai cuisine, dory fish fillet and also garlic bread

Forgot to take the photo of the Creme Brulee, my dessert
for the dinner. Anyway, here is what it left in the end. :P

Sunday, October 10, 2010

10-10-10.. Today is special !!!

I just couldn't sleep don't know why. That's why am up simply to blog here.. Today's date is a special date. It's unique because it's 10-10-10!!! A perfect 10 just like in an exam or game. Anyway, just wanna wish everyone to have a perfect 10 in everything they do or wish today.

I remember for last year's special date, 09-09-09, my eldest sister wanted to deliver her baby on that date. But in the end, she didn't make it for that date and choose a different date instead.

Anyway, I think there'll be many baby to be born today too especially for those mommy who choose to undergo the c-sec for delivery. There might be many wedding today too as it's a "perfect 10" today though I didn't receive any wedding invitation for today... :p

Not sure whether will there be anything special happen to me but I do just realized today that few days ago was my 4th ROM anniversary and there isn't any celebration for it at all. Well, hubby is currently not around and I have totally forgot about it. Might have to think of a replacement celebration for it when hubby is back from overseas later.

Now looking forwards to next year's special date. That's 11-11-11....

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

It's mid-autumn today and it's suppose to be my ROM anniversary as accords to the Chinese calendar. But WH have been away to Sabah since yesterday and will only be back tomorrow. Well even if he is here also, we are not going to celebrate it.

Since WH is away, I have been staying at my parent house till he is back and since it's mid-autum today, I went back home for a dinner with my parent in law before returning to my parent house for a mini mid-autumn celebration and yes, I'll still be overnight in my parent house till WH is back in town.

By the way, I received yet another package from US when I went back for a dinner with my parent in law. Will update this when I have the time to do so.

And as usual for mid-autumn, all my niece and nephew will be coming over to my parent house to play lantern. Only different this time round is TY will get to join the play as well with her nieces and nephews.

So here am wishing everyone "HAPPY MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL"!!!