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Showing posts with label Shop/ Online Store - Tiny Tapir. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shop/ Online Store - Tiny Tapir. Show all posts

Monday, October 11, 2010

Spending My Whole Weekend Repacking The Snaps For The Group Buy....

Yesterday it is not quite like my usual weekend. I called up my parent for a "Bak Kut Teh" brunch near my house yesterday. I usually took my breakfast real early in Sunday morning. But yesterday is exception since hubby is not around as he is away for an overseas business trip. Anyway, my parent left after the brunch and I went back home to continue with the repacking of the snaps from the group buy that I have organize end of last month.

I have collected the snaps from Tiny Tapir about a week or so and have started to do the repackaging since then but the progress is really slow. Hardly get the chance to really do the repacking with the busy schedule during weekday.

Finally, I have managed to complete the whole "repackaging" of the snaps process yesterday. I have spent sure a lot of time just to do re-pack of the snap. My whole weekend gone just like that. It seems like I have devoted the whole weekend just for the snaps... Hahaha...

Honestly, I don't think I'll ever organize another group buy for the snaps unless am super duper leisure and have nothing to do. It's no fun to count then re-pack it and seriously it is just too hectic to count the snap piece by piece... :p

Initially I thought of weight the snap then pack. But then, I noticed that the snap is way to light that the weighing machine cannot even detect the weight of the snap if I place only 1 or 2 pcs. Just for your info, the digital weighing machine that I use can only weight items that is 1 gram and above.

With the repacking of the snap done, I can finally arrange some of the order out today. Some will be own collection while the rest will be send by registered post this Friday. At last I can have some of the "Me" time for now... hehehe...

My not so tidy and small "workstation" to
repack the snaps from the group buy.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Two Days Ago.. Am All Tired And Exhausted...

I have wanted to update this on Saturday but was too busy, tired and exhausted that day to do so. Why am all tired and busy that day...? Well, TY have been very un-cooperative that day. She woke up at 4.30am when I am still in need of more sleep before I developed sleep deprivation any further. But awake is awake. She just won’t return and continue with her sleep. So there you go. My day starts at 4.30am that day. Me and hubby was “forced” got to wake up and play with her. She just keep on calling “Pa Pa” and “Ma Ma” until both of us is wake up even though we thought of continue to pretends sleeping!!!

When it’s time, hubby bathes TY. It has been hubby’s everyday job. We set out for a breakfast right after. I know I’ll be in a rush that day as hubby will be going overseas, I’ll need to collect my orders from Tiny Tapir at Taman Melawati, attending friend’s shop opening in Bangsar Shopping Centre, to meet up with a baby wearing friend in Damansara and the list goes on. Out of sudden, I felt 24 hours a day is just not enough. I need more time.

Right after we took our breakfast, we went to Giant hypermarket in Kota Damansara to buy some milk powder for TY. TY was on Mamil Gold Step 3 and I find it’s very sweet as I can see many ants “crawling” towards the milk dispenser if I ever leave it on the table for say more than 30 minutes. Two weeks back I have bought Nan Pro 2 for TY to tryout. But it is not the formula milk powder for her as she’ll poo poo like as if she got diaherra. Imagine she’ll poo poo like 3 to 4 times a day and it’s a soft watery stool while she is on Nan Pro 2… Actually I have bought Nan Pro 2 for her to tryout as I read from some forum that this milk formula resemble closest to human breast milk. A forumer friend of mine tried this on his son also and her son seems to love Nan Pro as compared to other milk formula. Anyway, to cut long story short, I ended up buying Enfagrow A+. Reason? Coz there’s free gift on the pack and I don’t know what formula milk to switch to for TY. That’s me being a greedy mama… Hahaha…

Tiny Tapir @ Taman Melawati
After we bought the milk powder, am in a rush to Tiny Tapir headquarter in Taman Melawati as I must pick up the item by 12pm and it’s already 11am when am moving from my place. We never know when the road will be hit by traffic jam with the crazy traffic in Kuala Lumpur area. I have organized a group buy in a forum for the purchase of the resin snaps. Initially I have wanted to arrange the courier to pick the order up. But in the end, the number of snap purchase in the group buy “grows” and the total weights became heavier. So, it is not so feasible for me to arrange the pick up by courier. Plus I did ordered the DK-93 snap press which make the whole package even heavier. Anyway, I reached there when it’s about 11.50am. Just in time to collect all the stuff that I have ordered.

The staff there is quite friendly though I don’t quite remember their names. I spent at least 15 – 20 minutes there just to check if the items that I collect is as of what I ordered. There’s a long list of items with most of it being the resin snaps of the different colours. Now that I got the snaps I think I can even offer for snap adding or repair service for cloth diaper since the colour collection of my snaps is quite complete. So, anyone interested on it? Hahaha…

Here is the snap press (DK 93) and also the snap plier that I bought for myself.
I have bought the snap plier initially before decided to get the snap press as well.

The snaps that I bought purchased. Some is for the group buy while the rest comes in package from snap press that I bought.
Can you believe it that there are at least 6000pcs of complete set of snap and I'll have to do repacking for it.
 Shoeville @ Bangsar Shopping Centre
After I pick up my orders from Tiny Tapir, hubby got to rush home as he will be having a meeting before his flight in the evening. Me on the other hand will need to rush to my friend’s new shop opening in Bangsar Shopping Complex. Her store grand opening is suppose to start at 12pm with the lion dance and all. But am all late!!! Celine have been an old friend of mine. I have know her since in our high school days. Last Saturday was her new shoe store, Shoeville grand opening. A business she jointly open with her sister, Pauline.

By the time am there, all the lion dance and sort is over. But there’s still crowds around there with all the congratulate flower stands across the walkway. Sigh… I must have missed the fun part. Don’t know who or what to blame to. Basically I have fallen in love with the shoe interior. It looks really nice, classy and professional all at the same time.

Celine and Pauline have been very busy throughout that evening though. I can see many buy the shoes too as there is 15% discount storewide offer specially for the day. I didn’t get to browse thru the entire nice shoe collection that they have there until most of the crowd is leaving as TY have been running and playing non-stop there as if it is her playground!!! Ohh, I meet up with my other old friend, Eu Gene there too. We have quite a good chat there. It’s definitely a good day to be in the store opening except that there is some damage done to my wallet!! Hahaha…

Most of the shoe in the store is imported from Brazil and I bought a pair of the shoe there. It’s just a simple nice flat leather shoe. There isn’t much choice of shoe for me who prefer flat or low heel. But if you are looking for a high heel shoe then this is definitely the place. Arghhh… How I wish am born shorter then I can buy the shoe and flaunts my leg with it. The shoe that I bought cost about RM 329 before discount. With all discount and the RM 80 cash voucher that I got as door gift, the shoe now cost me close to RM 200 and I think that is quite a reasonable price if you ask me.

I take a quick leave after I bought the shoe as it’s already almost 4pm at that time I’ll need to fetch hubby to airport at about 5pm as he’ll be going to overseas for business purpose. Gosh, I drove my car to the exit only to realize that I have not pay for the parking. Well, I got to go back to the shopping mall again. Paid the parking and drive my car to exit the parking again. Lols… I must have been blurred with all the nice shoes in Shoeville… :p

By the way, Shoeville have their own website and I read that Shoeville in on The Sun newspaper today. Looks like it is an “in” things recently.

The "damage" done to my wallet from Shoeville

Honey’s Quilling
On my way back, I dropped by at Honey’s house to collect some quilling earrings that I bought from her sometime ago. I been to Honey’s place before as I bought some other things from her too. She is someone I know from a forum who ventured into paper quilling. And hey, she's on Facebook and have a store too in etsy called Honey's Hive.

I was waiting in the car as TY is sleeping. She must have been very tired with all the “activities” she had while she is at Celine’s place earlier. And ohh… I fall in love instantly when Honey handed me the earrings. All of it is so lovely and well made. I bought 4 pairs of the earring (colourful butterfly, silver multi circle, blue nine pointed star, and red roses). Of all, I love the multi circle and the nine pointed star the most. Hehehe...

There is suppose to be 2 pair free earring that is second quality. These is from the early days when Honey just started to do the quilling. But alas, both of us is totally forgot about it. Never mind about it. I think I’ll get more and ask her to send it together to me. Hehehe…

And Finally Home Sweet Home
Once I reached home, I took a quick rest and then continue my day to fetch hubby to go to airport. TY didn’t follow us as her grandma wanna play with her. After am done fetching hubby to airport, I thought of meet up with Elizabeth who is a cloth diapering and a babywearing mama. I have wanted to meet up with her as she have the Bamberoo and Kanga XT SSC with her which am very interested and keen to try out to see if both of it suit me. Both of the SSC cost a bomb. So it’s better I try it out before I get one from the FSOT. But alas, she didn’t call me and I thought she would have to call off the meet up. Anyway, it comes as good news to me though. I have been feeling tired as well.

By the time I reached home that day, I don’t really have the appetite to eat anything. I just drank some soup and took my bath after that. For that night, me and TY slept at around 8.45pm. Unusually early, huh…? 

This is a long post and yes, I know it. But I just wanted to blogged about it and I can only say that am truly busy, tired and exhausted that day and now you know why…. :-)

p/s : will take the photos when I got my camera back. Hubby have "loan" my camera... :p