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Showing posts with label Special. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Special. Show all posts

Saturday, October 30, 2010

My New Toys ~ The Iphone 4!!!

Finally, I have collected my new Iphone 4 on Tuesday (26th Ocotober 2010). Hubby have put my name in the waiting list for about 3 - 4 weeks ago with the Digi Specialised Store in Kota Damansara. When the phone arrive, hubby is still in his overseas trip. So finally, last week, hubby is back from his overseas business trip again from China. 

He gave a call to that Digi Specialised Store to find out if the phone is available. And yes, it's available for me!!! So hubby brought me along to the store to do the MNP on Monday (25th October 2010). Am switching from Maxis to Digi. Mainly because of the Iphone 4. Also the plan is cheaper and better suit me since am not a heavy phone user.

Finally the following day we went to the centre again to do the registration and buy the phone. We was there at around 8.30pm. There seems to have quite a number of people there enquiring on the new Iphone 4.

Actually I have been a long time Iphone user. I have been using the first (or is it the second?) generation of Iphone which hubby get someone to buy it from US. The phone have served me well. It's still work well now except that the phone started to "cracked" here and there due to accidental drop to the floor not once. But many times!!! Surprisingly, the screen still fine without any crack though... :P

The new Iphone 4 comes with a rectangular solid box. The box is really solid!! Not like those usual paper box. Things is still practically almost the same as what I have in the package like in my "old" Iphone except that the new Iphone 4 do not comes with the Iphone dock. Probably Apple CEO, Steve Jobs wanna cut cost...? The Iphone dock is quite expensive is buy separately actually...

By the way, do you believe it that I still keep everything including the box of my very first Iphone? Hehehe... Maybe I should take a photo of it when am free... :P

The Iphone 4 is pack in this nice solid box.

After the box is unopened.
From Left to Right :-
- The box cover
- The USB cable, headphone, 3 pin plug adaptor
- The Iphone 4!!!
- The instruction manual, etc

Closer view.
From Left To Right :- 3 pin plug adaptor, USB cable, Headphone

Sunday, October 10, 2010

10-10-10.. Today is special !!!

I just couldn't sleep don't know why. That's why am up simply to blog here.. Today's date is a special date. It's unique because it's 10-10-10!!! A perfect 10 just like in an exam or game. Anyway, just wanna wish everyone to have a perfect 10 in everything they do or wish today.

I remember for last year's special date, 09-09-09, my eldest sister wanted to deliver her baby on that date. But in the end, she didn't make it for that date and choose a different date instead.

Anyway, I think there'll be many baby to be born today too especially for those mommy who choose to undergo the c-sec for delivery. There might be many wedding today too as it's a "perfect 10" today though I didn't receive any wedding invitation for today... :p

Not sure whether will there be anything special happen to me but I do just realized today that few days ago was my 4th ROM anniversary and there isn't any celebration for it at all. Well, hubby is currently not around and I have totally forgot about it. Might have to think of a replacement celebration for it when hubby is back from overseas later.

Now looking forwards to next year's special date. That's 11-11-11....