
Showing posts with the label Willow

Willow in Action

I am still trying to figure out my phone settings and how it all works. This is Willow in action


We had a wonderful spring day yesterday and spent all of it outside. Willow is learning to ride her bike.

Spring like weather

We had really wonderful weather is past week. This winter has been long and cold so we really wanted to get out of the house and do something outside. Madison was our destination, during the demonstrations :(. This had been planned before all of the uproar at the Capital. We thought about changing our plans, in the end we decided to chance it. Madison's Children's Museum is someplace we have wanted to go to for a while now. Last year we took a field trip to the Discovery Center Museum in Rockford , and really loved it. Madison also has a cute free zoo, Henry Vilas Zoo . that we enjoy visiting.

Willows purple dress

this is my latest sewing project Willow wanted a purple dress

Halloween 2010

We had really nice weather for Halloween this year. I feel bad when the kids have to wear coats. Here is Willow all ready to go out and get lots of candy.


  We went Trick or treating on Friday night and then on Saturday Galena had their wonderful parade. If you are ever in this area around Halloween be sure to come and see it. The weather was perfect also. I can't remember the last time the kids didn't have to wear coats over their costumes. It is raining and windy here today, tomorrow we are suppose to get snow. Well there you go fall is over in the midwest :) I am off to the studio to make beads Have a great day.

Pumpkin Patch

This past weekend end Willow and I went to an area pumpkin patch with our friend Sara and her kids. The farm was great, they had carmel apples and hot apple cider. Even a barn with crafts. I love fall, the leaves and the smells. It could be like this all year round and I would be a happy girl. We all went through the mazes and road the little tractors and took the hay ride. Willow got to ride a pony and see some goats. I don't think she was so excited about the goats since we have them at home lol. She even picked out her own little pumpkin. Here are a couple of pictures. She looks mad in the pumpkin picture but she's not. Pumpkins picking is serious business to her.

Make your own Lavender Diaper Cream

When Willow was little I tried Burts Bees Diaper cream. I liked the product alot but not the high price. It's $7.50 for 2oz. I thought I can make something like this for less. What you need. Zinc diaper cream-I used the store brand Lavender oil Jar with lid- I got mine at the area craft store You can also add other things such as vitamin E, sweet almond oil and rosemary. Cut the diaper cream tube straight across the bottom of the tube. Squeeze the cream into the jar. I have a big jar so I use two tubes. Take the Lavender oil and pour some into the jar. I start with a small amount and add alittle untill I get it to a nice smooth texture. You will smell the lavender in the cream. I make an 8oz container for under the price of a Burts Bees 2oz tube.

Willow and baby chicks

  Willow loves the baby chicks she was playing with them for over and hour. Oh course we were right there watching her lol. She picked up each one and held it for a while then put it down and pick up another one. They all got a turn, she even talked to a couple of them. The chick did seem scared of her at all. They just sat by her and waited for their turn.

To Home School or not?

I have been thinking about home schooling Willow when it comes time for her to go to school. She just turned two and preschool starts next year. I am quite the research queen so I need to start looking at my options now. I know alittle about the different methods but new seem to be popping up all the time. Anyone out there homeschool? what do you use? Post a comment or e-mail me thanks

Life as we plan it

Today marks the second year that we have Willow. Two years ago I got on a plane and flew to O'hara with a 3 week old infant. Then I drove the 3+ hours to the farm. In the beginning we didn't think we would be raising her. We thought we where helping my daughter get her life together. Well Erin did not get her life together and Willow is her to stay. I had a great plan for my life and the farm when we moved here. Some things have come to be and other may still. My prioritys have changed a bit, Willow being my main concern. I wouldn't change a thing. Plans are good, but remember to enjoy what the universe sends you. It could be better than anything you ever imagined.