
Showing posts with the label summmer

I am still here :)

Sorry about the post of doom and running off like that. It's not all that bad, I have adjusted to the new program. To tell the truth I am kinda of looking forward to having a bit of free/alone time :P. We have been enjoying the last long days of summer, went to the county fair and saw my first ever demolition derby. Brian is thinking about getting a car and signing up next year. Willow was 5 on the fifteenth and we had a "neighborhood" party. School shopping and harvesting veggie from our garden have also been taking up alot of our time. I am still doing the markets on the weekends, so finding time to create has been high on the list of todos. I hope all of you are having a great August, we are :) As for my crafty $$$ for August I spent it on great home grown veggies at the markets. I have found some new favorites.

Summer Solstice

It is the time of Midsummer, the point between May Day and Lammas, when many modern Pagans celebrate the sun god in all his glory. Yet, as he shines brightly, we know that his light will begin to dim. The sunlight begins to give way to darkness until the winter solstice when he will rise again. In the northern hemisphere, the summer solstice is when the sun reaches it farthest point north of the celestial equator. This day has the greatest amount of time between sunrise and sunset making it the longest day and shortest night of the year. It falls around June 21st every year. In the southern hemisphere, the winter and summer solstices are reversed. Here is another link with a ton of information