
Showing posts with the label give away

Pick your favorite necklace

Butterfly Orchid 1 Butterfly Orchid 2 Butterfly Orchid 3 I am entering a design contest over on the Vintaj Natural Brass site, and I need your help with my entry. The theme is Butterfly Orchid , I made three necklaces that have that Butterfly Orchid theme. I need you to cast a vote for your favorite one. Votes will be accepted until Friday the 6th at 6pm cst. I will pick a winner from all of entries and that person will win a pair of handmade earrings. Post your votes in the comment section of this post please, with a valid e-mail address. Thanks for your help. This is the earrings you will win

Give Away -- Where the Wild Things Are DVD

This give away is a little different than my last ones. I am giving a way the DVD Where the Wild things are . It is the Blue Ray version with the DVD and Digital copy included. This DVD has been opened and watched once. It is still in new condition. You can enter to win this DVD by answering the question below in the comments. What is your all time favorite movie and why I will pick a winner the end of next week. Thanks for looking.

Bead Give Away Winner

    And the winner is The Prickly Pinecone said... It would have to be deep blue and turquoise. I am intrigued by the sea and those colors just have good memories! Thanks so much everyone that entered, I will be having another give away later this week.  

Last day to enter the give away

follow the link to see how to enter Bead Give Away

Don't forget to enter the bead give away

Bead Give Away you have till the end of the week to enter :)

Give Away -- Beads

I am heading off to the Madison Bead show in just a couple of mintues.  I had promised a give away yesterday but the day got away from me.  So here it is!!!!!!.  This is a small coin bead set that is perfect for earrrings.  They would work well in a bracelet also.  All you have to do to enter this give away is answer the question below in the comments.  I will pick a winner at the end of next week. What is your favorite color combination

Bead Give away, picked new winner

Well I never heard back from Steve.  He didn't have a good link to contact him so I had to pick another winner.  I use to pick the numbers for my give away. The new winner is #2 HopelesslyAddicted said... Hope your question motivates more of us to grow our own! I'm limited to containers for tomatoes and basil, but I do buy from local markets, they're great!

Last give away winner

Still hasn't contacted me with contact information.  Steve please contact me by Friday the 5th with your contact information. If the beads go unclaimed,  I will pick a new winner on Saturday the 6th.

The winner of the give away is Steve

I used the random number generator to pick, and the number is 4. Steve said... Our yard is so small but my son has a large container just for herbs......miss having a big yard and garden! Contact me so I can send you your beads.   Check back early next week  for a new give away.   Thanks everyone who enter!

Don't forget to enter the bead give away

Follow this this link to enter the bead give away

Give Away -- Beads

This is a give away for two lentil beads, perfect for a pendant focal or a bracelet.  18mm x 14mm in size. To enter all you need to do is answer the question below in the comments of this post.  Do you have a garden in  your yard or community plot that you grow fresh vegetables in?

Winner of the Bracelet is......... LadyNoble

I used the random number generator and the comment number picked was (12)  ladynoble said... girl, you know i recycle! i am to the point where i get almost mad that i feel so guilty about even thinking about throwing recyclables away! :) i sort and sort, and pile and stash all the recycling for two weeks, and then when the garbage men pick it up they just dump it all together in the same truck. despite all the work and anxiety it is so worth it, all i need now is one of those recycle t-shirts! p.s. as far as recycling "art" stuff, i am a firm believer in keeping all my creative scraps for future projects. Thanks so much for everyone that entered.  Look for another give away early next week.

Last day to enter the give away

You can enter the give away until 12am cst,  I will pick a winner tomorrow.  Good luck! Give away

New Give Away, Recycled Leather Bracelet

Here is the Give Away!!,  this is a Vintaj and recycled leather bracelet.  This bracelet with fit a 6 1/2 to 7 inch wrist but I can resize it if the winner needs another size.   I love to work with recycled items in my jewelry, this is just one of the items I have created.  All you need to do to enter this give away is answer this question in the comments Do you recycle ?

Give away Winner

I used the Random number gererator and the number picked was 16.  Congratulations d.j. d.j. said... My fave way to treat myself? Get my favorite mug full of steaming coffee (with the required 2 spoons of Cafe Vienna added, thankyouverymuch), sitting on the couch surrounded by my kids and hubby, watching HGTV, or a movie, or just 'being'. This makes me very happy.....and very thankful for all my blessings! I will contact you to get your information.  Thank you all of the 31 entrys :)  Check back later this week for another give away.

Last day to enter the give away

You can enter until midnight tonight cst,  I will pick the winner tomorrow.  give away

Bead Give away - Julsbeads

This is a link to a beady friend of mine who is having a beads give away Juls beads  go take a look :)

New Give Away 1/25/2010

This is a handmade Boro pendant on an 18" Vintaj Brass chain. This pictues doesn't show it, the pendant is hung from a large jump ring. To enter the give away all you have to do is answer this question in the comments of this post. What is your favorite way to treat yourself? Thanks and good luck

New give away tonight

I am in the process of restocking all of my jewelry at the stores that I consign in.  How wonderful to bring in fresh new product !!! I will have a new give away later today so check back to see what it is :)  Everyone is welcome to enter !

Winner of the Earrings

Thank you to everyone who entered my give away, I will have them regularly so check back soon.  I used the Random number generator to pick the winner,  the winner is post number 14. Michele P. said... I can think of plenty of thinks I don't like about but my favorite thing is to sit and watch the snowflakes falling gently to the ground while curled up by the window with a cup of hot cocoa. So relaxing, and so beautiful to watch. I will contact you to get your information and mail out your earrings.