Can you teach and old dog new tricks? Can someone who is stuck in their ways learn new things or learn how to do old things differently? How many stubborn people are out there who are stuck in a personal bubble and absolutely refuses to accept anything that is outside the bubble?
Sure its fine to stick to what works, but if there is another way that might work better then why not at least give it a go?
A big manifestation of this particular point you usually find in older people, because they have lived long. They say that they have tested whichever way and that their way of doing things is the best method and absolutely refuse to consider the fact that there might be another way that that they have not yet tried.
I am not there yet to that extreme, but I have found that with some things I become really stubborn with the belief that my way is the best way and more often than not I do not consider that I might be mistaken. For example: I am currently doing a specific set of core building exercises to support my back, I have been doing this for a while now and it works. The other day someone suggested I try other exercises and I went into the stubborn character and simply said no. I said that what I am doing now works fine and I do not need to try any other exercises.
When I Look at it now the only reason why I said that was because I did not consider that there might be another method that also works and the only way to find out for sure is by giving it a go. All it requires is letting go of that stubbornness and consider that fact that I do not know everything.
This can apply with allot we face in life. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Just because I know that what I am doing currently works doesn’t mean there is a more effective method. It is dangerous to be stuck in your own stubbornness, because then you will not ever expand yourself and always only know your own personal bubble.