Showing posts with label 50. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 50. Show all posts

fifty fun

i spent the day yesterday with pat & corey,it just happened to be my birthday!
it was a perfectly gorgeous fall,a little breezy,sunny and fresh.
corey started my day off with a wonderful,warm corey hug and smile at the backdoor of the shop.
then she gifted me with theeeee most fabulous "scarflet" that she knit and crocheted {it will be the perfect companion for me all winter and look smashing with that new boiled wool wrap!}i love it!
hannah came by to deliver my mail from home...a 5 inch high stack o' birthday greetings and a honey of a hug from her! XO's 2u h!
dear pat made a grand entrance with the BIGGEST bunch of fun balloons i have seen...imagine small scale macy's day parade...and the cutest teeniest [thank-you for that!] chocolat' birthday cake,she presented me with this "toy" that i have been longing for and the most beautiful bracelet!
i enjoyed a lovely,relaxing dinner with corey & pat at the vine on main.
when i got home i opened the gift that carol sent me,a box filled with all things completely desirable! a felted polka dotted pouch with a juicy $50 borders gift card inside,a very fun charm bracelet that will go rather nicely with the one pat gave me and as is carol's "special touch",two know..50? there was also a large moleskine watercolor pad in the box, how swwweet is that!
thanks,sweet most favorite gift though is you!

embracing 50....

.....almost as easy as embracing my new way cool
boiled wool coat {from: me to: me} and a deliciousenormous
honey crisp apple from tom! SWWEET!
it really is almost as big as my head!