Showing posts with label surfing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label surfing. Show all posts

what the ?!

"Join The Altered Page on Monday August 18th for the third edition of The Pulse: an artist survey. This month long (!) project will introduce you to new artists, help you get to know familiar faces even more, and allow you access into the creative hearts and minds of a very talented crew of individuals."

plan to pop over often,bookmark seth's blog the altered page
for a daily injection of fun and what for-beginning tomorrow
and for the next 30+ days!
over 80 artists have participated....i'm one!

see ya over there!


sweet friend catherine witherell
has bestowed this honor on me!
if you don't already know her and
her style of whimsically gorgeous
and other artful creations,
stop by and see what she is all about!

so i like catherines' thinking, to quote her:
" here are the instructions because now it is my turn
to do the awarding.i am not going to send it to people
i have already seen awarded.i am going to pass this on
to some new addresses so that we can share the love
and popularity."

the rules are:
. post the above logo to your blog.
. link to the blogger you received it from.
. award at least 7 blogs.
. link to those blogs.
. leave those 7 bloggers a comment about
receiving the brilliant premio!

each of these bloggers are genuinely kind,talented
and fun women...each possessing a sassy soul,deserving
of this award and many more!

thanks catherine!


turn down django for a minute{see over there,to your right...>
then flip through a good book and enjoy some catchy tunes!

per rag & bone
per shape & colour


it is saturday.earlyish.tom is still sleeping.i am being quiet.
since i cannot start rattling around my studio,i sit here surfing.
i stumbled upon a site called fun forever...a site that looks like
it is fully loaded with much to explore..
i have bookmarked it for future quiet times.
i found cara barer on fun forever,her photography is beautiful
and the two pictures here are just a small sampling of that which can
be enjoyed.

oh and abelardo morell is worthy of perusal!