Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts

meet my furry friends

lola,my co-worker at m.haley design

tony,second son o' mine

sippy "the world is hard,kitty is soft", source of entertainment and comfort.

just thought you should know :)

i have a fan

and a new obsession.....hipstamatic app for iphone
i have decided since i am a woman of few words (on my blog,that is) that i am going to document my days with images using this amazing device!

let me know what you think!

green thoughts

"in every winter's heart there is a quivering spring, and behind the veil of each night there is a smiling dawn." -kahlil gibran

"sometimes our fate resembles a fruit tree in winter. who would think that those branches would turn green again and blossom, but we hope it, we know it." - goethe

"a garden is a lovesome thing, God wot!
rose plot,
fringed pool,
ferned grot-
the veriest school
of peace; and yet the fool contends that God is not-
not God!? in gardens!? when the even is cool!?
nay, but i have a sign;
"tis very sure God walks in mine." - thomas edward brown

heart & soul.short & sweet

while getting to know my favorite new toy (borrowed from my friend,pat) and inspired to think outside the box by photojojo! the book (which i do not own just yet) i came up with an idea to frame a chosen photo...using the spent cartridge..sweet...i heart this idea and all who feed my crafty soul!

fresh from God

my new friend erin duggin is an amazing photographer,her specialities are love & life.
recently she used one of my little felted pins as an addition to a brand new fresh from God addition...see above ; ) and see here for more from this shoot!
thanks erin!

calling missouri explorers...

A Million Little Pictures: Documentary
What is it?
One thousand people from around the world will document their lives in 24 frames using a disposable camera. An exhibition will be held showing over 24,000 photographs.
Click here to read more.

Who should participate?

In a nutshell: you. We're looking for people with different cultures, ethnicities, geographic locations, and lifestyles. This is for anyone. You do not have to consider yourself an "artist" to participate.
Click here to participate.

An exhibition in my city? {i would love for this to come to my town,hence the title of this post!-denise}

We'll be organizing an exhibition at a gallery in the city that has the most participants.
Click here for more information on the exhibitions.

secret heart

a reflection of the pageant from the knitty couture window

"the secret is not in your hand or your eye or your voice, my aunt told me once. the secret is in your heart. of course, she said, knowing that doesn't make it any easier.-the story people

i have potent,fond memories of taking an old box,of which i chose carefully (as size was everything,it had to hold imagined loads of valentines!),gathering
tin foil,construction paper scraps,doilies & newspaper then spending hours designing and crafting that box to the nth degree.

love was so much simpler then.

urban nomad

this image was taken by
genz in Thailand using a Lomo LC-A.

"On the road.
And off the road.
In the air and on the sea.
Underground, round the block, over the hills, and far away.
Whether you’re traveling to the ends of the Earth or the end of the block, we want to see an analog photographic documentary of your comings and goings – and a lot of solid reasons for why the hell you left your doorstep in the first place."

hey! thanks to my friend fran for the head's up on this adventure!
so much fun and inspiration here,a great way to spend a rainy morning!

my little corner

shady lady

me and my shadow.
i have enjoyed angela's renditions,her shadow play.
so i had to play a bit myself,using the solar filter in pse
and saturating the colors just a hair,a fun exercise.


the roof at city museum {above photo d.lombardozzi,below photo david}

tom & i spent the day at the city museum a coupla days ago.
always a mind expanding experience,always something new to catch
your eye and tickle you electric pink.
the city museum {just one of the many grand destinations in st.louis}
is the happy,healthy,constantly growing baby of bob cassilly.
the latest installation is being tweeked for an opening sometime this month,
the roof at city museum promises to not disappoint,with its familiar teetering
school bus,giant insect and tons of st.louis architectural cast offs artfully engaged
high atop the jaw dropping building and playground below!
keep an eye on the progress here.

here is the rub,i took 172 photos on our trip there.soooooo i am going to share
a few with you here and there throughout the rest of this month,scattered about
and posted randomly,i hope that you will check in here to take a peek.
and if you are ever in my center of the universe,i hope that you will treat yourself
to a visit to this magical place!

just thought you should know!

beautiful boy

brody before....soooo much to love
brody after....still so doggone lovable

this is a shot of the precious pup on the
front stoop of rock paper scissors
taken with the holga and altered in
pse using my newest tools from

so much to learn,so little time in my day

que' sera' sera'
que' sera' sera'
whatever will be will be

the edge

God on the edge. look at that perfect scalloped edge.
God is in the details.i am so grateful for the small things.

just thought you should know.