Showing posts with label Melacca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melacca. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2011

Christmas Wedding dinner

There is a Christmas wedding dinner on exact day of Christmas, it is held in Melacca I don't know which restaurant but my family is planning to go day on that day. We may go in the morning then back at night after the wedding dinner.

This month I also went for wedding dinner held in a Hotel. I want to go domestic travel but having problem with the family car. There is many problem with the car, it is only being used for two year. It is brand new when we bought it.

Last month we have great vacation to go Port Dickson, it is fun to stay there for few days.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Where to eat in Melaka?

I was at Melacca for a day and I like to share with you where I have my lunch with my friends. There were four of us, and the meal only cost $69.80.

What we have ordered?
  1. Ayam Ponteh $9
  2. Kangkong $8
  3. Itik Tim $10
  4. Taufu Nyonya $7
  5. Sotong Kunyit $10
  1. Lime 2 glasses $3.60
  2. Orange $2.50
  3. Apple $2.50
  4. Cendol $6
Tibits $4
Towels four $1.20
Rice for four people $6

Total we spend $69.80

This is Restoran Nyonya Suan,
No. G12 & G14 Jalan PM3, Plaza Mahkota,
Bandar Hilir, 75000 Melacca.

Tel: 06: 286 4252

Monday, July 6, 2009

Seri Costa Melacca Hotel

Have I mentioned to you that last year, we went to Seri Costa Melacca Hotel to stay? You can browse the hotel using your Internet. I have got great deal through phone reservation, which saving me money!

The contact number for reservation is 606- 2816666. I remember booking an apartment for family of six!

The charges was RM$400 net inclusive of breakfast for six!

The period was 18 May check in and 20 May check out! I cannot promise you that you will be able to get the same deal as me. As I recall the day we check in the receptionist was rude and asking more than the price. I told her that I have made the reservation on the phone and was told that is the price. I think her superior was there and because they have promise me that rate on the phone.

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