Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

Monday, February 4, 2013

Missing girls found

The missing teenagers are found, the sisters went missing appreantly they didn't go to school. The school and their home just ten minutes away. The teenagers were found with the eldest sister's foreign boyfriend.

Being parent is not easy task, we need to look out for our childre. Get to know what's going on in their school and their life.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

How a child loses toe?

This is sad news that I read on the newspaper. A seven year old girl has lost her middle toe as the freak storm dislodges 25kg rock. The rock falls in her home and she was sitting in the living room.

I do not know whose stupid idea it is to put the big rock on the roof top. It was told that the rock was used as weight to hold down her neighbor's roof. It is lucky that the girl is alright but loses her toe.

Find the right lawyer for the accidents

I am sure you know that they are many website where you can find a lawyer or attorney. I think it is important to find the right lawyer or attorney for the accidents. Do you know what the most common cases are? I think everyone will know about the drunk driving.

About lawyer or attorney I am looking at this site with Massachusetts OUI Lawyer. Let's say if you have stopped by a police officer, if he asked if you have been drinking, what will you say? You are not required to answer the question you can politely tell him that I would like to speak with attorney before I answer any questions. If you like to know more you can check this site and read their FAQ's.

You can call them at 1.877.2.WINDUI as they are available 24/7. You can read more of the Rules of Road by clicking on the Know the Rules. I am sure not everyone know about the rules even myself is not very familiar about them at all.

If you have a case, you can check this site for BUILD IT NOW. You can receive a FREE case evaluation. The Law Offices of Edward Sharkansky telephone is 877-294-6384.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Batu Cave in Malaysia

Have anyone been to Batu Cave in Malaysia? My friends have go there and they told me that the stairs are quite scary. Personally, I am afraid of stairs and I have fall down from stairs many times when I was a kid.

Do you know that this Sunday is Thaipusam ? I hope to see more pictures of Thaipusam.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

War on dengue

Do you know what is dengue? They are many breeding grounds of mosquitoes. The amount of dengue and chikungunya cases in Selangor, Malaysia increase due to too many aedes mosquito breeding grounds.

Some of my friends are admited to hospital due to Denggi Fever. They stay in the hospital at least two weeks.

What I do is I put on lotion to prevent mosquitoes bite. But at night the mosquitoes still comes. Not sure where the mosquitoes come from even having the repellent it is not working.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Giant stingray

Like to share a news with you, this is a picture of a giant stringray. Wow, its the biggest I ever see! This is some luck for the 5 fisherman in Sarawak. How much weight it is? 100kg perhaps.

I was checking out wikipedia on how to spell this fish name. I remembered it killed Steve Irwin in September 4 in 2006.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Forgot about news

Yikes... its afternoon and I haven't read the paper yet. I am just tired and feeling sleepy. Just imagine you every night you only able to sleep around 2 am and chores to do.

I need someone to massage my neck and shoulder. A good massage will definitely make me less stress and relax. Even better if I get holiday to any where.

Shopping season has come but sad to say I only do window shopping for now. Buying a lot will just waste money unless its worthy.

Whoopp.... better go read newspaper now.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Can you???

This is a sad news but its true... you can read about living in the dump.

There must be away to clear up all the rubbish...
Can plastic bags be replaced to paper bags?

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