Showing posts with label gathering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gathering. Show all posts

Monday, July 1, 2013

August plan for vacation

We have got plan for this August, yeah heading to Thailand by bus. Oh well, we didn't get to book plane tickets because they are out of stock. Perhaps they have the business class but we cannot afford. It will be a bus trip for us, well a bus of families and relatives. Sad to say my parents in law and baby plus sister in law are not going.

It will be our first family trip, yeah can't wait it will be fun and adventure!

I have been told that Passport which expired in six months will not be allow to enter Thailand!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Night BBQ, next day Zoo Negara

Saturday night to cousin house for BBQ and then Sunday to Zoo Negara indeed a tired day but I am very happy. My son too happy to play with his cousins, he didn't study at home for Saturday because I was out in morning for yoga. I head to yoga and found Grace my friend.

There is another yoga on this 25 May, but I didn't call to join I think the spot is taken up! Anyway I inform cousin's wife about the yoga on this date. They can call them for register if they have interest to join. :D

It is an hour yoga but I sweat plenty. :D

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