Showing posts with label places. Show all posts
Showing posts with label places. Show all posts

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Didn't go

I was saying earlier post that I will be going to MATTA Fair, but I didn't go. There's no money and no joy of going there as everything need money for a start. Nevermind I can go again some other time.

It's not the right time and right moment yet. Everything has to be consider before making such decision. It would be fun for them that have extra cash on hand to travel. I know there's like credit card company which you could travel first than pay later. But I don't think there's wise decision to make for me.

Did you go MATTA Fair?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ipoh, Perak

I am thinking of Ipoh, Perak. I have not been there for many years and most of my friends are from there. Yeah a lot of them married too but sadly didn't attend any of their wedding dinner.

I like to go Super Kinta, Ocean, Yik Foong shopping mall not to forget Ipoh Parade as well. These are shopping places which I normally spend my time.

There's a lot of nice temple to visit. I have been to a few and it was so long ago, I don't think I know how to go there again.

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