Friday, January 25, 2008

Stay up all night

Have you ever stay up all night? No sleep at all for like 24 hours or more. Well I know some people can do it.

I did and well I am actually thinking about where to go for holiday. Yeah sound crazy... no money and just wanting to go here and there.

Perhaps this is my plain life stuck here! But I am not alone for sure.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Who needs a car?

Today I see that everyone has a car at home and some even having more than a car. Well, its great having a car but I don't like seeing too many on the road as that will caused the jam. I have a manual car which making my leg sprained because I need to keep step on the brake and you know.. the rest...

Going back from work and going to work is the same! The jam is still there, unless your work timing is different from everyone else.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Forgot about news

Yikes... its afternoon and I haven't read the paper yet. I am just tired and feeling sleepy. Just imagine you every night you only able to sleep around 2 am and chores to do.

I need someone to massage my neck and shoulder. A good massage will definitely make me less stress and relax. Even better if I get holiday to any where.

Shopping season has come but sad to say I only do window shopping for now. Buying a lot will just waste money unless its worthy.

Whoopp.... better go read newspaper now.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Can you???

This is a sad news but its true... you can read about living in the dump.

There must be away to clear up all the rubbish...
Can plastic bags be replaced to paper bags?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

First come first serve

This must be familar by you and everyone I am sure. Well, good things are up for grab but who ever first to grab will be the winner.

Not just about promotional products even human too like boyfriend or girlfriend. Yeah I have friend that said that they didn't realised about it until its too late.

Don't waste your time. Wake up!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

I have in mind

Okay what I have in mind is selling item online. Well I know some people don't like buying things online but not everybody like that.

So I have seen people using some blog to put up their item. This is great idea isn't it?

Other than that, they also have put a chatterbox in oo... really clever.

Hmm... what do you think?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Never complains

Do you know anyone that never complains? Do you think there's really people like that?

I don't know but I know I do complain sometimes.

Someone I know got fired for the job but still never say anything about the company at all.


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