Thursday, May 27, 2021

well, I've never found a photo of a human cannonball mounted to a truck until now, so I simply am compelled to post this... a mobile human cannon ball exhibition truck! 1934

On April 10, 1877, a 14-year-old girl called “Zazel” was the very first human cannonball, she was launched from a spring-loaded tube in London. She started a pretty fun exhibition tradition for circuses

The the 1920’s, the ingenious Ildebrando Zacchini invented a compressed air cannon, which increased the flight range, and the cannon blast noise was a sound effect produced by igniting half a cup of gunpowder as his son was being shot from the cannon. 

the world needs more happy kids on cool bikes, always has, always will. So, if you know a kid without a bike, see what you can do to give them one. Around the age of 7 is a pretty good time, and knee and elbow guards, and some gloves. Helmet? Yeah, probably.

sure does look great with the brass shined up!

hand drawn fishing map on the back of a railroad booklet

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

there might have been a SLIGHT miscalculation in the flight plan!

this 1969 L78 L89 Malibu two-door sport coupe, Daytona yellow, was found in Virginia this spring, but it has been parked since 1977,

Border Patrol at Otay Mesa (southern San Diego border crossing with Tijuana) seized close to 2,500 pounds of methamphetamine concealed in a shipment of medical supplies Saturday May 15 945 am

sequel to yesterdays thoughts on oil/gas vs electric

 after realizing that oil has recently had horribly disruptive events unlike anything any nightmare oil corporations ever conceiver could actually happen, and realizing that the future of fossil fuel production might not be smooth sailing as it has in the past.... resulting in the likelihood of electric vehicles, which are easily recharged by solar or hydroelectric sourced (environmentally green) electricity... I just read something that brought up the problems with electric vehicles.... 

they don't pay gas taxes to keep the govt funded roads maintained. 

So, it seems the idiotic mandates from California's moron hypocrite soon to be ex-governor to not allow internal combustion engine (ICE) powered cars to be sold until long after he's out of office, circa 2030, would begin the slow process of diminishing the gas tax revenue that ICE vehicles 

Last week, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee—the guy who, while running for president two years ago, proposed a nationwide ban on sales of gas-powered cars by 2030—vetoed a statewide ban on gas-powered car sales by 2030.

In the US, state and federal motor fuel taxes account for more than 40 percent of transportation funding—the largest revenue source. But the federal government hasn’t raised the gas tax since 1993, when it was fixed at 18.4 cents a gallon. Since 2008, Congress has allocated additional funds from elsewhere, but the situation is not sustainable: the Congressional Budget Office says that if the funding system doesn’t change by 2030 federal transportation funding will exceed its budget by $188 billion. At least 36 states have increased their fuel taxes since 2010 to bring in more money.

In the US, state and federal motor fuel taxes account for more than 40 percent of transportation funding—the largest revenue source. But the federal government hasn’t raised the gas tax since 1993, when it was fixed at 18.4 cents a gallon. Since 2008, Congress has allocated additional funds from elsewhere, but the situation is not sustainable: the Congressional Budget Office says that if the funding system doesn’t change by 2030 federal transportation funding will exceed its budget by $188 billion. At least 36 states have increased their fuel taxes since 2010 to bring in more money.

I'm guessing that they'll simply download the mileage each year when they want to determine how much to charge car owners to re-register, in addition to the registration fee, of course. 

Follow up, 10 hours later:

lol, there are some people out there who come up with the funniest lines for memes

cool design, I'm guessing it's a company logo and identifying number system

Peek a boo is not something you ever want your engine to play with pistons

Jerry Reed's tour bus broke down while on tour once, and so, when they couldn't figure out how to fix it, Jerry got on the CB and said "breaker breaker, one nine, this is the Snowman!" and in no time at all had a lot of truckers stopping by to see of they could help. How damn fun/cool is that!?!

 right at the 9 minute mark

sharp, but how much time on the job was wasted perfecting this trick?

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Two spans of the northbound I-35 to northbound US 183 bridge were destroyed on Saturday by a 6-year-old Leukemia survivor who got the opportunity to help TxDOT push the ceremonial button with the help of Make-A-Wish


I have been a fan of Jerry Reed for decades, but until now, hadn't heard of his ride in an F16

credit to for letting me know about this!

but then I only learned about Jerry and that semi truck race, 2 months ago

momentous events in oil and gas


last year the oil market went negative 35 dollars a barrel. 

this year a hacker group got ransomware into the billing dept of a pipeline company, resulting in that company shutting down 45% of the east coast fuel supply. 


Let me just toss out an idea, maybe hydrogen fuel cell, or electric cars might be the only predictable future car, as steam needs fuel too, but electric cars can be charged off a solar grid or hydro electric generator. 

that problem there is that batteries aren't perfected yet, they're still time or cycle limited, and made of rare metals. Well, the good ones are. The lead-acid ones aren't very good for commuting long term. 

So, I'll take a guess and speculate that the best choice for the vehicle of the future is a micro car that's either electric or hydrogen, or a motorcycle that's either electric or hydrogen

Just a thought

it's not crazy if it works, no matter how odd it looks, exhibit A. Hey, the bumble bee doesn't look like it ought to be able to fly either

$48,000 Blue Bird Wanderlodge No. 135, was ordered in 1968, by the executives of Stroehmann Brothers Pennsylvania Dutch Bakeries. Stock holders were shocked by its extravagance, and demanded it's immediate sale

Built to order number 135 featured a one-off twin dinette floor plan with twin rear beds and twin 60 gallon water tanks, refrigerator, stand-alone freezer, but was not fitted with a shower. Reportedly purchased at the cost of $48,000 in 1968. 

The Wanderlodge was listed for sale in 1969 and subsequently sold to its following enthusiastic owner who cherished and enjoyed the bus throughout the United States and Canada. Reportedly the bus pilgrimed to the Daytona 500 yearly between 1970 and 1999.

Monday, May 24, 2021

How she spotted the duck family I'bve no idea, but she did a great crossing guard job, on a 6 lane street it looks like, and that's kinda dangerous

video at

I love this photo, it's a good one to end the day on

see you all tomorrow

Why wouldn't you get the snow OFF the car so once you got in, you could drive off?

cool way to make your number stand out

I don't think I've seen or posted this before... but I probably did

clever name, but I wonder why they chose it instead of something a bit more positive

it weirds me out to see cars shaped like this

it sure would be cool to see some stock car racing from 1955-1970

Vesbot by Greg Olijnyk

Sunday, May 23, 2021

great photo, but surely this really shows how brave they are driving that fast, downhill, on gravel

Looks like the shape of the nose was changed to be more aerodynamic, but I could be wrong

gotta love a racing Nova

Buddy Baker told a story about Marty Robbins

He said Marty wasn't a front runner, but at Daytona one year when he and Buddy were driving in a race, he said Marty passed him like he was sitting still. Marty ran all the way up front and ran off from the rest of them. He backed off after a while.

 After the race they inspected Marty's car and he had pulled out the restrictor plate. they fined the heck out of him. Marty said to Buddy, "I just wanted to see what it felt like to outrun everybody.

love the 1969 Camaro look, except for the hubcaps

IIs that a 327 by her heel? or 307?

damn, this would have been a great banner if the photo had included the entire bike

this dog MUST be on some juice... roids, hgh, something damn strong!

that's a lot of trophys!

these guys had a bad day, with miles to go I suspect, and didn't know to air down their tires

imagine being rich enough in the late 60s to see this and go shopping for some engine parts

cool design

if you know to look for the signs, you can tell that there is trouble afoot... see that middle guy with the Peter Pan pose? and the other two at parade rest? I bet they were up to shenanigans with those camper trucks

yep, it's rare, but sometimes I post photos just to see if I can come up with a funny post title. I rarely do, some of you are a dozen times funnier I am, but I can't convince them to take over the blog so I can retire

there must have been some crazy cool type of forcefield around this bus, the earthquake of Oct 1962 struck down the garage and the bus didn't get a scratch on it