Showing posts with label cropfest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cropfest. Show all posts

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Packed and ready to go!

I just have my basic tools and adhesive to pack and then I'm off to bed!

I've been prepping page kits for the last two days, in preparation for some much anticipated productivity at CropFest in Barrie this weekend!  I have about 14 kits put together - I figure if I complete 5, I'm doing really well! :)

In honour of my ScrapFest peeps, here's a sneakie peek of a layout that will be coming out in the Summer 2013 issue of CS (I think?):

To all my creative friends, have a wonderful NSD weekend - and to the rest of you, enjoy your weekend, wherever you may be!!


P/S:  Don't forget about the other challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
Sketchy Challenge:  May 2013 (deadline:  May 31/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Embrace Change (deadline:  May 31/13)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Cough. Cough. Sneeze. Hack.

I'd like to publicly thank my two lovely, generous cherubs, for passing along their sickie germs who, despite my phobic hand washing, proved surprisingly resilient.

I've spent all morning in bed, trying to break the Guiness World Record for number of tissues used in a morning.  I think I may be close...

Of all weeks to be sick... Don't these germs know that it's CropFest this weekend??  Harrumph!  Hopefully, I'm back to work and right as rain tomorrow - because those bags aren't going to pack themselves!!  

Pass the OJ and garlic, please - It's not a Pity Party without them, you know...


P/S:  Don't forget about the challenges running on my blog for a chance to win:
Sketchy Challenge:  April 2013 (deadline:  Apr 30/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Embrace Change (deadline:  May 31/13)

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Free Font Friday: Nov 2

Well, I'm not off to a good start, considering it's Sunday?!

But I do have a plausible excuse reason... I was at CropFest 2012 in Cambridge!!! I had a wonderful weekend away, scrapping with some old friends (Jennifer, Christa, Ann and Leanne), newly made friends (Nancy, Lyn and Sandra) and hanging with my wonderful ScrapFest girls!  There were many laughs, some SPAM and a kidnapping but so many great memories made!  I'll share more on that later in the week...

But as promised, here is another favourite font of mine:

This font was made, based on the handprinting of my friend, Sarah Nolan.  It's the perfect font for journaling, if you are shy about using your own handwriting on your layouts, or if you need to fit a lot of information in a little space.  Isn't it adorable?!?

Just like Sarah...♥ :)


P/S:  Don't forget about the following challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
It's a Sketchy Challenge (deadline:  Nov 30/12)
Leave Your Legacy (deadline:  Nov 30/12)
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