I've been prepping page kits for the last two days, in preparation for some much anticipated productivity at CropFest in Barrie this weekend! I have about 14 kits put together - I figure if I complete 5, I'm doing really well! :)
In honour of my ScrapFest peeps, here's a sneakie peek of a layout that will be coming out in the Summer 2013 issue of CS (I think?):
To all my creative friends, have a wonderful NSD weekend - and to the rest of you, enjoy your weekend, wherever you may be!!
P/S: Don't forget about the other challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
Sketchy Challenge: May 2013 (deadline: May 31/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Embrace Change (deadline: May 31/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Embrace Change (deadline: May 31/13)