Showing posts with label father's day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label father's day. Show all posts

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

to my "big" kid!

On behalf of our chidren, I want to say....

Thanks for being Kind Dad - offering sympathy or empathy as needed. 
Thanks for being Loving Dad - doling out kisses and hugs generously
Thanks for being Encouraging Dad - showing them that they can do whatever they set their mind on.
Thanks for being Strict Dad - setting fair rules and enforcing them when I need backup.
Thanks for being Roughhousing Dad - wrestling and tickle fights are more your thing than mine.
Thanks for being Techno Dad - with all the coolest toys and gadgets.
Thanks for being Musician Dad - instilling within them a love of music in all genres.
Thanks for being Experiment Dad - willing to try new ideas and encouraging them to think outside the box.
Thanks for being Silly Dad - corny jokes withstanding, of course...

Thanks for being YOU.

Wishing you a wonderful Father's Day - Love you lots, 
S, C & A

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Playing catch up...


It's been a crazy summer around here! A lot of changes, both business-wise and personally - everything from birthdays to soccer to major haircuts to business decisions! It's been so hard to keep up blogging with all of these changes, but I have, of course, documented almost everything in photos - one of the advantages of being a professional photographer... it never really "turns off"!

Rather than bombard my loyal readers (whom I thank for sticking around...despite the dry spells!), I will attempt to fill you in on our summer over the next few days...

Let's start with June:

Connor and Aili graduated from Grade 4 and Jr. Kindergarten, respectively. They were both blessed to have great teachers and we're looking forward to meeting their new teachers on Tuesday!

Connor played soccer again this year. Gary got roped into coached and despite his best efforts, they did not place well. But I'd like to think that they all had fun along the way! Here's my handsome guy in his soccer kit, just after his game - don't you love the rosy cheeks?? - Connor, 2009.06.11

In sorting through our summer photos, I found a bunch of miscellaneous shots that Gary took of he and Aili one night - she looks a bit goofy, but I love this photo of my sweetie! *smooch*

- Aili & Gary, 2009.06.14
We spent Father's Day out in Leamington at Liz & Gino's place - with the icky weather we've been having, the water was COLD but it didn't stop our two little fish from jumping right in!
This photo of Connor sorta freaks me out... he has a habit of just snapping on his goggles and it sometimes weirds out his eyes! LOL!
- Connor & Aili, 2009.06.21
Of course, they weren't the only crazies that braved the cold water... my nephews also jumped in! They're so great with our kids - you can see how much fun they have with their cousins! Connor teamed up with my youngest nephew, Chris, for Round 1:
- Connor & Chris, 2009.06.21
They're both quite competitive, but as you can see, Aili and Cory, or rather just Aili, wasn't having none of it!
Down they went, but she came up both sputtering and laughing!

In Round 2, they fared much better, even through Connor spared no punches:
To be quite honest, I don't think the older boys were any gentler! LOL!
But fun was had by all... even the loony spectators:
Hey!! Wait a second... I resemble that remark!
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