[source | artwork by mike giant]
I have been sorting through my goodies-to-giveaway boxes and while I know I've been remiss in sending out some RAKs in a timely fashion (sorry, Rebecca!), I've just realized that there are still several people who have not yet contacted me for their prizes.
Either that, or I've completely lost my marbles and missed your email!
So if you are listed below, PLEASE sent your mailing address to me at sue {at} canadianscrapbooker {dot} ca before September 30th, 2013.
May 2013 Sketchy Challenge winner | Karla Yungwirth
1,000th Blog Post draw winner | Alison Day
July 2013 Sketchy Challenge winner | Karen Frobisher
July 2013 Sketchy Challenge winner | Karen Frobisher
If I do not receive an email from you by the deadline, I will post new winners on or around Oct 1st!
P/S: Don't forget about the other challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
Leave Your Legacy: Top Ten Lists (deadline: Nov 30, 2013)