Showing posts with label videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label videos. Show all posts

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Inspiration Elevator | Challenge 16

You may recall that the purpose of this challenge group is to take our scrapbooking to the next level, to stretch our creative process and to grow as artists by embracing challenges that make us think, work and grow. You can view all of the challenges our new Inspiration Elevator Blog, here.  My individual challenges are found on my blog here.

This month, the very creatively-minded Christa issued the challenge and here's what she wrote:
Part of growth is learning new techniques. And I do mean NEW. Sometimes we are afraid to try something or get in a rut..but for the August reveal I am asking that you find a technique WITH a video and include the link in your post. Learn something new. Share where you learned it and then share what you learned and your creation. I hope this is challenging for might take some time to think about! 
You do not need to make your OWN video just share the one you used to create your technique. If possible, be sure to get permission from the maker of that video so we can be respectful! 
Pinterest has some great videos.
When I first read Christa's challenge, I thought that we needed to find a technique and create our own video!

I'll be honest - I silently cursed her a little bit. :) Thankfully, Ann was kind enough to point out my misunderstanding in time - and Christa clarified by adding the second paragraph! :)

I knew exactly which tutorial I wanted to use.  I had seen a video by Sara Sandberg on YouTube a month or so ago, and was intrigued.  Plus it was super easy and something the kids could do, too!  I've embedded it below, but on the off chance that it doesn't work, you can click HERE to watch it.

I used this tutorial to create the background for my card:

Supplies used:  Bazzill cardstock and brads; Spectrum Noir re-inkers (TN2, GB7, GB9, EB4, EB3); Crafter's Companion stamp (Angelica & Friends Collection - Florence); Spectrum Noir markers (see below for colour palette); Staples transparency; Spellbinders die.

Colour Palette
Wings:  EB1, IG1, IG2
Hair:  EB2, EB6, BG8, BG10
Skin:  FS2, FS3, FS9, CR3
Dress/shoes:  GB3, GB6, GB7
Grass:  CG1, CG2, CG3
Present:  LG2, LG3, LG5, DR1
Flowers:  DR4
Shading:  IG1, blender

I know it's a pretty simple card, but I wanted the technique to shine!  I love how unique this background paper is, and because they are alcohol inks, they dry quickly so there's no downtime, waiting for it to dry!  I used the colours I had on hand but I love that created almost a tortoise-shell look!!  I am anxious to try it with other colours now...

Thanks, Christa, for the push to try something new!  I hope you will stop by and see what new techniques the rest of the incredible Inspiration Elevator designers have learned:
If you feel inspired to play along with Christa's challenge this month, please share it using the linky tool on our Inspiration Elevator blog and/or our Inspiration Elevator Facebook page. We'd LOVE to see what you create!


P/S:  Don't forget about the challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
August 2013 Sketchy Challenge (deadline:  Aug 31/13)
Leave Your Legacy: Pet Peeves (deadline:  Aug 31/13)

Monday, November 05, 2012

Meaningful Mashup Mondays: Nov 5

Just like my Meaningful Monday post on Sept 3, I'm going to share another MashUp that I love!

I discovered DJ Earworm through my hubby, Gary when he shared this video with me in 2009.  He takes all of the popular songs throughout the year and make a fantastic song, by using bits and pieces of each song!

Funnily enough, I don't follow DJ Earworm at any other time during the year, but at the end of the year, I always wait for his mashup of the year with anticipation.  Can't wait to hear 2012's!

As  a side note, I just read on his blog that he was asked to create several mashups for the 2012 Olympics in London this year - you can hear them on his website!


P/S:  Don't forget about the following challenges on my blog for a chance to win:
It's a Sketchy Challenge (deadline:  Nov 30/12)
Leave Your Legacy (deadline:  Nov 30/12)

Friday, June 15, 2012

Just Can't Get Enough

of this song!!!

I've been a fan of Karmin (or Amy and Nick, as I like to call them...) since Gary first introduced me to this cover of Gaga's Born This Way.  He admitted to having a huge crush on Amy...

I guess I won't bore him with the details of my hot mess of a crush on Nick, then...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Scented Embossing Powder Video Tutorial

Today, my very first video tutorial revealed on the myStamp BOX blog!

It's actually a first on two counts - my first video tutorial AND the first video tutorial that has been featured on the myStamp BOX blog!  It's on creating scented embossing powders - perfect for adding a fun "scratch & sniff" element on your projects!

It was actually pretty fun - despite the fact that I sound kinda dorky! :)  Big props to my hubby - he used to have his own videography business so he knows all about great angles and editing and continuity, etc.  Plus, he edited the whole thing together, once I had made the title graphics in Photoshop!

You can see my video here on the myStamp BOX blog, or on YouTube, under my username, sugarskyes. Here's the card I made, using the tutorial's finished product:

Supplies used:  Bazzill Basics cardstock; The Girls Paperie patterned paper and letter stickers, Martha Stewart Crafts border/corner punch; scented embossing powder (see above for link); Glue Dots; Maya Road trinket pin, miscellaneous ribbon.

Thanks for watching my video - and I'd love to hear your ideas on other video tutorials you'd like to see... maybe some photography ones??

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Webisode #17 > Metallic Transparency

** If you are here for the WeScrap blog hop, please click HERE!! **

I love that Canadian Scrapbooker is doing these videos - what a great bonus to an already great magazine!

Yes, I'm biased - why do you ask? :)

But even if I didn't write for them, I'd still love them - so informative and fun... it's perfect for my little "Jackie" fix when I need it!  She always makes me smile!

So click HERE for a link to Webisode #17 and join her as she walks you through creating metallic transparencies to use for your cards and other projects!

And not only do you get to learn something new, but if you leave a comment, you'll also get a chance to win this great prize, consisting of all the goodies used in the video:

You can read more details here on Jackie's blog, and feel free to leave her a comment, commending her on her great video, but to be eligible for the prize, you MUST leave a comment on the video page.  It's easy - just click the pinkish-orange Comments button to the right of the video and leave your comment!!

Good luck - and enjoy!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Webisode #16 - and a chance to win!

Canadian Scrapbooker has another Webisode up - this time, we're learning how to make some beautiful gauze flowers!

You can check out the video on their website here.

Be sure to leave a comment before midnight on Sunday, March 27th, 2011 for a chance to win this great prize pack from Quick Quotes:

Make sure you leave the comment on the video page, in order to be eligible for the prize!

Good luck to all!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Seal Meet #4: Wallaceburg - 2010.01.23

Gary and Connor headed to Wallaceburg this past Sunday for another Seal meet - he needs 4 Seal meets to qualify for the Seal Championships in April.

Via BBM (Blackberry Messenger, for you un-Berries), Gary kept me updated of Connor's progress - he did so well!  Final counts were a gold, four silver and a seventh place finish!  This pool was 25 yard pool, as opposed to a 25 meter short course (SC) pool, so it's hard to compare his times to other races, but they're still very good times for him - he bettered all of his times from other 25 yard pool meets!! Here are his times:

10-11 100m IM: 1:28.26 - placed 1st
10-11 50m Fly: 44.29s - placed 2nd
10-11 50m Back: 41.82s - placed 2nd
10-11 50m Breast: 52.15s - placed 7th
10-11 100m Free: 1:19.55 - placed 2nd
11 & Under 200m Free Relay team: 2:16.10 - placed 2nd

In a sort-of, but-not-really related topic, we watched America's Funniest Videos on Sunday and this video gave me the giggles:

Hee hee - is that not adorable!?

Check back tomorrow, when I will share my CP4U project for Challenge #50... but until then, here's a little sneak peek:

Friday, September 24, 2010

Pure Gaga genius

I came across this video on Facebook and had to share:

Aren't they good??  I particularly like the mash-up of the different Gaga songs... :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Webisode #8 is LIVE!

Check out Canadian Scrapbooker's 8th webisode in the series, where Jackie takes you through the steps of creating a great interactive element, designed by Cheryl Jackson from Bizzy B's

Check out Leica's great layout at the end that incorporates the flip element.

Click HERE to view!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Webisode #7 is LIVE!!

Check out Canadian Scrapbooker's 7th webisode in the series, where Jackie takes you through the steps of creating from a kit.  In this video, she uses a fabulous kit from my fellow CS teammate Christy Riopel's kit company, Monday Night Class.

Click HERE to view!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Webisode #6 is live!

Join Jackie as she reviews some of the storage options available and creates this adorable storage unit by KaiserCraft!

Click HERE to watch today!

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Webisode #5: Stencil It!

Webisode #5 is now live!

Be sure to check it out HERE for a quick and fun way to use templates to jazz up your layouts!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Webisode #4: Scrap A Card

Webisode #4 is now live!!
Be sure to check it out HERE for a quick and fun way to use your scraps of patterned papers!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Talk about protection!

Thanks to Tara Whitney via Twitter for pointing out Jenny Jiminez to me!  Not only does she have mad photography skillz but she also posted an interesting tip on vimeo:

trade secrets with jenny jimenez: episode #1 from Patrick Richardson Wright on Vimeo.

This made me crack right up - but what a great tip!  I especially love the part when she says no one will ever steal your camera filter! :)

Thanks for watching - and don't forget to leave me a tip on my previous post HERE to help me pack (Nope, still haven't started!) and you'll be entered into a random draw for a RAK!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Power of Advertising

I came across this video by Bill Leavens on Facebook a few days ago, via one of my friends, Carla.

It is one of the most powerful advertisements that I have seen in a long time - it literally moved me to tears.  We have always worn our seatbelts - in fact, I feel "naked" if I put the car into gear without it on, as if I'm forgetting something.

If you don't wear your seatbelt, maybe this video will move to you to do the right thing.  If you don't do it for yourself, do it for those that love you.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

WooT!! WooT!!

Can I get a shout out for my little man???

He started on a local competitive swim team in September. He's always loved the water, but after Michael Phelps' Olympic golds, he's been determined to be at the 2016 Olympics! In fact, he's already warned us to start saving our money so we will have enough money to come and cheer him on!

I was happy that we had finally found a sport that he loved and at which he excelled. Don't get me wrong, he's a great soccer player, but he also has a very competitive streak in him and we have found that he becomes frustrated when he plays team sports, having to rely on others to help him win! For many of his games last summer, he would be running all over the field, because his team members were not participating with the same vigor! LOL!

Enter swimming. Right from the start, he took to it like, well, like a fish to water! Okay, forgive me for the cheesy pun... But he loved that he and only he was responsible for whether he won or not. It's a sport that is great for his competitive streak, because I can see him pushing himself when he's behind. Of course, on that same token, it also sometimes clouds his concentration when he can only think about beating someone else, instead of perfecting his strokes! But that will come with time...

This week, we received some good news on Monday's practice - they moved Connor up another level! This makes two levels since he started in September! He's very proud and excited because at this level, he will begin to participate in swim meets!

Of course, I teased him that it was because he was just swimming faster, now that he had lost about 10 lbs of hair! :D

Here's a little video of one of his prior practices - you can see how he keeps checking his opponents... we have to work on that!

Oh, and please overlook the long hair NOT tucked into the swim cap but left to flow unheeded down his back... this is what happens when his mother does not attend a practice... *roll eyes*

Connor Early Swim Video from grayskyes on Vimeo

Thanks for watching - Olympics 2012, here we come! :)
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