Showing posts with label Liber-TEA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liber-TEA. Show all posts

Friday, July 29, 2011

My Debt Ceiling Spleen Vent

First, I agree that we are completely being played. We've never had any chance at this...Boehner thought he could play Henry Clay and become known as the great compromiser. Understandable when you consider his formative political years where watching Tip O'Neill and Reagan and trying to replay their model for breaking partisan gridlock. Problem is, I don't think Tip O'Neill...while certainly a Democrat with a capital "D"... was ever an anti-American Socialist Marxist agitator.

Cut, Cap & Balance was passed and tabled as soon as it got to the Senate.

D.O.A. (Dead On Arrival)

And likewise, ANYTHING that comes out of the Republican controlled house is D.O.A.

What shocks me is why the Tea Party doesn't understand that. Anything that Boehner and the Republican-held House does is D.O.A. Anything. Period. So both sides are making a huge mistake. Boehner thinks he can deal with a bunch of reasonable Democrats. He's wrong. And the Tea Party thinks it has any influence in what actually happens in this debt ceiling debate--the President and the Dem controlled Senate will eventually do exactly what they want to do. Obamacare Episode II.

If anything, I think our side shouldn't even be uttering the word Boehner or plan. We should be doubling down our messaging--Repeat over and over that the Dems will do whatever they want because they hold 2 branches of government. Repeat all the bad things that will happen as a result of their spending spree. Repeat how important it will be in 2012 to make sure the Dems DO NOT get 2 branches of government ever again because we see what they do with that spending power. Then take back congress and pass cut, cap and balance. Democrate Power = You Are Poorer. I mean how hard is it to come up with a slogan like that and then repeat ad nauseum like the Dems do?

But instead, we attack Boehner, split our team right down the middle, and the Left will do exactly what they would have down all along--Never let a crisis go to waste and probably allow Obama to invoke the 14th Amendment for yet another stunning executive power grab. And then what? The tea party can say how right they were about Boehner not being 100% pure in principle. Boy, that's going to feel like a win for the Tea Party.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Mr. Boehner, Your First Test. Oh Hell No.

Message to Mr. Boehner

Don't even think about making Fred Upton chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. In 2007 Upton, together with Jane Harman (D-CA) sponsored a bill to phase out the 100 watt incandescent light bulb by 2012, closing lightbulb plants across the nation and forcing us to buy bulbs that are full of mercury, only manufactured in China and cause headaches and eye problems.

Oh hell no.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

Favorite Sign

Favorite TEA Party sign found over at Proof Positive...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Time to Unleash the Ghosts of Sons of Liberty Past

I don't condone any type of violence or destructive activity in any way, however I am all about civil disobedience and figurative messages being sent so here's the plan... The beauty of this plan is that it can build momentum with time if enough people participate.


1-THE POWER OF THE LOUD BOoooooooo!!! Members of Congress have to be seen in public, they have to walk through airports, they have to attend parades and yes, even town hall meetings. They live in rich neighborhoods and are seen out and about. So, show up and just booo. Boooo long and loud. Are you a patriot loving press person? Go ahead and boo them during that live TV broadcast if you dare or tip off your friends to the press event and have them show up and boo. Nothing makes an elected official more uncomfortable than being boo'ed during a live press event. We still have free speech rights...

2-TURN YOUR BACK--Again members of Congress are people who have responsibilities that require them to attend parades, visit constituent town hall meetings and appear during speeches. During that parade, stand up and turn to your back to them. Better yet, is the local Democratic party going to have a float in this year's Memorial Day parade or July 4th event? That's right...line the parade route with people who are all standing with their backs turned. Do you think you recognize Pelosi walking through the halls of Congress or hurrying to her sweet ride...that's right, turn your back. Again, no elected leader wants there to be footage of an entire parade route lined with people standing with their backs to them.

3-FLY YOUR U.S. FLAG OR FLAG STICKER UPSIDE-DOWN. It's the universal signal of distress. Our debt load alone and the loss of our AAA bond rating is enough to cause concern.

4-DON'T BUY LIBERAL-Take what little is left of your income and refuse to spend it on products that go to support liberal businesses, companies, corporation, or organizations. If in doubt go without. We all need to be buying gold anyway.

5-GO GALT-Go Galt if you can. Do you work for a company that demands you take politically correct classes or discriminates against you an any way due to your political views or the fact your a white male? Leave! Leave now! Talk to conservative friends or your church, go into business for yourself. This goes for kids too! Homeschool or enroll them in a private more conservative school. Unless you want mindless Obama-zombies...get them out of public school!


7-DOES YOUR CHILD ATTEND A LIBERAL UNIVERSITY? Stop paying for their education and stop donating to the University. What if every conservative person in the U.S. just stopped paying for large ticket university education. If Nathaniel Green could learn the art of war via books and Abraham Lincoln could learn to read via his bible...then really ask yourself if the tuition is really worth it.

8-DO NOT USE A LAWYER! Most lawyers are corrupt and liberal. Initiate a Congressional Inquiry if the matter relates to a federal agency or state agency. It's free! Or make sure you know the lawyer's political views if you have to pay to be represented.

9-REFUSE TO PURCHASE UNION BACKED PRODUCTS. I know this is a hard one, but what are you a sunshine patriot? Do you want to wake up in Venezuela? We're almost there. If in doubt, go without. Buy only from people you know and trust.

Go ahead and add your own creative, not violent or destructive! Nothing destructive will be posted.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Condolences to Keith Olberman...

"Penetrating analysis from MSNBC's Keith Olbermann:

'In Scott Brown we have an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, teabagging supporter of violence against woman.'

That's certainly why I'm supporting him. But who knew there were so many of us?" ~Mark Steyn

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

If 7,000 to 15,000 attend a rally against cap&trade and the media doesn't cover it, does it make a sound?

You didn't know there was a rally for coal and against cap and trade in Knott County, Kentucky that had anywhere from 7,000 to 15,000 estimated attendees? I'm really surprised you didn't hear about this on the news.
As one attendee reported,
"It was a fabulous turnout.Thousands were there...Not to mention the truck drivers,and other businesses who supply products for the coal industry.I don't think I have ever saw as many people in one location before.It was great."