Showing posts with label Team Proof. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Team Proof. Show all posts

Saturday, September 22, 2012

U S Flag Primes Voters Towards Republican Viewpoint

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Just a glimpse at the American flag can sway voters, even Democrats, toward more Republican voting behavior, attitudes and beliefs, a new two-year study says.

The authors, from the University of Chicago, Cornell University and Hebrew University, say the research proves the American flag has a powerful effect on voters.

"A single exposure to an American flag resulted in a significant increase in participants' Republican voting intentions, voting behavior, political beliefs, and implicit and explicit attitudes, with some effects lasting eight months," reads the study titled, "Long-Term Effects of U.S. Flag Exposure on Republicanism."

Can't say for certain that it's true, but it never hurts to display the symbol of our great country on every suitable occasion.

Cross posted at Proof Positive

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mr. Obama's Neighborhood

By Proof

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I miss Fred Rogers. His evident kindness and gentleness were a quiet reassurance to his audience that everything was going to be okay. There was always some small object lesson whenever the little trolley took us to the Land of Make Believe. Today, I think the heir apparent to Mr. Rogers is...Barack Obama!

Mr. Obama has constructed quite a neighborhood of make believe, taking credit for military actions he either opposed or sought to defund, claiming to have cut spending while increasing our deficit spending by trillions of dollars, obstructing oil exploration and production on federally controlled land while claiming credit for increased oil production that was beyond his control, avoiding our allies while funding their enemies, helping to overthrow other allies with little clue as to what or who would replace them... The list goes on and on.

I thought of this comparison when I thought back to the phony, Styrofoam Greek columns of the 2008 Democrat convention. It reminded me, just a little bit, of the crenelated towers of King Friday's castle, and every bit as substantive. Also, Mr. Obama's Imaginary Gravitas world tour in 2008, where he famously went to 10 Downing Street, not to visit the English Prime Minister in his home, but to merely stand in front of his house and make a speech! Appearance is everything, don'tcha know?

The trolley would need to be renamed "Folly", as only folly would take you to revisit Mr. Obama's Land of Make Believe. Mr. Obama attempts to reassure us with that gentle voice, as he changes into his "comfortable shoes" (the ones he said he would use to march with striking union members. Hm. Must have misplaced those shoes somewhere in Chicago!), and pull on his sweater, which we all need now, since Obama bankrupted the coal industry and raised the cost of energy to heat our homes this winter!

All our old favorites would be there. Bill Clinton as "Mr. McFeely". (No. Seriously!) Either Michelle or Hillary could do Lady Elaine Fairchilde. Debbie Wasserman Schultz could do Harriet Elizabeth Cow. Joe Biden as Prince Tuesday, and, in a bit of casting genius, Eric Holder as Malcolm X the Owl.

In Obama's Neighborhood of Make Believe, Mr. Obama is a fiscally responsible, bold and decisive leader, who will lead us into a world that loves us, unlike the one that cowboy Bush was responsible for. Just ignore the demonstrations where they burn Obama in effigy, throw shoes at his picture and invade American embassies with impunity. More importantly (to him) Mr. Obama also stands to do battle with the Republicans in their War on Women, bolstered by such stalwart defenders of womenhood such as Teddy Kennedy and Bill Clinton...if he can ever drag himself away from the golf course!

Oh, and the lesson that can be learned today in our little trip to Mr. Obama's Neighborhood of Make Believe?

We'd better vote for Mitt Romney this November!

I'm Fred Rogers, and I approve this message!*

*If you believe that, you may be so far into the land of make believe, that there is no return!

Cross posted at Proof Positive

Saturday, August 4, 2012

#Occupy Chick-Fil-A

By Proof

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I have been pretty quiet on the Chick-Fil-A kerfluffle of late, other than a few timely and somewhat barbed tweets. Mostly because it had been given so much coverage by virtually everyone outside the MSM, I felt there was little more that needed saying. Other than perhaps this:

Reading my dead tree paper this AM, I stumbled across an AP story on some of the folks protesting Chick-Fil-A.

BOSTON (AP) —About a dozen members of Boston-area gay rights groups staged a kiss-in at the food court at the Burlington mall Friday.

"About a dozen". Let me call upon the expertise of my readers: You've probably gone into a fast food restaurant around lunchtime, at least once in your life, if there were a dozen people ahead of you in line, about how long would it take you to get served? Twenty minutes? Half an hour??

I was down in Fresno on Chick-Fil-A appreciation day, and the radio reports there were of people standing in line for hours in one hundred plus degree heat, to buy a chicken sandwich. (Or whatever else they had before they ran out of food!) There were reports of neighboring businesses and Good Samaritans handing out bottles of water freely to the people standing in line so they wouldn't get heat stroke.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

On Liberty...

Liberty is the one pre-existing condition that Obamacare doesn't cover.

Monday, January 30, 2012

What Makes Us Human?

By Proof

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Did Descartes have it right? “I think, therefore, I am”? Or maybe Twain’s observation that “humans are the only creatures who blush…or need to”? Fairy tales and speculative fiction are awash with the theme, of what it means to be truly human. Wooden Pinocchio wants to be a real boy. Silicone and steel android Data longs to know what it is to be human, despite the irony that the longing is itself a human emotion. He is curious about what it means to be curious. Curiouser and curiouser! Strange visitors from another planet are raised by humans to embrace a code of decency and honor. Others come and fall in love... does love make us human?

And what of those who, became somehow more than human? Radioactive spider bites, bombardment with gamma radiation, mutations of the human genome…at what point can it be said that a human transcends humanity and becomes homo superior?

Now imagine having those philosophical musings, discussing and arguing the respective points over the course of ten years. College boy conundrums? Speculation at a seminary? Meditations at a monastery?
No. A discussion about...the level of taxes

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

"U.S. Flag 'Primes' Voters Toward Republican Viewpoints"

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Just a glimpse at the American flag can sway voters, even Democrats, toward more Republican voting behavior, attitudes and beliefs, a new two-year study says.

The authors, from the University of Chicago, Cornell University and Hebrew University, say the research proves the American flag has a powerful effect on voters.

"A single exposure to an American flag resulted in a significant increase in participants' Republican voting intentions, voting behavior, political beliefs, and implicit and explicit attitudes, with some effects lasting eight months," reads the study titled, "Long-Term Effects of U.S. Flag Exposure on Republicanism."

Can't say for certain that it's true, but it never hurts to display the symbol of our great country on every suitable occasion.

I've placed a small flag at the top of the sidebar. Let's turn the Internet red white and blue between now and election day.

Cross posted at Proof Positive

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Gallon of Gas for a Dime? That's Nothing!

By Proof

Remember when Ron Paul tried to make a big to do in one of the debates, about being able to buy a gallon of gas for a dime? That's nothing! Well, if you'd taken that dime in 1938 and bought a dime's worth of gas, today it would be a varnish deposit on the bottom of your gas can. Here's what a wise investment of a dime would have brought you:

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Action Comics No. 1 sells for record $2.16m

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Eagle Stands Watch in Veteran's Cemetary

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This eagle was photographed atop a WWII vet's headstone at Fort Snelling National Cemetery in Minneapolis, MN.

The story can be found here: Saberpoint

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

#OccupyAnarchy: What Lawlessness Breeds

By Proof

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Wall Street protesters in Zuccotti Park battened down the hatches yesterday as the early October snow turned their tents into igloos, but the close quarters also made easy pickings for one predator. A sex fiend barged into a woman’s tent and sexually assaulted her at around 6 a.m., said protesters, who chased him from the park.

“Pervert! Pervert! Get the f--k out!” said vigilante Occupiers, who never bothered to call the cops. “They were shining flashlights in his face and yelling at him to leave,” said a woman who called herself Leslie, but refused to give her real name.

She said that weeks earlier another woman was raped. “We don’t tell anyone,” she said. “We handle it internally. I said too much already.”

With all the free loaders, free lovers, free Mumia's, free lunchers and free thinkers populating the OccupyAnarchy movement, which many on the Left hope to be the anti-Tea Party, one gets the impression that one thing the ReOccupyTheWhiteHouse movement doesn't need is more bad press, so there seems to be a conscious effort to keep these kinds of attacks quiet and sweep them under a rug.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Warning: This Campaign May be Toxic to Your Political Health

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Earlier this month, Claire McCaskill (D- Not the Sharpest Knife in the Drawer), disappeared with "prior commitments" (like getting re-elected) when Obama came to visit St. Louis. In Virginia and North Carolina, Democrats like Tim Kaine,former Democratic National Committee chairman and governor, Democratic state Sen. Phil Puckett, were running away as well.

In September, Democratic state Sen. Phil Puckett distanced himself from Obama after his Republican challenger started calling him "Obama's man in southwest Virginia". In southwest Virginia, House Minority Leader Ward Armstrong is having a tough political fight. One of his solutions? Stay away from Barack Obama,.

Sometimes, in politics, they talk about a politician's "coattails", how a lesser candidate can be carried into office by virtue of the fact that the top of the ticket was strong enough to draw votes for other members of the same party. More rarely, they talk about "reverse coattails", where a poor candidate drags others in his party to defeat.

Democrat politicians fear Barack's coattails in 2012. As well they should.

Cross posted at Proof Positive

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Latest from our Narcissist-in-Chief

By Proof

If you were President, and had the opportunity to read to small school children, which book would you choose? If you are Barack Obama, the one about yourself!

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H/T Gateway Pundit

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Rookie Mistake

Ever see the Clint Eastwood, Charlie Sheen movie The Rookie? The scene where Clint Eastwood jumps a car from one parking garage to another? This wasn't quite that dramatic...

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

F-16 Pilot Tells of the Suicide Mission that Wasn't

By Proof

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A lesser known story of yet another hero of 9/11.

Late in the morning of the Tuesday that changed everything, Lt. Heather “Lucky” Penney was on a runway at Andrews Air Force Base and ready to fly. She had her hand on the throttle of an F-16 and she had her orders: Bring down United Airlines Flight 93. The day’s fourth hijacked airliner seemed to be hurtling toward Washington. Penney, one of the first two combat pilots in the air that morning, was told to stop it.

The one thing she didn’t have as she roared into the crystalline sky was live ammunition. Or missiles. Or anything at all to throw at a hostile aircraft.

Except her own plane. So that was the plan.

Because the surprise attacks were unfolding, in that innocent age, faster than they could arm war planes, Penney and her commanding officer went up to fly their jets straight into a Boeing 757.

“We wouldn’t be shooting it down. We’d be ramming the aircraft,” Penney recalls of her charge that day. “I would essentially be a kamikaze pilot.”

A young pilot, with essentially her whole life ahead of her, gets an order that, if carried out, will almost certainly cost her her life. One that even if she survived, she'd have to live with the knowledge that she hastened the end, of a plane load of civilians, taking their lives in order to protect the lives of others and defend the United States of America. And she answered the call.

“We had to protect the airspace any way we could,” she said last week in her office at Lockheed Martin, where she is a director in the F-35 program.

Penney, now a major but still a petite blonde with a Colgate grin, is no longer a combat flier. She flew two tours in Iraq and she serves as a part-time National Guard pilot, mostly hauling VIPs around in a military Gulfstream. She takes the stick of her own vintage 1941 Taylorcraft tail-dragger whenever she can.

"Lucky" Penny was lucky indeed! A distinguished flying career for the last ten years. One that would have been cut short, save for the heroism of a group of passengers on Flight 93...

But she didn’t have to die. She didn’t have to knock down an airliner full of kids and salesmen and girlfriends. They did that themselves.

It is an honor to salute the brave men and women of our armed forces. Major Penney had "the Right Stuff". And America is better off for having her serve.

Major Penney, we humbly salute you and thank you for your service.

Cross posted at Proof Positive

Saturday, September 3, 2011

All Those In Favor of Dirty Air and Dirty Water, Please Raise Your Hand!

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Okay, put your hands down now, you filthy conservatives who are only concerned with raping the planet! That's the picture the Left paints, isn't it? As long as you can make a buck, it doesn't matter how many streams you pollute or how dirty the air gets, because...well, I'm not exactly sure why, because no one I know likes dirty air or water. It's been said that the anti-capitalist Left became "environmentalists" so that as they destroy our nation's economy, they could say they're doing it to "save the earth".

Balderdash! Capitalism has enabled the technology to keep our emissions down and keep the environment cleaner, because we can afford to! Back in the days of the old Iron Curtain and a partitioned Germany, some of the filthiest spots on the planet were in Communist countries that did not have the wealth to afford safeguards on pollution.

Obama's recent rescission of ludicrously high standards for "parts per billion" of ozone in this country, where even the air above our national parks might not meet the standards, got me to thinking, what would individuals who want to "save the earth" be willing to give up personally to make improvements in air quality that are nearly too small to measure?

(Think: Al Gore with his limo idling outside one of his global warming speeches, so he doesn't have to get into a cold car, to drive to airport where a private jet is waiting to take him back to his mega mansion with all the lights burning while he's gone, but on a smaller scale.)

And I thought, what can a good, honest (stop laughing!) green weenie do personally to improve the environment? First thing? Unplug the 'fridge. Your refrigerator runs 24/7 and is probably the largest energy consumer in your house. Unplug it and don't buy anything perishable that will not keep unrefrigerated.

Some of you will find this to be an inconvenience. (Talk about your "Inconvenient Truths"!) You may find that you need to go to the store a little more often. Perhaps daily. But, don't drive to the store. You cannot waste what precious little ground you gained by unplugging your 'fridge, if you pollute the air making multiple trips to the store. Find a store within walking or biking distance. Or work on those calf muscles, because you're not going to let a little thing like this deter you from saving the planet, are you? Think about it!!! The WHOLE PLANET!!!! That's better! Must keep things in perspective!

Buy locally. A typical modern supermarket has a wondrous assortment of fruits and vegetables from around the globe. My last trip, I noticed some wonderfully fresh rhubarb that had been grown in Canada. DO NOT BUY IT! Do not buy anything that is not in season where you live. Some diesel belching truck brought those here and in good conscience, you must avoid contributing to that mindset.

Unplug your furnace and your air conditioner. This is a way to stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the third world.
Think of those poor, benighted people burning cow chips for cooking and heat. Of course, you could fire up the woodstove or a fireplace or a barbeque grill, but you know the prodigious amounts of soot put into the air by them, so you forego them. Wrap your self in a nice quilt in the winter (so long as all the fibers were grown and sewn locally) and console yourself with the fact that you are SAVING THE PLANET. Not just a portion of the planet, but the entire freaking planet. Feel free to shake your fist at your neighbors who are oblivious to the planet's plight.

Boycott "Big Water". Daily showers are overrated. It takes power to pump that water into your household. Try digging a well. Buy water from the store if you have to (whatever will fit on the back of your bicycle) but be sure to take a reusable container. Preferably not plastic, since those are made from byproducts from the evil petroleum industry. And you can turn off your water heater, too. That also runs 24/7 for most of us, whether we're using it or not. You can get a solar shower from most good camping stores. How often you take one is up to you, but, we are saving the entire planet!!!

Sit in the dark
when the sun is not shining. Living off the grid used to mean using candles and kerosene lamps to avoid using electricity. No more. Light a candle sometime, invite your friends over (if you still have any after not showering so much), and watch the smoke that comes off them. Sometimes, people who burn a candle repeatedly in one place may notice a darkening on the ceiling above it. This is pollution. Your fireplace pollutes, your candles and oil lamps pollute (and just where did you think that oil came from, hmmm?). If you live in a city where there are streetlights, petition to have them turned off. In these tough economic times, cities are on a budget, too. This will lower their carbon footprint and might even save you a little on your property tax (or your evil Republican landlord's taxes, as the case may be.) Of, course, it will be a little harder to ride your bike to the store at night, but they've got these tiny generators you can attack to your bike's wheels to power a light. Some nights, you might even want to bring it inside and treat the family to a few extra minutes of carbon free lighting?

And since I'm sure you're going to unplug your computer and sell your TV right after you finish reading this, one last thought:

A large, coal fired generating plant, generating power for 10,000 homes, puts out far fewer emissions than 10,000 homes with woodstoves, candles, and oil lamps. So much less, that you can even plug in your 'fridge, if you want, and enjoy a few of the creature comforts we take for granted. Like the glowing screen you're staring at now.

No one wants dirty air or water, but some of us realize that regulations that cripple our economy are actually counterproductive to keeping the environment clean. I think our cities can live with the same amount of ozone found naturally over our national parks. I seem to recall a story about a small Alaskan town where they actually had to introduce small amounts of pollution into their waterways to keep them in compliance with what the federal government required of them. (Please don't ask for a citation, I've slept since then!)

We have made great strides in reducing pollution in our country over the last several decades. At some point, the diminishing returns of larger and larger investments for smaller and smaller gains should provide a wake up call for the green weenies.

Sometimes good is good enough. If not, I look forward to your reports on what you are doing personally to turn it around. Hand carried, of course, on paper made locally from locally grown fibers. Because, I'm sure you want to be consistent.

Cross posted at Proof Positive

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sic Transit Gloria Americanus?

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I wasn't planning on writing about this today, but the fading glory of our space program moves me to write. In 1977, Jerry Pournelle wrote about the "2007 expedition to Ceres". The old Buck Rogers TV show spoke of the "last of NASA's deep space probes in 1987". The last?? when was the first???

Robert Heinlein spoke of the expectation that many of us had growing up of the inevitability of space travel. In 1949, he wrote in the preface to "The Man Who Sold the Moon":

" (the stories)...are of the "What-would-happen-if" sort, in which the "if", the basic postulate of each story, is some possible change in human environment latent in our present day technology or culture. Sometimes the possibility is quite remote; sometimes the postulated possibility is almost a certainty, as in the stories concerned with interplanetary flight."

Did you get that? In 1949, R.A. Heinlein considered interplanetary flight "almost a certainty".

How did we get from the first Model A Ford to the first walk on the moon in forty two years and from the first walk on the moon to the last flight of the shuttle program in exactly the same time?

And perhaps, more importantly, how do we get back?

Cross posted at Proof Positive

Saturday, July 2, 2011

"Fast and Furious" Weapons Found at Valley Crimes

PHOENIX - Weapons linked to a questionable government strategy are turning up in crimes in Valley neighborhoods.

For months the ABC15 Investigators have been searching through police reports and official government documents. We’ve discovered assault weapons linked to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ controversial "Fast and Furious" case strategy have turned up at crime scenes in Glendale and Phoenix communities.

More guns sales ineptly handled by BATFE are showing up at crime scenes on this side of the border. The story and the reporter repeatedly talk about this as a "strategy".

This was hardly a "strategy". At best it was a tactic, so poorly thought out and ineptly implemented as to assure its failure from the beginning. The architects of this clusterfumble are trying desperately to cover their tracks and find a scapegoat they can blame this on. Remember when the White House couldn't remember or find out who hired Craig Livingstone ? Good luck finding the fingerprints of anyone high enough up the food chain to be truly responsible for the "Fast and Furious Foul-up" on this

In other news, the BATFE plans to let children play with matches as part of a "strategic" plan to watch children get hurt. Eric Holder could not be reached for comment.

Update: There's a Petition to Fire Holder here.

H/T Memeorandum
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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Barack Obama's "Peace" Prize Explained

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"Here's a piece of Israel for the Palestinians, and a piece for Egypt, and a piece for Jordan and a piece for Syria and a piece for Lebanon... "

Update: Lest anyone should think that this old joke originated with me, it didn't. Sadly, we used to tell it about Soviet dictators.

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

All that Glitters is not Presidential

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Eggs at Sarah Palin, Breitbart and the Tea partiers, pies at Ann Coulter, and now, confetti at Newt. Must all liberals act like petulant two year olds?

Pretty sloppy security to let this guy pull who-knows-what out of his bag in front of a presidential candidate!

BTW, I'm sure no one is editorializing, but "Anti-gay event"? Please!

H/T Memeorandum

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy 400th, King James Bible!

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I wasn't sure which day would be best to post it, but 2011 is the 400th anniversary of the publication of the "King James" Bible, and Easter Sunday is probably as good a day as any! I bought a facsimile edition some years back, which will give you some idea of what was new four hundred years ago:

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To see a larger version, click here.

Although much of the majestic language and beauty of the KJV was borrowed from earlier translations, the King James Bible was an is a faithful translation of the original languages and has helped preserve the Word of God to this day.

Here's to the next 400 years!

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Inflation Actually Near 10% Using Older Measure

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Welcome Back, Carter!

John Melloy in CNBC's Fast Money:

After former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker was appointed in 1979, the consumer price index surged into the double digits, causing the now revered Fed Chief to double the benchmark interest rate in order to break the back of inflation. Using the methodology in place at that time puts the CPI back near those levels.

Inflation, using the reporting methodologies in place before 1980, hit an annual rate of 9.6 percent in February, according to the Shadow Government Statistics newsletter.

Since 1980, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has changed the way it calculates the CPI in order to account for the substitution of products, improvements in quality (i.e. iPad 2 costing the same as original iPad) and other things.

Backing out more methods implemented in 1990 by the BLS still puts inflation at a 5.5 percent rate and getting worse...

If the Misery Index = Unemployment rate + Inflation rate, then, with 10% inflation and unemployment over 9% (17 if you figure in those who have quit working, are underemployed or ran out of benefits) , then Obama's is close to, if not higher than Jimmy Carter's 19.72!

H/T Memeorandum

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