Showing posts with label ObamaNation Livin'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ObamaNation Livin'. Show all posts

Friday, August 20, 2010

Girls: Whatever You Do, Don't Buy A Long Skirt This Fall!

"The Hemline Index"

"One of the first individuals to start paying attention to the far-reaching implications of financial trouble was American economist George Taylor, who in 1926 developed a theory that the length of women’s skirts and dresses was directly related to the state of the U.S. economy. Taylor’s hypothesis, which he coined the “hemline index,” postulated that short skirts mean boom times and longer ones equal falling markets.

Since then, his prophecy has proven eerily accurate time and again, most recently in 2008, when Claire Brayford, writing for the U.K. Express, remarked, “Anyone applying this theory to the New York autumn/winter 2008 shows … would predict that we are hurtling towards a recession. Hemlines … were all resolutely below the knee—a clear indication of belt tightening, both fashionable and not so fashionable.” Brayford’s astute analysis of this connection was that “a glimpse of leg gives a sense of independence and confidence; a sweeping skirt is a sign of modesty and austerity.”" Blog writer Ann Tuck Morgan, 8/13/2010

"For Fall '10, designers — such as Adam Lippes, Peter Som, Michael Kors, and Tommy Hilfiger — swapped out shorter hemlines for longer luxurious lengths. Maxed-out skirts are a sophisticated and refreshing alternative to the tights and minis combo and can be worn both casually or ultra-glamorous." Quoted from FabSugar Blog

Our Future Is Detroit

I know this is an older classic Crowder but worth spotlighting again...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Healthcare Screening Question: What's Your Worth In Gold And Silver Coinage?

New big-nanny-state government wants to know your worth in gold and silver coinage in healthcare bill...remember Pelosi, "We have to pass the bill before we can see what's in it..." Makes one think that some "healthcare patients" will be more "equal" than others...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Classic Iowahawk Just In Time for Obama School Days

Thursday, August 27, 2009

That Warm Fuzzy Feeling

First, there was the official Missouri State Police report on militia activity classifying Christian conservatives and groups that oppose abortion and illegal immigration as domestic terrorists.
This state law enforcement report (“The Modern Militia”) completely omits domestic terror groups associated with fundamentalist Muslims or those connected to liberals such as extreme environmentalists. Instead it focuses on conservative Christians and third-party political groups such as Libertarians. To my knowledge the scoreboard for violent "militia" action by groups has fundamentalist Muslims at just around 3,000 deaths in one day. Seems odd they wouldn't even be mentioned.

Next came an interesting post at Pat Dollard explaining the scope of power given to FEMA who will be the federal agency that...

"comes running in the event of a national emergency, such as, but not limited to, epidemic, civil unrest, [Emphasis mine] natural disaster, economic disaster, or just about any other local, state, or national “emergency” that might cause the government to declare a state of emergency within the U.S. Upon such a declaration, the amount of power given to FEMA to perform it’s mandate is staggering. Almost all of FEMA’s powers are derived, not from enacted law, but by Executive Order. Here are the ones that empower FEMA in case of a Presidential Declaration of Emergency: Executive Order #10990: allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.Executive Order #10995: Seizure of all communications media in the United States.Executive Order #10997: Seizure of all electric power fuels and minerals, public and private. Executive Order #10999: Seizure of all means of transportation, including personal cars, trucks or vehicles of any kind and total control of highways, seaports and waterways.Executive Order #11000: Seizure of all American people for work forces under federal supervision including the splitting of families if the government finds it necessary. Executive Order #11001: Seizure of all health, education and welfare facilities, public and private.Executive Order #11002: Empowered the postmaster general to register all men, women and children in the U.S.Executive Order #11003: Seizure of all airports and aircraft.Executive Order #11004: Seizure of all housing and finance authorities to establish Forced Relocation Designated areas to be abandoned as “unsafe.”

And finally there is the scariest news headline thus far. It gives the FBI, a federal agency with jurisdiction for the American homeland the power to "interrogate" "terrorists". This power was stripped away from the CIA, the federal agency that has jurisdiction for issues in foreign lands. In one swoop of the pen, we've all become possible targets of the FBI and the real terrorists get a free pass. This is sure to cause waves of safe, secure, warm-fuzzy feelings in the hearts of all center-right Americans.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Where's The Jobs?

Cheezy but you get the point. 10% unemployment by this fall. How's that Hopey Changey thing goin' for ya?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Late Reaction to White House Skateboarder from the Daily Gut

The Daily Gut tells it like it is. Yeah, I think the White House is the
future set for the next Real World and we're all being forced along for the ride.

"Am I an old fart or am I right to be pissed that some jackass is skateboarding
down the halls of the White House while all this Iranian shit is going down?

We truly have succumbed to the idiocy of the MTV/Mountain Dew/Road Rules
backward hat and baggy short culture. Did I miss something, or is the White
House the future set for the next Real World? Where are the wallet chains? Is
Hot Topic handling our foreign policy? Obama should be grounded for a week for
letting Tony Hawk play in OUR house. Where in hell are the adults?

Look: Tony Hawk is in his mid forties. He's a grown man...and he skateboards. Could
you imagine your dad or anyone who lived during World War II treating a man who
skateboards with anything less than scorn and ridicule?

Right now, people are risking their lives for the glimmer of freedom, and Tony Hawk is in the White House tweeting about Frosted Flakes.

Someone please dig up Reagan. I'd take a dead leader with balls over a living camp counselor who wants all the cool kids to like him."

"You Mean Like Democrats?"

Hand it to Proof Positive to find this classic.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

"If Bush Had Tried This, Would You Oppose, Support, or Accept This the Same Way"

"During a 90 minute meeting with human rights advocates today, President Barack Obama said that he was considering coming up with some sort of “preventive detention” system which would provide him a legal basis to detain suspects as a threat without having to charge them with any crimes.

The meeting was intended to be “off the record,” but some of the participants left seriously concerned that the president, who only last week resumed the long criticized system of military tribunals for suspects at Guantanamo Bay, was now looking for ways to hold people legally without having to present any evidence of wrong-doing.I find myself wondering a lot lately. How can people discuss an issue while removing left/right bias? The most common idea I have is to ask a perspective provoking question, “If Bush had tried this, would you oppose, support, or accept this the same way?”

Monday, April 6, 2009

Rare Action Alert! From Lady Cincinnatus Vote OH HELL NO to H.R. 875

You should be outraged by this bill. And on a sad note, how much farther must our country fall?

Big agriculture has declared war on organic farming in the United States, and the centerpiece of that war is H.R. 875. This horrific bill has created a massive uproar among small farmers who claim that this bill would basically destroy organic farming in the United States.H.R. 875 has been given this very deceptive name: ”Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009″. This draconian bill would establish a “Food Safety
Administration” within the Department of Health and Human Services. The
mandate of this new department would be “to protect the public health by preventing food-borne illness, ensuring the safety of food, improving research on contaminants leading to food-borne illness, and improving security of food from intentional contamination, and for other purposes.” The regulatory role of this new agency would extend to small organic farms, backyard gardens and even to the kitchens of gardeners and entrepreneurs who sell food products at farmers markets, through local stores or even to their neighbors.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

They're Here

It seems there's been an increase in the rise of the Obama-Zombies. First they start going around the neighborhood spreading the Obama talking-points on the economy and now Congress has just passed the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act . What's that, you ask? Nothing like a little "mandatory national service" program in a volunteer bill. Ah, but what's in a name when you're a follower of the Obamessiah. Oh, and the bill also states that "service learning" will be a mandatory part of the youth curriculum. I wonder if the mandatory national service volunteer uniform will be brown? I did hear that all reference to "camps" in the bill was replaced with the word "campus". Such a way with words, this administration.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Disillusionment Quote O' The Day

"First it was that chaotic pig rut of a stimulus package, which let House Democrats throw a thousand crazy kitchen sinks into what should have been a focused blueprint for economic recovery. Then it was the stunt of unnerving Wall Street by sending out a shrill duo of slick geeks (Timothy Geithner and Peter Orszag) as the administration’s weirdly adolescent spokesmen on economics. Who could ever have confidence in that sorry pair? And then there was the fiasco of the ham-handed White House reception for British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, which was evidently lacking the most basic elements of ceremony and protocol. Don’t they read the “Iliad” anymore in the Ivy League? Check that out for the all-important ritual of gift giving, which has cemented alliances around the world for 5,000 years." ~Camille Paglia quote from Pat Dollard's site

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How 'bout Pledging to Leave People Alone to Live Free?

Conservatives watch this video at your own risk. May cause spitting of coffee on computer screen, high blood pressure, and the sincere urge to put fist through nearest glass structure.
Oh, and I pledge to watch more Fox News
I pledge to buy Ann Coulter's new book
I pledge to leave my neighbors in peace and not bother them by knocking on their door
I pledge to enjoy my non-electric buzz car
I pledge to never watch a stupid movie with any of these actors ever again. :)

MySpace Celebrity and Katalyst present The Presidential Pledge