The first two pics are from 31. Dec. with full moon and wonderful weather. I cannot remember a more perfect New Year's Eve as it comes to weather...
The other pics are taken today, the 2nd day of January. We have had a peaceful day at home, minus 12 Celsius, two fireplaces have been working inside... my grandson was here while his mother was dealing with the horses. So you can see both two-leged and four-leged were relaxing, a great time! My two daughters had a great time with the two horses, Junior's Playboy and Majestic Power, OMG what names...
If by chance you should miss update what comes to quilting, I can tell you, I'm thinking of it, but life is "in the way" these days, and I have to put it away for a while. No new year's resolutions from me this time.
Wishing everybody a peaceful and happy new year!
I dag, andre dagen ut i det nye året, har nokre av oss slappa av innandørs. Det er 12 minusgrader, og fyringa har gått jamt i både peis og omn. Kanskje difor vi blei så døsige, både tobeinte og firebeinte? Ein roleg start på det nye året!
Buggy Barn'en får stå for quilteinnslaget denne gongen og! Omstenda gjer at eg ikkje har tid til særleg hobbyverksemd for tida, men eg kjem sterkare tilbake.