
RIP Play Fort

We disassembled the girls' play fort yesterday. It made me sad. I distinctly remember when we put it up 7 years ago--it took an entire weekend. The twins were 3 and PS was 5. It cost what was a small fortune for us back then--when we were still single-income family.  I think we used our tax return to buy it (oh how I miss looking forward to doing my taxes and getting that extra little bump). But it was worth every cent.  The kids played on it endlessly, and sometimes half the neighborhood would be in out back yard.  In the summer, the kids would turn on the hose to make a water slide.

But the kids are bigger, and don't play on it anymore.  They're too big for swings and slides. And they want the yard to practice soccer and volleyball and softball.  Our yard is big, but for some inexplicable reason, we built the fort dead center--and once it was up there was no moving it.

 And it had fallen into increasingly greater states of disrepair. When we started taking it apart, we were surprised at how brittle the wood had become.  It was only a matter of time until someone got hurt climbing on it.

And so it came down.  And our yard is now a huge empty field, perfect for sports. And my daughters are no longer little girls in pigtails yelling "Mommy, push me!  Higher!  Higher!"


Kate Sherwood said...

Wonderful memories, and now new ones in the making.

Suzie said...

Bittersweet, indeed. I love hanging out with my older girls - they are fun and funny and so easy to be with. But every now and then, I come across some discarded toy or piece of clothing, or find a photo from those younger days, and there's definitely a twinge of sadness.

CP said...

It's sad to have those little moments that make us realize how much our kids have grown!

Anonymous said...

We spent the weekend putting up a play area for my 1 year old and 3 year old and this post made me teary-eyed realizing that they will one day be too big for it!