So I wrote to the superintendent and the school board, and copied our two local newspapers. Both newspapers asked to print my letter, and a full 36 hours later I got a lame response from the superintendent. I'm going to have to keep pushing this issue and demand that a discussion of their severe weather policies be added to the agenda for the next school board meeting.
Meanwhile, PS fell today while rollerblading in PE and broke her arm. (My brother said "Why are they roller blading at school? So they can get away from the tornadoes faster when the bus drops them off?") So I got to work at 9, and then got a call at 10 to come get her and spent the next few hours in the ER.
The second I got home, Big Boss started calling, and I swear either he or Secretary called me every 5 minutes for the next two hours. Apparently the second I left the office all hell broke loose. I have a case set for trial on April 16th, but just asked the court to abate while the parties work out a settlement plan. The court said no. So now I have to start trial prep ASAP, because I don't think the opposing party is going to get their act together beforehand. I would be psyched to go to trial--I have a solid case the the defendants have no defenses--but I know it's just going to be a bunch of prep work for something that never happens.
Then I had soccer practice. With PS's arm, I am now coaching a team on which none of my own children are playing. How the heck did this happen?
Back home trying to draft a joint motion for continuance that the court probably will not grant since it didn't grant my joint motion to abate. Don't really have a good argument.
I need to be in my office first thing in the morning, but I have a hair appointment and its too late to cancel (plus my grey roots are a nightmare). Oh well, how much difference will it make whether I'm there at 9 or 10?
So glad tomorrow's Friday, but as of this moment, it looks like I will be spending my weekend drafting my examination questions and motions in limine. Whee!
A week to definitely forget! hope your weekend wasn't totally consumed by drafting! ;-)
Wow! You go girl - not surprised your letter made it to the paper, although just a thought - this post in itself could threaten your anonymity - I know that's important to you so I just wanted to mention it. Glad your girls are okay!
Thanks Michael!
Thanks for watching out for me Cat! I know my previous post gave out too much info about my location, since it was a national news story.
I don't think this one gives too much away, though. I've found out that this happened in several towns around here, and there are dozens of them.
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