Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

mardi 30 juin 2009

Sur Les 7 du Québec: Israel pratique l’apartheid et le colonialisme: Étude sud-africaine


Les 7 du Québec

Ce texte a été publié sur Les 7 du Québec le 30 juin 2009

Israel pratique l’apartheid et le colonialisme: Étude sud-africaine


Le Conseil pour la Recherches en Sciences Humaines (HSRC) d’Afrique du Sud a publié un rapport confirmant qu’Israël pratique le colonialisme et l’apartheid dans les territoires palestiniens occupés.

Le HSRC a commandé une étude à une équipe internationale d’universitaires et praticiens de droit international de l’Afrique du Sud, d’Israël, de l’Angleterre et de la Cisjordanie. Le rapport de 300 pages résultant intitulé “Occupation, Colonialisme, Apartheid? : Une réévaluation des pratiques d’Israël dans les territoires palestiniens occupés sous la loi internationale”, représente un travail de recherche de 15 mois et constitue une revue exhaustive des pratiques d’Israël dans les territoires palestiniens occupés selon les définitions du colonialisme et d’apartheid tel que défini par la loi internationale.

La directrice du projet, Dr. Virginia Tilley, explique en citant le rapport que les trois piliers de l’apartheid sud-africain sont tous pratiqués par Israël. En Afrique du Sud, le premier pilier était de démarquer la population du pays en différents groupes raciaux et d’accorder des droits supérieurs, privilèges et services au groupe racial blanc. Le second pilier était d’opérer une ségrégation de la population en différents endroits géographiques qui étaient alloués par la loi à différents groupes raciaux et de restreindre le passage de membres de n’importe quel groupe vers d’autres endroits alloués à d’autres groupes. Le troisième pilier est la “matrice de lois et de politiques de “sécurité” draconiennes qui était employée pour réprimer quelconque opposition au régime en place et pour renforcer le système de domination raciale en fournissant des outils de détention administrative, torture, censure, d’interdictions et assassinats.”

Le rapport conclu que les pratiques d’Israël dans les territoires palestiniens occupés démontrent ces trois mêmes “piliers” d’apartheid:

Le premier pilier dérive des lois et politiques israéliennes qui établissent une identité Juive dans le but d’établir légalement un statut juridique préférentiel et matériel aux Juifs plutôt qu’aux non-Juifs.

Le deuxième pilier se reflète dans la grande politique d’Israël de fragmenter les territoires palestiniens occupés pour s’assurer que les Palestiniens soient confinés à des réserves désignées pour eux alors que les Juifs israéliens sont interdits d’y pénétrer, mais pouvant tout de même être libres de mouvement à travers le reste des territoires palestiniens. Cette politique est mise en évidence par les larges appropriations de terres palestiniennes qui continuent de faire diminuer l’espace disponibles pour les Palestiniens; des points de fermetures hermétiques et l’isolation de la bande de Gaza du reste des territoires occupés; de la coupure et détachement délibéré de Jérusalem-Est du reste de la Cisjordanie; et du morcèlement du territoire palestiniens en de petites enclaves assiégées et non-contigües pour les Palestiniens, ressemblant à un archipel d’iles déconnectées.

Le troisième pilier est “l’invocation de prétexte de la sécurité de la part d’Israël pour valider des restrictions sur la liberté d’opinions, d’expression, de réunion et de mouvement des Palestiniens pour masquer l’intention sous-jacente de réprimer la dissidence envers son système de domination et ainsi, maintenir le contrôle sur les Palestiniens comme groupe.”

Et personne ne connait les conditions d’apartheid mieux que l’Afrique du Sud.

Téléchargez le rapport [PDF - 3 MB]

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lundi 29 juin 2009

Sur Les 7 du Québec: Le dernier message de Mikaeel Jackson


Les 7 du Québec

Ce texte a été publié sur Les 7 du Québec le 25 juin 2009

29 juin 2009

Le dernier message de Mikaeel Jackson

Michael Jackson es mort. Arrêt cardiaque à 50 ans. Ah, les artistes, avec la vie qu’ils mènent… La famille n’en demande pas moins une deuxième autopsie. La police n’en interroge pas moins longuement son médecin… C’est que l’on parle d’un homme important. Un homme d”influence.

Il avait annoncé pour cet été la plus spectaculaire tournée de concerts de tous les temps. À prendre avec réserve, car on est en show business et donc loin de la modestie, mais ce n’est quant même pas un débutant qui le dit : c’est l’homme qui a vendu 750 millions de disques en carrière, dont 100 millions pour Thriller seulement. Le bestselle de l’histoire de la musique. Le recordman absolu, devant Elvis, devant les Beatles… On peut croire que sa performance aurait fait jaser…

Beaucoup jaser, car le curieux phénomène de la célébrité qui obnubile tout discernement jouait à plein pour cet homme qu’on avait accusé, mais non condamné et qui, pour des millions de gens aux USA et ailleurs, était resté un modèle. Pour eux, quoi qu’il arrive, ce qu’il faisait était bien, ce qu’il disait était vérité. La musique de Michael Jackson leur manquera, mais aussi quelque message qu’il aurait pu livrer et dont sa mort les aura privés.

Un message ? Quelqu’un peut-il penser que Michael Jackson ait eu quoi que ce soit de transcendant à nous dire ? Eh bien oui, justement. Les videos qui ont filtré de la préparation intensive de son prochain spectacle – dont celui ci par exemple - pointent dans une direction inusitée : la foi. Il semble que Michael, devenu Mikaeel – voulait nous parler de sa conversion à l’Islam. De quoi faire vraiment jaser…

Ce n’est pas la première fois qu’il est question de sa conversion à l’Islam – son frère est déjà musulman et la rumeur en a couru souvent – mais le dire est une chose et le faire une autre. Or, il semble bien que cette fois ait été la bonne. Il aurait prononcé la shahada – le formelle profession de foi à l’Islam - à los Angeles, le 21 novembre dernier. Un engagement irrévocable. Du sérieux car, abjurer l’Islam est punissable de mort.

En quoi sa religion peut-elle pous intéresser ? Pourquoi Mikaeel Jackson devenu musulman est –il plus significatif que Tom Cruise scientologue ou que la conversion jadis de Cassius Clay en Mohammed Ali ? C’est que Tom Cruise peut mettre quelques admiratrices en chaleur, mais ne met pas 50 000 personnes en transe. Une foule qui ovationne un chanteur qui a trouvé la foi en l’islam est dangereusement proche d’AIMER l’Islam.

Dans les circonstances actuelles, avec cette guerre au terrorisme à laquelle on a collé l’image barbue de bin Laden, aimer l’Islam, aux USA, n’est plus l’acceptation tranquille d’une religion comme les autres, même si toute la propagande politiquement correcte voudrait bien le faire croire. C’est – en se reconciliant avec l’image qu’on a associée sans discernement au fanatisme islamique militant – s’inscrire en faux contre toute la vision patriotique qu’on a voulue instiller dans la psyché américaine.

C’est réduire à néant des années d’effort et on ne sait même pas quels transferts pourraient être possibles, dans certaines catégories socioethniques, d’un fanatisme fondamentalisme chrétien qui ne pèche pas par excès de reflexion vers un Islam tout aussi radical

Il aurait été malencontreux que Mikaeel Jackson, surtout converti en un parangon de vertu, vienne semer le doute dans les esprits simples. Sa mort a évité ce problème. Personne n’a accusé personne, mais on verra les circonstances de sa mort d’un peu plus près avant que quelqu’un ne s’avise de s’étonner qu’un homme en parfaite sante en mai – car les commanditaires ne financent pas un tel projet de 50 concerts sans s’être assurés de la condition physique de celui sur qui tout repose – soit mort si brusquement en juin alors qu’il allait dire des bêtises.

Pierre JC Allard

Ne manquez pas de visiter Les 7 du Québec

Note: Vous êtes invités à voir et lire les commentaires et à y laisser les vôtres sur Les 7 du Québec.

Mon commentaire:

Je crois que vous venez de mettre le doigt sur de quoi de très sensible. Oulala. Je ne savais pas qu’il s’était converti à l’Islam. Voilà qui va complètement à contre sens du lavage de cerveau entrepris depuis au moins 2001, à l’effet que tout islamique est un prêcheur du terrorisme, du mal et de l’extrémisme.

Combien de films Hollywoodiens ont peint les musulmans en méchants dérangés terroristes? Des dizaines et des centaines. Campagnes de démonisation d’un peuple, d’une religion pour mieux faire accepter aux populations domestiques que ces gens soient tués à coups de millions…tient, comme au Moyen-Orient en ce moment… coïncidence et pur hasard, j’imagine.

On a besoin d’un ennemi crédible pour entretenir la machine de guerre qui arrose de milliards de dollars le complexe militaro-industriel et qui sert à mettre la main sur le pétrole pour les grandes pétrolières.

On ne va quand même pas laisser ce “Mikaeel” tout nous gâcher ça, après les milliards investis à bourrer le crâne de ces idiots pour leur faire croire que l’islam est le mal incarné. On a besoin d’un ennemi nous! Ferme ta gueule salaud!

Zap. Il est mort.

On a rien prouvé encore. Mais si les motifs sont importants, en voilà des géants!

50 ans! Et prêt à aller autour du monde faire 50 concerts et chanter qu’il est converti à l’islam!!!!

Y’en a qui ont du chier dans leur culotte, excusez-moi pour l’expression.

L’islam est maintenant la religion la plus répandue et pratiquée dans le monde, ayant surpassé le Christianisme il y environ un an.

De quoi faire réfléchir…

jeudi 25 juin 2009

L'Autre Monde 25 juin 2009: Les politiciens partagent des traits de personnalité avec les tueurs en série


L'Autre Monde 25 juin 2009: Les politiciens partagent des traits de personnalité avec les tueurs en série

Pour écouter, ou pour télécharger, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L'Autre Monde 25 juin 2009

60 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h
Animation : François Marginean
Archives d'émission

Cette semaine nous poursuivons un fil de nouvelles qui nous mène des politiciens qui partagent le profil psychopathe des tueurs en série; de la privatisation du système, des guerres, du gouvernement qui se trouve à être un coup d'état par le privé de nos démocraties.

Nous continuons notre analyse des liens entre les évidences qui ont été obtenu par torture justifiant la version officielle du 9/11 et de la guerre en Irak et en Afghanistan.

Nous effectuons un tour de l'actualité mondiale ainsi que des mesures d'état policier tel que la militarisation de la police et la criminalisation de la dissidence politique qui est maintenant associé à du terrorisme de basse intensité!

Soyez au rendez-vous les jeudis à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:

Oh-oh! Politicians share personality traits with serial killers: Study

Kouri, who's a vice president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, has assembled traits such as superficial charm, an exaggerated sense of self-worth, glibness, lying, lack of remorse and manipulation of others.

These traits, Kouri points out in his analysis, are common to psychopathic serial killers.

But -- and here's the part that may spark some controversy and defensive discussion -- these traits are also common to American politicians. (Maybe you already suspected.)

Webmaster's Commentary:

Yeah, we kinda figured that one out a while ago.

'Holy grail of tech' discovered

Prototype Nokia phone recharges without wires

By Christopher Null

Pardon the cliche, but it's one of the holiest of Holy Grails of technology: Wireless power. And while early lab experiments have been able to "beam" electricity a few feet to power a light bulb, the day when our laptops and cell phones can charge without having to plug them in to a wall socket still seems decades in the future.

Nokia, however, has taken another baby step in that direction with the invention of a cell phone that recharges itself using a unique system: It harvests ambient radio waves from the air, and turns that energy into usable power. Enough, at least, to keep a cell phone from running out of juice.

University of Colorado team finds definitive evidence for ancient lake on Mars

A University of Colorado at Boulder research team has discovered the first definitive evidence of shorelines on Mars, an indication of a deep, ancient lake there and a finding with implications for the discovery of past life on the Red Planet.

Nasa prepares to bomb the moon

Scientists expect the impact to blast out a huge cloud of dust, gas and vaporized water ice at least 6 miles high

The aim is to see whether any traces of water will be revealed by the disruption caused to the planet's surface. Nasa will analyse the space cloud caused by the explosion for any sign of water or vapour.

La salve des virus de la grippe porcine, aviaire et humaine – partie I

La salve des virus de la grippe porcine, aviaire et de la bêtise humaine – partie II

Cela est bien peu en comparaison avec les 36,000 cas de mortalité causée par l’influenza à chaque année, aux États-Unis.

Pandémie et restrictions des libertés individuelles – partie III

Baxter Advances to Full-Scale Production of A/H1N1 Vaccine

Baxter International Inc. (NYSE: BAX) announced today that it has completed testing and evaluation of the A/H1N1 influenza virus and is now in full-scale production of a commercial A/H1N1 vaccine using its Vero cell culture technology. Baxter received an A/H1N1 strain from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center] in early May and is diligently working to deliver a pandemic vaccine for use as early as July.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Baxter is, of course, the same company that sent out a vaccine test kit with live bird flu virus in it!

And the last time there was a mass vaccination program for swine flu back in 1976, the vaccine killed 50 times as many people as the flu did, and left many more with permanent neurological damage.

So you will understand if I behave rudely to anyone pointing a needle at me.

Novartis says won't give poor free H1N1 vaccines-FT

"If you want to make production sustainable, you have to create financial incentives," the FT quoted Novartis Chief Executive Daniel Vasella as saying in an early edition of Monday's paper.

The director-general of the World Health Organisation, Margaret Chan, has called for drugs companies to show solidarity with poor countries as they develop vaccines against the pandemic H1N1 virus, commonly known as swine flu.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Dr Vasella, you should be absolutely red-faced and thoroughly embarrassed to have made these statements.

Let's take a look at why:


Folks, take a good look at this income statement. Does this look like a company so financially tight that it can't afford to donate some vaccine to the poorest of the poor countries? These folks have raked in $42,584,000,000 as of 31 December 2008.

And, as reported here:


Dr. Vasella, your compensation from NOVARTIS as Chairman and CEO was 2.78 million dollars last year.

Your absolute indifference to the plight of people and countries which cannot afford to pay for this vaccine is both very disturbing, and very telling.

FDA Threatens to Seize All Natural Products that Dare to Mention H1N1 Swine Flu

In an effort to censor any online text that might inform consumers of the ability of natural products to protect consumers from H1N1 influenza A, the FDA is now sending out a round of warning letters, threatening to "take enforcement action... such as seizure or injunction for violations of the FFDC Act without further notice."

"Firms that fail to take correction action," the FDA warns, "may also be referred to the FDA's Office of Criminal Investigations for possible criminal prosecution for violations of the FFDC Act and other federal laws."

Ebola, Anthrax among missing vials in new Inventory done at Ft. Detrick

Fort Detrick's Inventory Uncovers 9,200 More Pathogens
Inventory Uncovers 9,200 More Pathogens

Laboratory Says Security Is Tighter, but Earlier Count Missed Dangerous Vials

By Nelson Hernandez
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, June 18, 2009

An inventory of potentially deadly pathogens at Fort Detrick's infectious disease laboratory found more than 9,000 vials that had not been accounted for, Army officials said yesterday, raising concerns that officials wouldn't know whether dangerous toxins were missing.

Lawmakers Call For An End To Federal Marijuana Prosecutions

Massachusetts Democrat Barney Frank, along with co-sponsors Ron Paul (R-TX); Maurice Hinchey (D-NY); Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA); and Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), will reintroduce legislation today to limit the federal government’s authority to arrest and prosecute minor marijuana offenders.

The measure, entitled an “Act to Remove Federal Penalties for Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults,” would eliminate federal penalties for the personal possession of up to 100 grams (over three and one-half ounces) of cannabis and for the not-for-profit transfer of up to one ounce of pot – making the prosecutions of these offenses strictly a state matter.

État policier:

State Run News: ABC Turns Programming Over To Government

Completely dispensing with any notion of independence or impartiality, ABC News is set to mimic the likes of Communist China and North Korea by completely turning its news coverage over to the government and excluding any dissenting opinions to promote President Obama’s health care agenda.

Germany Prepares to Censor Internet

Germany is on the verge of censoring its Internet: The government – a grand coalition between the German social democrats and conservative party – seems united in its decision: On Thursday the parliament is to vote on the erection of an internet censorship architecture.

The Minister for Family Affairs kicked off and lead the discussions within the German Federal Government to block Internet sites in order to fight child pornography. The general idea is to build a censorship architecture enabling the government to block content containing child pornography.

Your Credit Card Company Is Building A Psychological Profile Of You

To understand how the credit-card industry got interested in psychology, you have to go way back, to a time when many Americans didn’t have a credit card, when almost every company charged the same interest rate regardless of a cardholder’s riskiness and when people often paid off their entire balance each month. All the way back, that is, to the 1980s.

Since 1995, the percentage of the industry’s income from cardholder fees has more than doubled to 40 percent. In 2005, as the push to sign up cardholders peaked, the industry sent out more than 10.2 billion credit-card solicitations, which would cover more than the entire world’s population. Two years later, card companies collected $40.7 billion in profits before taxes, according to R. K. Hammer, a credit-card advisory firm. Today Americans carry an average of 5.3 all-purpose cards in their wallets, and the average household has $10,679 in credit-card debt, according to the industry publication The Nilson Report.

But giving credit cards to riskier customers posed a problem: How do you know which cardholders will pay something each month, providing fat profits, and which will simply run up a huge tab and then disappear?

The Ph.D.’s arrived at two solutions. The first was to create thousands of new kinds of cards with their own credit limits, terms and interest rates. Such a strategy theoretically protected companies by limiting how much a cardholder could buy and by charging sufficiently high interest rates to ensure that if a few cardholders walked away, the companies still made plenty of money.

The other solution was learning to predict how different types of customers would behave. Card companies began running tens of thousands of experiments each year, testing the emotions elicited by various card colors and the appeal of different envelope sizes, for instance, or whether new immigrants were more responsible than cardholders born in this country. By understanding customers’ psyches, the companies hoped, they could tell who was a bad risk and either deny their application or, for those who were already cardholders, start shrinking their available credit and increasing minimum payments to squeeze out as much cash as possible before they defaulted.

The exploration into cardholders’ minds hit a breakthrough in 2002, when J. P. Martin, a math-loving executive at Canadian Tire, decided to analyze almost every piece of information his company had collected from credit-card transactions the previous year. Canadian Tire’s stores sold electronics, sporting equipment, kitchen supplies and automotive goods and issued a credit card that could be used almost anywhere. Martin could often see precisely what cardholders were purchasing, and he discovered that the brands we buy are the windows into our souls — or at least into our willingness to make good on our debts. His data indicated, for instance, that people who bought cheap, generic automotive oil were much more likely to miss a credit-card payment than someone who got the expensive, name-brand stuff. People who bought carbon-monoxide monitors for their homes or those little felt pads that stop chair legs from scratching the floor almost never missed payments. Anyone who purchased a chrome-skull car accessory or a “Mega Thruster Exhaust System” was pretty likely to miss paying his bill eventually.

Martin’s measurements were so precise that he could tell you the “riskiest” drinking establishment in Canada — Sharx Pool Bar in Montreal, where 47 percent of the patrons who used their Canadian Tire card missed four payments over 12 months. He could also tell you the “safest” products — premium birdseed and a device called a “snow roof rake” that homeowners use to remove high-up snowdrifts so they don’t fall on pedestrians.

Testing indicated that Martin’s predictions, when paired with other commonly used data like cardholders’ credit histories and incomes, were often much more precise than what the industry traditionally used to forecast cardholder riskiness. By the time he publicized his findings, a small industry of math fanatics — many of them former credit-card executives — had started consulting for the major banks that issued cards, and they began using Martin’s findings and other research to build psychological profiles. Why did birdseed and snow-rake buyers pay off their debts? The answer, research indicated, was that those consumers felt a sense of responsibility toward the world, manifested in their spending on birds they didn’t own and pedestrians they might not know. Why were felt-pad buyers so upstanding? Because they wanted to protect their belongings, be they hardwood floors or credit scores. Why did chrome-skull owners skip out on their debts? “The person who buys a skull for their car, they are like people who go to a bar named Sharx,” Martin told me. “Would you give them a loan?”

Ohioans say their cars ticketed in the driveway

Some people in Ohio complain they received $25 parking tickets last week when their vehicles were parked in their own driveways.

Toledo Mayor Carty Finkbeiner defends the citations, saying they were issued under a city law against parking on unpaved surfaces -- including gravel driveways.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Hey, we need the money. Shaddup already. If you're not cop, you're little people!"

DoD Training Manual: Protests are "Low-Level Terrorism"

The Department of Defense is training all of its personnel in its current Antiterrorism and Force Protection Annual Refresher Training Course that political protest is "low-level terrorism."

The Training introduction reads as follows:

"Anti-terrorism (AT) and Force Protection (FP) are two facets of the Department of Defense (DoD) Mission Assurance Program. It is DoD policy, as found in DoDI 2000.16, that the DoD Components and the DoD elements and personnel shall be protected from terrorist acts through a high pirority, comprehensive, AT program. The DoD's AT program shall be all encompassing using an integrated systems approach."

Mass. Police Gets Grenade Launchers

Find more videos like this on 12.160Mhz

Find more videos like this on 12.160Mhz

Stun gun death: Taser fired 28 times

A Taser used on a man who died after being stunned went off 28 times at the time of the incident, say police.

Justices Rule Inmates Don’t Have Right to DNA Tests

Convicts do not have a right under the Constitution to obtain DNA testing to try to prove their innocence after being found guilty, the Supreme Court ruled on Thursday.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Once we convict you, you STAY convicted! Even innocence is no excuse!" -- Official White Horse Souse

US Cities Increasing Use of Armed Mercenaries to Replace Police

The United States is in the midst of the most radical privatization agenda in its history. We see this in schools, health care, prisons, and certainly with the US military/national security/intelligence apparatus. There are almost 200,000 “private contractors” in Iraq (more than US soldiers) and Obama is continuing to use mercenaries there and in Afghanistan and Israel/Palestine. At present, 70 percent of the US intelligence budget is going to private companies.

U.S. Army prepares to invade U.S.


The plans to implement martial law in America have been taking shape for decades, hidden behind "Continuity of Government" contingency planning. Now, with public outcry over the banker bailout bill at fever pitch, all of the pieces are in place for the U.S. Army to start policing American citizens.

Accused 9.11 mastermind: ‘I make up stories’

In potentially another blow to advocates of torture and harsh interrogation, transcripts released yesterday show that alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed says he made up stories to appease his interrogators.

Mohammed says he told his questioners he didn’t know the location of Osama Bin Laden, and was tortured as a result.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Under torture, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed said anything he thought would make the torture stop.

Torture, as we have known from the times of the Catholic Inquisition, is about getting a confession, not getting the truth.

One has to wonder just how many "sick pieces of work" in this government were getting immense pleasure from seeing the photos, and reading the reports.

Truly moral Americans would have refused to do this.

And why?


1. The use of torture by the US, for all practical intents and purposes, pulls us out any and all human rights treaties to which the US has ever been a signatory, including the Geneva Accords.

2. The use of torture by the US is completely antithetical to every core American moral value expressed in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

3. The use of torture by the US makes us a laughingstock for the rest of the world for our hypocracy. People understand that those values our leadership talks about wanting to "export", democracy, human rights, and human dignity, are values they actually hold in the most despicable contempt.

4. The use of torture by the US against foreign nationals and military gives other countries carte blanche to do the same to US foreign nationals and military.

If you have anyone you care about serving in the military, that last one ought to put a shiver up your spine.


"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell
you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the

target="_blank">Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

See also The Secret Service at Booker Elementary:
The Dog That Did Not Bark

Media Smearing of Truth Movement Reaching a Crescendo

Recent months have seen numerous breakthroughs for the truth movement in the corporate media, from Fox 26's interview with Richard Gage of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth to 9/11 Press For Truth being aired on local television in Colorado to coverage of this year's Bilderberg conference in major British newspapers. Despite these positive developments, however, primetime TV dramas are continuing to portray those skeptical of the official 9/11 story (a clear majority of the American public according to poll after poll) as deranged terrorists who are likely to commit acts of violence.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Anyone think they will even take a respectful pause now that the so-called "Mastermind" of 9-11, Khalid Sheik Mohammed has said he was just making stuff up to stop the torture?

In Iraq, prisoners go on hunger strike over abuse

Iraqi prisoners have staged a full-scale hunger strike in protest at reported calculated abuse aimed at forcing false confessions out of them.

"I don't have accurate figures but they number in the hundreds," AFP quoted Ahmed al-Masoudi, a spokesman for the parliamentary bloc loyal to Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr.

"They are protesting because they have been systematically tortured and forced to confess to things they didn't do," Masoudi added.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Memo to President Obama: you cannot say "we do not torture" when, apparently, we are still outsourcing it to Iraqis, 6 months into your term of office.

So this is the "democracy" you want to be the legacy of the US invasion and occupation of Iraq?!?

Crisis as a Means to Building a Global Totalitarian State

As the world financial and economic crisis comes into its own, the Western political leaders and elites are seeking to impress on mankind the idea that this upheaval will end up ‘turning the world into something different’.

Even though the picture of the 'new world order’ remains vague and fuzzy, the main idea is quite clear: A single global government, goes the argument, has to be established if we don’t want general chaos to prevail.

Intelligence activities, trade of war, penitentiary system, and information control are passing into private hands. This is done through so-called outsourcing, a relatively new business phenomenon that consists of trusting certain functions to private firms that act as contractors and relying on individuals outside an organization to solve its internal tasks.

In 2007, the American government found out that 70% of its secret intelligence budget is spent on private contracts and that “Cold-War intelligence bureaucracy is transforming into something new, where contractor’s interests dominate.” For American society (Congress included), their activities remain classified, which allows them to gather more and more important functions in their hands.

Former CIA employees say that nearly 60% of their staff are on contracts. Those people analyze most of the information, write reports for those who make decisions in state authorities, maintain communications among various security services, help foreign stations, and analyze data interception. As a result, America’s National Security Agency is becoming more and more dependent on private companies that have access to classified information. No wonder, then, that it is lobbying a bill in the Congress that is supposed to guarantee immunity to corporations that have worked with NSA for the last five years.

The same is happening to private military companies (PMCs), which have been assuming more and more army and police functions. On a significant scale, it started in the nineties in former Yugoslavia, but contract workers were especially widely used in Afghanistan and other conflict zones. They did the ‘dirtiest’ actions, as was the case during the war in South Ossetia, where up to 3000 mercenaries were involved. At the moment, PMCs are real armies, each up to 70,000 strong, that operate in over 60 countries, with annual revenues of up to $180 billion (according to Brookings Institution, USA) For example, over 20,000 employees of American PMCs work in Iraq along with the 160,000 American military contingent.

The system of private prisons is also growing rapidly in the US. The prison industry complex, which uses slave labor and sweatshop practices, is flourishing, and its investors are based on Wall Street. The use of convict labor by private corporations has been legalized in 37 states already, and it is used by major corporations such as IBM, Boeing, Motorola, Microsoft, Texas Instrument, Intel, Pierre Cardin, and others. In 2008, the number of inmates in US private prisons was about 100,000, and it is growing rapidly, along with the total number of inmates in the country (mostly African-Americans and Latin Americans), which is 2.2 million people, or 25% of all convicts in the world.

After Bush came to power, privatization of the system for transportation and retention of migrants in concentration camps began. In particular, a branch of the notorious firm Halliburton, Kellog Brown and Root (once headed by Dick Cheney), did just that.





National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE 09)

National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE 09) is scheduled for July 27 through July 31, 2009. NLE 09 will be the first major exercise conducted by the United States government t More..hat will focus exclusively on terrorism prevention and protection, as opposed to incident response and recovery.

NLE 09 is designated as a Tier I National Level Exercise. Tier I exercises (formerly known as the Top Officials exercise series or TOPOFF) are conducted annually in accordance with the National Exercise Program (NEP), which serves as the nation's overarching exercise program for planning, organizing, conducting and evaluating national level exercises. The NEP was established to provide the U.S. government, at all levels, exercise opportunities to prepare for catastrophic crises ranging from terrorism to natural disasters.

NLE 09 is a White House directed, Congressionally- mandated exercise that includes the participation of all appropriate federal department and agency senior officials, their deputies, staff and key operational elements. In addition, broad regional participation of state, tribal, local, and private sector is anticipated. This year the United States welcomes the participation of Australia, Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom in NLE 09.

Napolitano : ADL trains DHS personnel on "hate and terrorism" groups

Thu, 04/23/2009
Napolitano on DHS partnering with ADL....
1. The ADL has been "training" DHS personnel about "hate" groups and others, which is more than a bit worrisome because the ADL's definition of "hate" isn't trustworthy
[1] From adl.org/PresRele/TerrorismIntl_93/5033_93.htm
The Department of Homeland Security has contracted with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to provide its specialized training and expertise on extremism, hate groups, domestic and international terrorism, and civil liberties to high-level agency personnel.

Complete silence from the Anti-Defamation League on racist Obama hate video

I noticed that as of June 6, 2009, the Anti-Defamation League had not yet issued a statement condemning the Zionist hate video that surfaced on June 3, 2009 and since created a firestorm on the internet. I created a response video to note that there was a complete non-response on the issue by the ADL, and to offer some commentary to the video in general. Mondoweiss, the group that made the original video, has some very interesting commentary on the ongoing controvery this has caused, as well as Gawker, who broke the story about Huffington Post censoring the video .

Rabbi: Obama Breeds Climate of Hate Against Jews

Our new president did not tell a virulent anti-Semite to travel to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington to kill Jews, but he is most certainly creating a climate of hate against us.

It is no coincidence that we are witnessing this level of hatred toward Jews as President Barack Obama positions America against the Jewish state.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Israel claims to be America's only friend in the middle east, but apparently that friendship only exists so long as the USA gives Israel everything Israel wants. The friendship is only as good as the last check.


Peled proposes Israeli sanctions on US

Israeli Minister without a Portfolio Yossi Peled is advocating for a new approach to the U.S. in Israel until President Barack Obama changes policies on Jewish Settlements and Iran. Amongst his suggestions is a sanctioning of U.S. military equipment, selling sensitive technology to America’s enemies and put domestic political pressure on Democratic candidates by asking American Jews not to donate to them.

Complete silence from the Anti-Defamation League on racist Obama hate video

I noticed that as of June 6, 2009, the Anti-Defamation League had not yet issued a statement condemning the Zionist hate video that surfaced on June 3, 2009 and since created a firestorm on the internet. I created a response video to note that there was a complete non-response on the issue by the ADL, and to offer some commentary to the video in general. Mondoweiss, the group that made the original video, has some very interesting commentary on the ongoing controvery this has caused, as well as Gawker, who broke the story about Huffington Post censoring the video .

9/11 Truth Activist Sues Glenn Beck and Fox News for Defamation

The complaint will note that - on October 22, 2007 - Beck suggested that those identifying themselves as associated with the 9/11 truth movement are "dangerous" "anarchists" who deny the Holocaust, and are "the kind of group that Timothy McVeigh would come from."

The suit will also note that during Beck’s June 10th broadcast Beck linked the murder of the Washington D.C. holocaust museum guard with "9/11 truthers."

As I have previously written, suing people for defamation who falsely claim that 9/11 activists are terrorists could be a good way to stand up to these bullies.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Make it class-action and I will gladly join.

Glenn Beck’s Outrageous Lie: Racist Von Brunn is “Hero of 9/11 Truthers”


The Two Face Glenn Beck - “911 truthers want to Destroy the Country”

Glenn Beck - 9-11 truth movement wants to destroy America


Okay, this whole story is starting to smell kinda funny.

A. They sure got the name of the guy damned quick. Reminiscent of the 9/11 attacks, where they knew within what seemed like seconds who the perps were.

B. The guy was 100% expendable. The U.S. media is publishing pictures from years ago, where he looks all young and healthy, for some weird reason, while the foreign media is showing him as an old man:

Webmaster's Commentary:

The reason the US media is showing a young photo of Brunnm is that as he looks today he is just not that credible as the face of a new domestic terror threat.


Neo-Nazis are in the Army now.

Why the U.S. military is ignoring its own regulations and permitting white supremacists to join its ranks.

The Daily Kos Does it Again

Not unlike Glenn Beck’s idiotic attempt to equate white supremacists with 911 Truth, Daily Kos joins the bandwagon by falsely suggesting that Von Brunn was a supporter of Ron Paul and his political beliefs.

Conveniently, the Daily Kos contributor, using the pseudonym ‘Lefty Coaster’, notes that the alleged gunman posted an anti-Semitic tirade on the Yahoo Message Board ‘Ron Paul for President’.

Besides the obvious fact that the politics of Ron Paul has nothing whatsoever to do with Von Brunn’s obsessive preoccupation with Jews, Daily Kos suggests a kinship with no basis in reality. After the quoted tirade, Von Brunn signs off with an explicit ‘Heil Hitler’- which doesn’t really sound like somebody endorsing the views of the anti-tyranny, individual liberty-promoting Ron Paul.

Accused 9.11 mastermind: ‘I make up stories’

In potentially another blow to advocates of torture and harsh interrogation, transcripts released yesterday show that alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed says he made up stories to appease his interrogators.

Mohammed says he told his questioners he didn’t know the location of Osama Bin Laden, and was tortured as a result.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Under torture, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed said anything he thought would make the torture stop.

Torture, as we have known from the times of the Catholic Inquisition, is about getting a confession, not getting the truth.

One has to wonder just how many "sick pieces of work" in this government were getting immense pleasure from seeing the photos, and reading the reports.

Truly moral Americans would have refused to do this.

And why?


1. The use of torture by the US, for all practical intents and purposes, pulls us out any and all human rights treaties to which the US has ever been a signatory, including the Geneva Accords.

2. The use of torture by the US is completely antithetical to every core American moral value expressed in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

3. The use of torture by the US makes us a laughingstock for the rest of the world for our hypocracy. People understand that those values our leadership talks about wanting to "export", democracy, human rights, and human dignity, are values they actually hold in the most despicable contempt.

4. The use of torture by the US against foreign nationals and military gives other countries carte blanche to do the same to US foreign nationals and military.

If you have anyone you care about serving in the military, that last one ought to put a shiver up your spine.


"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell
you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the

target="_blank">Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

See also The Secret Service at Booker Elementary:
The Dog That Did Not Bark

Media Smearing of Truth Movement Reaching a Crescendo

Recent months have seen numerous breakthroughs for the truth movement in the corporate media, from Fox 26's interview with Richard Gage of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth to 9/11 Press For Truth being aired on local television in Colorado to coverage of this year's Bilderberg conference in major British newspapers. Despite these positive developments, however, primetime TV dramas are continuing to portray those skeptical of the official 9/11 story (a clear majority of the American public according to poll after poll) as deranged terrorists who are likely to commit acts of violence.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Anyone think they will even take a respectful pause now that the so-called "Mastermind" of 9-11, Khalid Sheik Mohammed has said he was just making stuff up to stop the torture?

In Iraq, prisoners go on hunger strike over abuse

Iraqi prisoners have staged a full-scale hunger strike in protest at reported calculated abuse aimed at forcing false confessions out of them.

"I don't have accurate figures but they number in the hundreds," AFP quoted Ahmed al-Masoudi, a spokesman for the parliamentary bloc loyal to Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr.

"They are protesting because they have been systematically tortured and forced to confess to things they didn't do," Masoudi added.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Memo to President Obama: you cannot say "we do not torture" when, apparently, we are still outsourcing it to Iraqis, 6 months into your term of office.

So this is the "democracy" you want to be the legacy of the US invasion and occupation of Iraq?!?

Guantánamo’s Hidden History: Shocking Statistics of Starvation

“Guantánamo’s Hidden History: Shocking Statistics of Starvation” is a report I’ve compiled for Cageprisoners analyzing the weight records for prisoners at Guantánamo (released by the Pentagon in March 2007), which demonstrate that, from January 2002, when the prison opened, until February 2007, when these particular records came to an end, one in ten of the total population — 80 prisoners in total — weighed, at some point, less than 112 pounds (eight stone, or 50 kg), and 20 of these prisoners weighed less than 98 pounds (seven stone, or 44 kg).

Webmaster's Commentary:

So this is what passes as "humanitarian care" for prisoners caged, and in complete legal limbo at Gitmo.

Folks, we have absolutely slid off a cliff in terms of the Geneva Convention's mandates about how prisoners are to be treated.

This means that if American military or civilians get captured by foreign governments, they can expect precisely the same treatment the prisoners at Gitmo have received.

No wonder the rest of the world is laughing at us whenever our politicians pontificate about how they value justice,constitutional government, human rights, and human dignity: the world understands very clearly that the leaders of this country hold these values in absolute and vile contempt.

Just ask any of the guys at Gitmo who cannot be charged under normal American law (because their cases would be thrown out), and may well die there because the US government is totally embarrassed as to how and why they they got there in the first place.

White House: Obama will keep promise to conceal detainee abuse photos

The Times story added, “In order to ease Democratic concerns, the president on Thursday sent Congress a letter saying he would take ‘every legal and administrative remedy’’ to keep the photos sealed. Mr. Graham, who has warned that release of the photos could incite anti-American attacks overseas, said he just wanted the president to go a little further and make an explicit promise of an executive order.”

Webmaster's Commentary:

If Obama actually does sign an executive order preventing these photos from going public, he will have signed on not only to cover-up of the previous administration's abuses; he will have also legitimized torture under his watch, just as long as the torture doesn't get documented.

That's enough to make any moral American puke in their shoes.

CIA Fights Full Release Of Detainee Report

The officials say the CIA is urging the suppression of passages describing in graphic detail how the agency handled its detainees, arguing that the material could damage ongoing counterterrorism operations by laying bare sensitive intelligence procedures and methods.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Memo to Leon Panetta; as we have known from the time of the Catholic inquisition, torture is about extracting a confession, with a specific outcome to be obtained.

The use of torture is never about getting to the truth.

The use of torture never has nor will make Americans more safe.

That this country is not coming clean by showing the photos and the reports, and prosecuting those responsible to the fullest extent of the law, is a very clear indication that as a moral society, US political leadership has pushed this country off a cliff, into a yawning chasm of pure evil.

Unless these revelations and judicial processes happen, this country can never consider itself a moral country, ruled by laws, and not by men, ever again.

Holder Says He Will Not Permit the Criminalization of Policy Differences

As lawmakers call for hearings and debate brews over forming commissions to examine the Bush administration's policies on harsh interrogation techniques, Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed to a House panel that intelligence officials who relied on legal advice from the Bush-era Justice Department would not be prosecuted.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Holder has just undone the Nuremberg principle, which is that "We vas only following ze orders" does not excuse war crimes.

In any event, this does NOT affect those who committed acts of torture BEFORE those memos were written!

US to prosecute about 60 Guantanamo detainees: Holder

Attorney General Eric Holder told US senators on Wednesday that fewer than 60 of the 230 detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison could face eventual prosecution while the rest would be cleared for release.

Holder also said that cases of prisoners who face indefinite detention without charge would be periodically reviewed and treated with the due process "consistent with the laws of war."

Webmaster's Commentary:

Memo to Eric Holder: so we have been holding at least 170 innocent men in Gitmo for all this time, when there wasn't really a charge against them that could have even stood up in a military tribunal?!?

And another observation, Attorney General Holder: there is no place in American jurisprudence for "indefinite detention without charge."

It doesn't exist: I defy you to find that in ANY US penal code.

And last, when you make the statement that those "...who face indefinite detention without charge would be periodically reviewed and treated with the due process "consistent with the laws of war.", you are trying (spectacularly badly, I might add) to con the American people yet again.

This country was founded upon the principle of the rule of law, and never the "laws of war": that statement regarding the "laws of war" is an intellectually dishonest dodge at the highest level, and sir, YOU KNOW IT!