Émission de radio L'Autre Monde

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jeudi 12 novembre 2009

L'Autre Monde 12 novembre 2009: A/H1N1, Ukraine, économie, Iran et Pakistan


L'Autre Monde 12 novembre 2009: A/H1N1, Ukraine, économie, Iran et Pakistan

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L'Autre Monde 12 novembre 2009

90 min / Radio de l'UQAM, CHOQ FM

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h
Animation : François Marginean
Archives d'émission

Émission du 12 novembre 2009:

Tribune téléphonique, ligne ouverte durant l'émission, entre 11h30 et 12h20, le jeudi.
N'hésitez pas à appeler pour commenter les informations présentées et poser vos questions.
(514) 987-3000, poste 1610.

Cette semaine, nous vous donnons toutes les dernières informations à propos du Pakistan et de l'Iran.

Nous continuons à explorer le massif dossier de la santé et les développements de l'hystérie du A/H1N1 de 2009. Nous effectuons aussi, bien sûr, notre tour des nouvelles mondiales hebdomadaire.

Soyez au rendez-vous les jeudis à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l'émission d'aujourd'hui:


A Review of Four Approved Swine Flu Vaccines’ Ingredients

Do you know what's in each brand of swine flu vaccine?


Les effets secondaires du vaccin H1N1 commencent à sortir et les autorités
nient que le vaccin puisse être en cause. Ils vont même jusqu'à dire que
c'est la H1N1 qui tue, puisque le vaccin n'est pas effectif avant au moins
10 jours, pour masquer les désastres du vaccin. Je reçois à tous les
jours des témoignages et des vidéos qui démontrent l'horrible et
l'insoutenable drame de la vaccination! Beaucoup de personnes qui ont
reçu le vaccin dans les derniers jours ont de la fièvre et une fatigue
extrême qui les empêchent de se rendre au travail. Il y a quelques
minutes, un ami me disait qu'une de ses connaissances a témoigné avoir les
oreilles complètement bouchées depuis l'injection.

J'aimerais vous inviter à me mettre en contact avec toutes personnes ayant
des effets secondaires, mineurs ou majeurs, suite à la vaccination...

En Ukraine, en ce moment, il y a une augmentation dramatique du nombre de
personnes (250 000 - 500 000) atteintes par un virus qui ne serait pas la
H1N1 "classique". Les autorités prétendent à la H1N1, mais d'autres
instances croient en un tout autre virus. C'est assez hallucinant ce qui
passe dans ce pays et pourtant, aucun mot dans nos médias. Serait-ce un
test-laboratoire effectué sur cette population du globe? Serait-ce les
contres-coups du vaccin ou du Tamiflu? Certains prétendent à la peste,
l'Ebola ou le typhus...



Voyez cette jeune cheerleader après la vaccination contre la H1N1, c'est
tristement révoltant! CE N'EST PAS UN HOAX.

Les morts et les effets secondaires se multiplient en Suède:

Saviez-vous que le jeune garçon de 13 ans qui a semé la panique la semaine
passée au Canada parce qu'il aurait été foudroyé par le virus H1N1, est
mort d'une méningite? C'est le Dr. Alain Poirier qui l'a déclaré dans les
jours qui ont suivi dans une émission télé. Étrange que les médias ne
soient pas revenus rectifier la réelle cause de la mort...

Une femme est morte au Québec hier de la supposée H1N1. Étrangement, elle
n'avait qu'un trouble mineur d'asthme et surtout, elle a été vaccinée 2
jours avant sa mort... Elle est morte d'une infection du sang, incidence
du virus H1N1 ou du vaccin H1N1 ?????????????????????????????

Vous rendez-vous compte de la manipulation des autorités sanitaires pour
nous inciter à la vaccination? Ils vont même jusqu'à créer de "faux
morts" de la H1N1, c'est pas malicieux à peu près! Ils utilisent aussi la
bonne vieille technique de marketing, laquelle consiste à créer la rareté.
Ils prétendent que les vaccins manquent et donc, les gens se bousculent
pour faire la file d'attente pendant des heures pour s'assurer une
injection. Le "Globe and Mail" a appris que des millions de doses du
vaccin H1N1 dorment dans des entrepôts...

Écoutez bien celle-là, c'est la meilleure!

Des employés d'un centre d'hébergement ont été victimes d'une erreur dans
la préparation du vaccin: celui-ci contenait 2 X l'adjuvant! Deux fois
plus de squalène que la dose admise. Et le comble, c'est que ces employés
seront revaccinés avec le mélange adéquat!

Concernant l'état d'urgence sanitaire décrété aux USA, certaines rumeurs
prétendent que des mesures militaires pourraient prendre place sur le
territoire très prochainement. À cet effet, le vidéo d'une femme qui nous
alerte, avec 2 précédents youtube, que les frontières seront fermées d'ici
le début janvier et qu'elles seront gérées par des soldats de l'armée.
Évidemment, pour empêcher le virus de passer les frontières!

Dans cette optique, on pourrait fabuler un lien avec la pratique militaire
de la réserve de l'armée canadienne à l'aéroport de Mirabel ces derniers

Si vos enfants tombent malades et que votre inquiétude vous mène à
l'hôpital, de grâce, ne laissez jamais votre enfant seul. Exigez de
l'accompagner dans toutes les étapes et exigez votre consentement sur les
traitements qu'ils feront subir à votre enfant.

Certaines écoles du Québec recevront le vaccin dès la semaine prochaine.
Un formulaire de consentement sera demandé aux parents. Vérifiez auprès
de votre direction d'école et spécifiez à l'enseignant que votre enfant ne
doit pas recevoir de vaccin si tel est votre choix.

Soyons sur nos gardes, mais ne cédons pas à la panique programmée!



C’est tu drôle hein..on vaccinne les gens la semaine dernière puis, tout d’un coup, comme par enchantement, une semaine plus tard, les urgences sont débordées de cas de grippe H1N1.

Relax! The Swine Flu is the Least of Your Worries

I'd just like to share the good news that in spite of all the stories that are coming out about the very questionable safety of the swine flu vaccine, that's no longer a cause for concern. Now that the media have told us that there is a shortage, the only important question is "How can I get my hands on it?" And now that the media have admitted that the evil banks have already reserved vaccine for their employees, the next most important question is "How come those nasty banks get priority over me?" We have to thank the media for making it so clear that safety is no longer an issue.

Remarquez la campagne de PR:

- LA plus grande campagne de vaccination au Québec, comme si c’était un évènement à célébrer, un moment historique magique à vivre

- On joue avec notre sentiment d’insécurité en jouant avec la sensation de rareté des vaccins et d’attendre votre tour, augmentant votre désir d’Avoir votre dose vous aussi. C’est comme si c’était « une chance », que vous aviez gagné le gros lot.

The silence about vaccine deaths in media is due to the confidential contracts with the vaccine manufacturers.

If you can read French, you will discover at http://www.lepoint2.com/sons/pdf/vaccin-H1N1%20medias.pdf that the maker of PandemRix, that is used in Sweden, passed a secret contract, the same in every European country, which specified a "Green List" of what the government MAY communicate (hardly anything!) and the "Red List" of what may absolutely NOT be made public, like intermediary results of the side effects that appear in the studies of the controversial squalene (and thiomersal) adjuvantated PandemRix until they have been sanitized by Glaxo Smith Kline researchers, and published by GSK themselves.

CFR Recording Suggests Creating False Scarcity To Drive Up Demand For H1N1 Vaccine

During part of the discussion (see transcript) on whether or not the vaccine should be made mandatory for health workers and school children, Lone Simonsen, Research Professor and Research Director at the Department of Global Health, George Washington University, suggests creating an artificial scarcity in order to ramp up demand for the vaccine.


Conflicts of interest? Dr. Mehmet Oz owns 150,000 option shares in vaccine technology company

Dr. Mehmet Oz is a huge promoter of vaccines. He's been on television reinforcing fear about H1N1 swine flu and telling everyone to get vaccinated. But what he didn't tell his viewing audience is that he holds 150,000 option shares in a vaccine company that could earn him millions of dollars in profits as the stock price rises. It is in Dr. Oz's own financial interest, in other words, to hype up vaccines and get more people taking them so that his own financial investments rise in value.

GPs to get bigger bonuses if they meet swine flu jab targets

Doctors are in line for huge bonuses if large numbers of their patients sign up for swine flu jabs.

Managers at a major health trust are offering extra payments on top of the £5.25 that GPs already get per injection.

If they vaccinate more than 90 per cent of those deemed at risk of the disease in their area, they will get 50 per cent more per jab - £7.88 per person.

An uptake of just 40 per cent will earn doctors an extra 10 per cent.

The extra payments are being offered by Heart of Birmingham primary care trust, according to Pulse magazine.

Flashback: Bayer And Baxter Knowingly Infected Hemophiliac Patients With HIVAIDS Tainted Vaccine

Congress divided over whether they will be receiving the swine flu vaccine

Democratic and Republican lawmakers cannot agree on whether to get the swine flu vaccine

Government Appoints Task Force To Handle H1N1 Vaccine Propaganda

The U.S. government has appointed what the media is ludicrously billing as an “independent” group of health advisors whose job it will be to whitewash adverse reactions to the swine flu vaccine and “explain” them to the public as mere coincidence.

Mercury Rising - Autism Spikes, Toxins Suspected

As the national focus on the H1N1 pandemic rages, additional evidence of a more insidious epidemic has emerged, with an all-too-expected shrug from the mainstream media. Results from two federal studies announced in October say parents have a 1-in-100-or-greater chance of having a child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Since boys are four times more likely to have an ASD, their odds are as high as 1 in 60.

VeriChip shares jump after H1N1 patent license win
September 21, 2009, Reuters

Shares of VeriChip Corp tripled after the company said it had been granted an exclusive license to two patents, which will help it to develop implantable virus detection systems in humans. The patents, held by VeriChip partner Receptors LLC, relate to biosensors that can detect the H1N1 and other viruses. The technology will combine with VeriChip's implantable radio frequency identification devices to develop virus triage detection systems. The triage system will provide multiple levels of identification -- the first will identify the agent as virus or non-virus, the second level will classify the virus and alert the user to the presence of pandemic threat viruses and the third level will identify the precise pathogen, VeriChip said in a white paper published May 7, 2009. Shares of VeriChip were up 186 percent.

Note: Beware of efforts to scare you into getting microchipped for your own safety. Click here for more on this. For more on pharmaceutical corporation profiteering from swine flu vaccines, click here.

FLASHBACK - Alaskan Victim of 1918 Flu Yields Sample of Killer Virus

A specimen of the influenza virus that killed 21 million people in the 1918 worldwide epidemic has been recovered from the frozen remains of a flu victim buried in Alaska.

Webmaster's Commentary:

And now something very much like the 1918 flu is rampaging across Ukraine.

Has Baxter International released a biological weapon?

Webmaster's Commentary:

... or did they just drop a test tube?

Has Baxter Released A BioWeapon In Ukraine?

Evidence appears to suggest that Baxter International may be responsible for a new deadly outbreak of viral pneumonia in Ukraine.

Later in the year, a bizarre story emerged on the internet. The news was full of reports on (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/08/14/man-suspected-of-making-t_n_259330.html) a man named Joseph Moshe who was arrested after a hours long standoff with the police because he had supposedly made threats against the White House. The man was able to withstand multiple rounds of tear gas...which left L.A. police officers amazed.

However, the internet community was very skeptical of the true reasons behind the man's arrest. Comments on the Huffington Post website immediately began pouring in about an unreported side to this story, namely that Joseph Moshe was a Mossad Agent who specialized in biological warfare and who called into a radio show to warn people about a biological weapn that was being made by Baxter international that would be spread through vaccine and would cause a plague upon its release.

Although anyone can make a doomsday claim and we should never believe anyone (and it must be said that the Truth movement handled this well, the message was spread without being proclaimed as gospel) the amazing part about Moshe's claim was the location where Moshe said the biological weapon was being produced.

Moshe claimed that Baxter's laboratory in the Ukraine out of all places was creating this biological weapon. All of this came out in the beginning of August, which is more than 2 months before the situation that is currently unfolding. For Moshe to correctly name the country where a new epidemic would be unleashed, requires either inside information, or an incredible coincidence as anyone with a basic knowledge of statistics can confirm for himself.

Let us assume for a moment that every person on our planet has an equal chance of giving rise to a new lethal epidemic due to a virus that mutates as it spreads through his body. (http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/operativ/operativ2009/ds/kn/kn_e/kn0609_e.html)

(http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/operativ/operativ2009/ds/kn/kn_e/kn0609_e.html) Ukraine has 46 million inhabitants. (http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/popclockworld.html) The current estimated global population is about 6.7 billion. This means that if a new epidemic were to arise, the chance of this epidemic starting in the Ukraine would be 0.69%. (http://zik.com.ua/en/news/2009/10/29/202374) However, it appears that this virus is a form of flu. This makes the odds of being right when guessing that a deadly flu is going to break out in the Ukraine even smaller. The reason for this is that back in early August the vast majority of influenza infections were found in different countries than the Ukraine. (http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/292540,

ukraine-confirms-first-swine-flu-death-quarantine-ordered.html) In fact, on 30 Oktober, Earthtimes reported that Ukraine had officially reported only two cases of swine flu, and no deaths, until last Friday. This deadly epidemic appears to have arrived out of nowhere in the Ukraine.


(http://www.biomedexperts.com/Profile.bme/78637/Moshe_Bar-Joseph) Moshe's biomed profile appears to confirm his position as a microbiologist. Furthermore, this page with Baxter's contact information for its Ukraine office confirms that Baxter has a presence in the Ukraine.


(http://www.stevequayle.com/dead_scientists/UpdatedDeadScientists.html) It must also be noted that massive numbers of microbiologists have been dying bizarre deaths. This case of what appears to be a brave man who sacrificed it all to bring us this message may explain why so many microbiologists have been murdered. The fact that this man managed to predict an outbreak of highly lethal influenza in a place where we would least expect it, 2 months before it a actually occured, lends credence to his claim that Baxter International is responsible for the outbreak and shows that top microbiologists can pose a problem to the people responsible for this ongoing disaster.

Lew Rockwell: Why Isn’t the H1N1 Pandemic Flu Being Investigated as a Designed Bioweapon?

Certainly, this is not out of the question technologically. It is now entirely possible for scientists to artificially re-create an infectious agent from scratch. Researchers have demonstrated that a polio virus can be reduced to a chemical, C332,652H492,388N98,245O131,196-P7501S2340, and assembled by following its written genetic code. (Viruses are not live organisms, they are sequences of genes that must rely upon entry into a host cell nucleus to utilize the cell’s genetic mechanisms for reproduction.) When a synthetically-created polio virus was introduced into the spinal cords of mice it created the same paralysis seen in polio.

Premier says no swine flu epidemic in Ukraine

Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuliya Tymoshenko has denied suggestions that there is a swine flu epidemic in Ukraine.

"This is not the case that we have a swine flu epidemic, as some are saying today. It is strange that politicians and high-ranking officials use such phrases. We have an epidemic of common flu which is being accompanied by a low number of Californian flu cases tested in laboratories," the ICTV TV channel showed her saying at a cabinet meeting on 2 November.

Ukraine doctors say it's pneumonic plague

Yushchenko called on to help Ukraine: Unknown virus is killing people
Publication time:
1 November 2009, 23:39
In last 24 hours, an unknown virus (presumed pneumonic plague) infected another 37 thousand and killed 12 more people. The authorities deny that this is pneumonic plague, and insist that people die from influenza, pneumonia and ARI....but doctors say on the basis of clinical data and the rapidity of the epidemic, that it is pneumonic plague...According to unofficial data, "in
Ukraine over the past week about 1500 people have already died. As noted by some doctors, the reason - pneumonic plague. High temperatures from the first day, a burning sensation in the chest, the desire to drink cold and nausea - all of these symptoms are frightening. People die within few days.

Ukraine and World Pneumonic Plague Information

The plague or virus in the Ukraine has 10 times the mortality rate than the normal swine flu.

205,000 sick in Ukraine Swine Flu Pneumonic Plague


Webmaster's Commentary:

Swine flu NOT the main culprit here!

President's address to the Ukrainian people on the occasion of flu epidemic in Ukraine

But now, in this moment there is no time for waiting or remonstrance.

National Security and Defense Council should become the center of decision-making.

Failure to comply with its orders will immediately result in application to the law enforcement authorities.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Sounds like they just declared martial law!

Ukraine: Influenza or Pneumonic Plague? The situation is getting worse and worse

Ukrainian News Agency "Fraza" reported that, according to informed sources, "it has been confirmed 100 % Pneumonic Plague in Ukraine".

The Agency asserts that "the head physician of the medical institutions has sent out an informal disposal - not to sow panic, to refute the information about the plague, and to speak only of swine influenza".

It is also required to distribute masks at health facilities with 8 levels of protection and anti-plague protection costumes. There is also an informal order not to allow any visitors to see the patients.

According to the "Fraza" agency, "today in Ukraine pneumonic plague is going in parallel with swine flu. The plague has killed over 60 people, and about 14 from the flu.

Webmaster's Commentary:

The original server for this story at http://www.kavkazcenter.com is presently unreachable.


Americans on food stamps tops 36 million, new record

The number of Americans receiving food stamp assistance soared above 36 million for the first time in August, the eighth month in a row that enrollment set a record, the U.S. Agriculture Department said on Wednesday.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"WE'RE NUMBER ONE! WE'RE NUMBER ONE!! No, wait, that's a bad thing, right?" -- Official White Horse Souse

Pentagon Expected to Request More War Funding

The military officer, Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, did not say how much additional money would be needed, but one figure in circulation within the Pentagon and among outside defense budget analysts is $50 billion.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Fifty Billion dollars?!?!?

From where?!?!?

Video: On The Edge with Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert

In this episode of On The Edge Keiser talks about the coming collapse of the U.S. dollar and why Americans need to start investing in gold. He also explains why India’s recent decision to purchase of 200 tons of gold was a wise one...

ADP says U.S. companies cut estimated 203,000 jobs

Companies in the United States cut an estimated 203,000 jobs in October, according to a private report based on payroll data.

The drop compares with a revised 227,000 decline the prior month, data from ADP Employer Services showed on Wednesday. The figures were forecast to show a decline of 198,000 jobs, according to the median estimate of 34 economists in a Bloomberg survey.


Webmaster's Commentary:

Whenever some maniac is about to wreck the planet, they always claim God is directing them.

work, says chief



Blankfein of Goldman Sachs

Monday November 9,2009

By Daily Express Reporter

THE head of the world’s most powerful bank yesterday claimed he was doing “God’s work”.

Goldman Sachs boss Lloyd Blankfein said “everybody should be happy” about a return to big profits and bumper bonuses at banks because it meant the global economy was recovering.

Just months after taxpayers bailed out banks, Goldman Sachs could have £12billion to lavish on wages and bonuses this year.

Mr Blankfein said: “We help companies to grow by helping them raise capital. Companies that grow create wealth. This, in turn, allows people to have jobs that create more wealth. We have a social purpose.”

His words will enrage critics, who blame reckless bankers for causing the worst recession since the Great Depression.

They will also anger religious leaders, who have long argued that bankers’ fat pay packets and bonuses are immoral.

But Mr Blankfein said that limiting bankers’ pay would harm the financial system.

“I don’t want to put a cap on their ambition. The financial system may have led us into crisis but it will lead us out.”

Profit `Not Satanic,’ Barclays Says, After Goldman Invokes Jesus

Profit `Not Satanic,’ Barclays Says, After Goldman Invokes Jesus

Webmaster's Commentary:

"God WANTS us to have all the money, don't you see????? You don't want to go against the will of God, right? Right? Right?"

If You Thought the Housing Meltdown Was Bad…

…wait until you see what’s in the cards for commercial real estate.

That’s right, the next train wreck will be in commercial real estate. Couldn’t be worse than last year’s residential market crash? That remains to be seen. But it’s coming soon, probably as early as the second quarter of next year, and there’s nothing that can prevent it. The government will intervene, trying desperately to delay the day of reckoning, and may even succeed. For a while. But make no mistake about it, that train is going off the tracks no matter what.

Barclays: Commercial Mortgage Delinquencies Soar

Delinquencies in commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) accelerated in October, according to a report from Barclays Capital (BarCap). The 30-plus day delinquency rate jumped 41bps to 5.5% in October as current loans deteriorated and transferred to special servicers.

When the U.S. Dollar Rallies, the Stock Market Will Crash

Everyone who watches the market has noticed the inverse correlation of stocks to the dollar. When the dollar fades, stocks soar. And when the dollar strengthens, stocks plunge. Eventually, the dollar will reverse-course and stage a comeback, probably when Bernanke stops his printing operations. That will trigger the next severe correction which will burst bubbles across all asset classes.

Bernanke's success in reflating sagging asset prices has depended entirely on interest rate manipulation and liquidity injections. There's been no effort to patch household balance sheets, increase production, or strengthen overall demand. It's a clever trick by a master illusionist, but it has its costs. When the dollar rallies, markets will crash. And Bernanke will be responsible.

Four Reasons Hyperinflation Hasn’t Hit the US... Yet

Everything we know about classic economic?theory suggests the US economy should be experiencing Zimbabwe-like hyperinflation right now, thanks to the nearly $2.2 trillion the US?Federal?Reserve has pumped into the system.

One million homes in Britain are empty

The number of UK homes standing empty has hit one million, the highest ever level, a charity has revealed. The Empty Homes Agency reported that more than one in 20 properties have been unoccupied for six months or more, a figure described as "shocking" by homelessness charities.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"Let them stay at the Hilton, BWAH HAA HAA HAA HAA" -- His Royal Highnessnessnessnes

Jonathan May, Economic Hitman

Jonathan May formerly worked for the International Monetary Fund in England. In the early 1980s he came to America with a plan to release Americans from debt to the banking system by employing the same "credit creating" system used by international banking. The law governing this system is the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). May was initially successful. Eventually, however, he was targeted and imprisoned by the banking system.

Gold Jumps on India's 200-tonne IMF Purchase

Gold Prices rose sharply to 7-session highs against the Dollar and new 8-month highs vs. the Euro early Tuesday after the Reserve Bank of India said it bought 200 tonnes of gold from the International Monetary Fund late last month.

India dumps dollars for IMF gold - is China next in line?

The IMF announcement yesterday that it had sold virtually half of its planned 403.3 tonnes of gold, destined to increase its resources for lending to low-income countries, to India came as something of a surprise to the market. Not perhaps that a Central Bank had made the purchase, but the hard money had been on China to do so, not India.

Central Banks Will Become Net Buyers of Gold, WGC CEO Says

Webmaster's Commentary:

Which means the price of gold is about to explode and all those people who fell for the "cash for gold" TV ads got screwed.

Estulin: G-20 Meeting in Scotland this Week about Dumping U.S. Dollar

Best-selling author Daniel Estulin states that the key issue to be discussed this week at the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, being held in St. Andrews, Scotland, is how to bring down the present world financial system through dumping the US dollar.

Author Says G-20 Meeting in Scotland this Week about Dumping U.S. Dollar

Best-selling author Daniel Estulin states that the key issue to be discussed this week at the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, being held in St. Andrews, Scotland, is how to bring down the present world financial system through dumping the US dollar. Estulin first reported on this initiative as being deliberated at the most recent Bilderberg meeting held in Greece in May 2009. Estulin says that the success or failure of this callous plan hinges on the ability of the US and UK representatives to convince the Russian, the Chinese and other national governments to go along with their scheme.

Webmaster's Commentary:

There are two possibilities here.

1. The wrecking of your lives is intentional by design of the government.

2. The wrecking of your lives in accidental by incompetency of the government.

Either way, you are screwed and the government is to blame.

Details no longer matter.

Bullets are speeding faster out of gun shops in U.S.

In a year of job losses, foreclosures and bag lunches, Americans have spent record-breaking amounts of money on guns and ammunition. The most obvious sign of their demand: empty ammunition shelves.

Quotes from the great depression

September 1929

"There is no cause to worry. The high tide of prosperity will continue." — Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury.

October 14, 1929

"Secretary Lamont and officials of the Commerce Department today denied rumors that a severe depression in business and industrial activity was impending, which had been based on a mistaken interpretation of a review of industrial and credit conditions issued earlier in the day by the Federal Reserve Board." — New York Times

Webmaster's Commentary:

In other words, the government and media were bullshitting you then just as they are bullshitting you now!


A court decision that reflects what type of country the U.S. is

It's not often that an appellate court decision reflects so vividly what a country has become, but such is the case with yesterday's ruling by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in Arar v. Ashcroft (.pdf). Maher Arar is both a Canadian and Syrian citizen of Syrian descent. A telecommunications engineer and graduate of Montreal's McGill University, he has lived in Canada since he's 17 years old. In 2002, he was returning home to Canada from vacation when, on a stopover at JFK Airport, he was (a) detained by U.S. officials, (b) accused of being a Terrorist, (c) held for two weeks incommunicado and without access to counsel while he was abusively interrogated, and then (d) was "rendered" -- despite his pleas that he would be tortured -- to Syria, to be interrogated and tortured.

Yesterday, the Second Circuit -- by a vote of 7-4 -- agreed with the government and dismissed Arar's case in its entirety. It held that even if the government violated Arar's Constitutional rights as well as statutes banning participation in torture, he still has no right to sue for what was done to him. Why? Because "providing a damages remedy against senior officials who implement an extraordinary rendition policy would enmesh the courts ineluctably in an assessment of the validity of the rationale of that policy and its implementation in this particular case, matters that directly affect significant diplomatic and national security concerns" (p. 39). In other words, government officials are free to do anything they want in the national security context -- even violate the law and purposely cause someone to be tortured -- and courts should honor and defer to their actions by refusing to scrutinize them.

I want to add one principal point to all of this. This is precisely how the character of a country becomes fundamentally degraded when it becomes a state in permanent war. So continuous are the inhumane and brutal acts of government leaders that the citizens completely lose the capacity for moral outrage and horror. The permanent claims of existential threats from an endless array of enemies means that secrecy is paramount, accountability is deemed a luxury, and National Security trumps every other consideration -- even including basic liberties and the rule of law. Worst of all, the President takes on the attributes of a protector-deity who can and must never be questioned lest we prevent him from keeping us safe.

This is exactly why I find so objectionable and dangerous the ongoing embrace by the Obama administration of these same secrecy and immunity weapons. Obama had nothing to do with the Arar case -- all the conduct, and even the legal briefing, occurred before he was President -- but he has taken numerous steps to further institutionalize the core injustice here, including in cases that are quite similar to Arar: namely, that the Executive can use secrecy and national security claims to shield himself from the rule of law, even when he's accused of torture and war crimes.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Welcome to the United States of Bananastan, where the rule of law is no longer relevant.

EU reform treaty passes last test

The president of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Klaus, has signed the EU's Lisbon Treaty, the final step in the charter's ratification.

81-year-old Tasered by Eielson Air Force Base police

It is the second time since 1998 that police have had to make a show of force during a traffic stop to arrest Glen M. Wilcox, a Fairbanks-based Episcopalian priest and real estate agent.

Court documents allege that officers with Eielson Air Force Base’s 354th Security Forces Squadron pulled Wilcox over just after 1 p.m. Wednesday for going 11 miles over the speed limit on the Richardson Highway.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Why is the Eielson Air Force Base’s 354th Security Forces Squadron doing traffic duty on Richardson Highway?

Suspect surrenders, puts hands on squad car — then gets Tased in neck

On Monday, Rolando Ruiz's lawyer released dashcam video of an April 30 incident in which Ruiz can be seen with his hands on the hood of a car when a police officer approaches him and Tases him in the neck. Ruiz then falls to the ground, and can be heard screaming in agony as the officer kneels over him.

Neighbor: Fort Hood suspect emptied his apartment

Cone acknowledged that it was "counterintuitive" that a single shooter could hit so many people, but he said the massacre occurred in "close quarters.

"With ricochet fire, he was able to injure that number of people," Cone said.

Webmaster's Commentary:

You know the story is starting to come apart when they start using the "magic bullet" explanation.

So, here is what I think happened.

I think that a GROUP of soldiers rebelled against further deployment. This is why we had early reports of multiple shooters, numbering up to 5.

But 5 soldiers shooting their officers signals mutiny in the ranks. It recalls the "fragging" of Vietnam days. It looks really bad to the citizenry. It could even spread to other soldiers and other bases where the military are stretched to the breaking point.

So, the DC boys look around and say, "Oh, we have this dead Muslim guy; we'll just blame it on him!" And presto-chango, five shooters pissed off with the wars becomes one conveniently dead Jordanian Palestinian Muslim with possible links to Al Qaeda.

Only turns out Major Hasan isn't dead. Which creates a whole new problem the instant he gets off that ventilator at the hospital.

Which is hardly likely to happen.

Meanwhile, the top of this article reports that Hasan was making the normal preparations for deployment. He emptied out his apartment, gave away things he didn't want to take with him, and told everyone he was deploying today. Does that sound like a man about to go postal?

Violence All Too Familiar at Fort Hood

A mass shooting Thursday at Fort Hood in Texas was the latest in a series of violence incidents at the military post in the past two years.

Fort Hood Shooting 'Oddities'

Are you ready? Wait for it... it's good

As many as 9 killed in Fort Hood shootings, officials say

Two gunmen in military uniforms shot and killed as many as nine people and wounded as many as 20 at Fort Hood in Texas on Thursday, officials said.

One of the shooters has been apprehended, Fort Hood spokesman Sgt. Maj. Jamie Posten told CNN.

"At this point we're looking for the other shooter," Posten said. Asked for a description, he said, "we're trying to develop that information."

The shooters were wearing military uniforms, but it was unclear whether they were soldiers, said U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This is starting to feel like a staged incident.

What are we being distracted FROM? (Aside from the fact that an entire Army Fort was unable to defend itself.)

Seven feared dead in Texas military base shooting

Armed gunmen Thursday killed seven people and wounded at least 12 others in a bloody rampage at Fort Hood military base in Texas, US officials and media said.

Webmaster's Commentary:

And they couldn't defend themselves???????

NBC: 7 dead, 20 injured in Fort Hood shooting

At least seven people were killed and 20 others were wounded in a mass shooting incident Thursday at Fort Hood, Texas, where at least one suspect was believed to be in custody, NBC News and NBC affiliate KCEN-TV reported.

Ft. Hood Files : Shooting Story Collapses


Fort Hood shooting suspect conscious, talking, hospital says

Hasan's ventilator was removed over the weekend, and he began talking afterward, hospital spokesman Dewey Mitchell said. He is speaking with hospital staff, but Mitchell was unable to say whether Hasan has been speaking with Army investigators.

Webmaster's Commentary:

I think it is safe to say that had Hasan said "I did it" it would be headline news.

Fort Hood Shooting 'Oddities'
By Lori Price, www.legitgov.org Updated: 09 Nov 2009

'Three people are involved. That, by definition, means it is a conspiracy.'

CLG Exclusive: SFC Donald Buswell (R), who spent ten years at Fort Hood, comments: I spent 10 years at Ft Hood. There is no way this 'official' story is legitimate. No way would a room full of Combat vets allow this one shooter to get off over 100 rounds! And, it is not normal for the outside security guards to be there. They are at the MP station, and at the main gates. This means the room full of soldiers processing must have ... Read Morebeen pinned down; multiple shooters is the only plausible scenario. This story stinks to high heaven, this sounds like MAJ Hasan has been used, and perhaps is a patsy. --SFC Donald Buswell (R)

  • CNN: Over one hundred shots were fired in the attack. (Logic dictates that 'over one hundred shots' were not fired by a single individual, surrounded by military personnel and special police forces.)
  • CNN: FBI was investigating Major Nidal Hasan six months ago.
  • Curiouser and Curiouser: -Video surfaces of alleged shooter, Major Nidal Hasan, attending Homeland Security Task Force conference --Major Hasan's name appears on page 29 of The George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute's 'Thinking Anew—Security Priorities for the Next Administration' --Proceedings Report of the HSPI Presidential Transition Task Force - April 2008 - January 2009. The report is dated 19 May 2009.
  • Numerous media accounts: Major Hasan's neighbors, medical trainers, colleagues, friends, cousin, uncle, grandfather-- even the store owner to where he bought his food -- all heap praise on Major Hasan's temperament. This appears to be psy-ops, six ways to Sunday. --LRP
  • The alleged shooter received his medical degree from the military’s Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md., in 2001 and is a graduate of Virginia Tech. Early on Thursday, he showed no signs of worry or stress when he stopped at 7-Eleven for his daily breakfast of hash browns, said Jeannie Strickland, the store's manager. "He came in (Thursday) morning just like normal," she said, "nothing weird, nothing out of the ordinary."

Major Nidal Hasan

Fort Hood shooting suspect's ties to mosque investigated --The FBI and Army are looking into whether Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan had an association with militants at the Virginia mosque where two 9/11 'hijackers' prayed, a source says. 09 Nov 2009 The FBI and the Army on Sunday were investigating whether the military psychiatrist suspected in the Ft. Hood shooting rampage had an association with militants at a mosque in Virginia or in cyberspace. A senior federal law enforcement official said there was no immediate evidence of such a link, nor of any direct connection between the suspected gunman, Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, 39, and terrorist groups or individuals, either in person or online.

Are you ready? Wait for it... it's good: Fort Hood shooting: Texas army killer linked to September 11 terrorists --Major Nidal Malik Hasan worshipped at a mosque led by a radical imam said to be a "spiritual adviser" to three of the hijackers who attacked America on Sept 11, 2001. 07 Nov 2009 Hasan, the sole suspect in the ['Manchurian Candidate'-style] massacre of 13 fellow US soldiers in Texas, attended the controversial Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Great Falls, Virginia, in 2001 at the same time as two of the September 11 terrorists, The Sunday Telegraph has learnt. His mother's funeral was held there in May that year. The preacher at the time was Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-born Yemeni scholar who was banned from addressing a meeting in London by video link in August because he is accused of supporting attacks on British troops and backing terrorist organisations.

Report: Suspected Fort Hood shooter prayed at same mosque as 9/11 terrorists 08 Nov 2009 Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the U.S. Army psychiatrist accused of shooting dead 13 people and wounding 30 others in Fort Hood, Texas, prayed at the same mosque as two of the September 11 terrorists, according to a report published in the Sunday Telegraph. Hasan attended the Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Great Falls, Virginia, in 2001, at the same time as the two terrorists, and the FBI may investigate whether Hasan met them, the Telegraph reported.

U.S. Army gunman's act "impossible" - grandfather 07 Nov 2009 The grandfather of a U.S. Army psychiatrist accused of shooting dead 13 people and wounding 30 others at a base in Texas said on Saturday he found it impossible to believe his grandson had committed the act. "He is a doctor and loves the U.S." Ismail Mustafa Hamad told Reuters in an interview at his home in the Palestinian town of al-Bireh. "America made him what he is."

Army: Shooting Suspect Taken Off Ventilator --Army officials: Hasan is 'not able to converse.' 07 Nov 2009 A U.S. Army spokesman says the man authorities say went on a shooting spree at Fort Hood has been taken off a ventilator but still remains in intensive care at a military hospital. Spokesman Col. John Rossi told reporters on Saturday at Fort Hood that he is not sure if Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan is able to communicate. Hasan was shot during an exchange of gunfire during Thursday's attack. The military moved him on Friday to Brooke Medical Center in San Antonio, about 150 miles southwest of Fort Hood. Army officials have said Hasan is "not able to converse."

Nidal Malik Hasan, Suspected Fort Hood Shooter, Was Called "Camel Jockey" --Fort Hood Shooting Suspect Harassed By Others In Military and Wanted Out, Family Said 06 Nov 2009 Fort Hood shooting suspect, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, wanted out of the Army after being constantly harassed by others in the military and was called a "camel jockey," his family said. As Hasan was about to be deployed to Iraq Afghanistan, he was suffering from some of the same stresses that he was trained as an Army psychiatrist to treat. Although the 39-year-old had just been promoted to major in May, his family says he had hired a lawyer to help him get out of the Armed Forces.

Second Gunman In Custody At Army's Fort Hood -Report 06 Nov 2009 A second gunman is in custody after a shooting at the Army's Fort Hood in Texas in which at least seven people were killed and 12 wounded, reports KCEN-TV of Waco. The report comes about two hours after a first suspect was captured, shortly after gunfire broke out. Authorities say the gunmen were dressed in fatigues, though it's not confirmed whether they are military personnel. It's also not known if the victims were military personnel or civilians.

  • Video: Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Major Hasan At Homeland Security Task Force conference --Hasan's name, as Task Force member, appears on page 29 of The George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute's 'Thinking Anew—Security Priorities for the Next Administration
  • White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said earlier that officials were monitoring the incident in the Situation Room. The Department of Homeland Security said it was in the process of obtaining information.
  • Alleged shooter is alive, in stable condition --General Bob Cone:
  • Terror attack 'not ruled out'
  • The alleged shooter graduated from Virginia Tech --His cousin, Nader Hasan, actually laughed in an interview when asked if alleged shooter, Nadal Hasan, was 'violent.' He never went to Iraq.
  • Attack appears to have been carried out by multiple shooters. Two suspects are no longer in custody, but a third person has been picked up for questioned.
  • Sources say Army shooting suspect was due to be deployed to Iraq
  • 42 people shot by Army psychiatrist, promoted to Army Major in May. 12 killed; 30 wounded --US Official: Shooter was Major Malik Nadal Hasan
  • 'The individuals arrested are all US soldiers.'

Surviving Fort Hood shooting suspect arrested at golf course, officer says Updated 2334 GMT 05 Nov 2009 A senior officer who was playing golf Thursday near Fort Hood, Texas, told CNN he witnessed the arrest of one of the two surviving suspects of the shooting at the Army installation. Shortly after the shooting, the officer said, military police told him to clear the course and he saw other MPs surround the building that held the golf carts, he said. The senior officer said he ducked into a nearby house for cover as 30 to 40 cars carrying MPs approached. He said he saw a soldier in battle-dress uniform, his hands in the air. The MPs ordered him to lie on the ground and open his uniform, presumably to ensure he was not carrying explosives, the senior officer said. He said an MP told him that authorities considered the man to be a suspect in the shootings after having overheard the man say he was with the shooter. The man was surrounded for 25 to 30 minutes, until a convoy of vehicles arrived, led by a Ford Crown Victoria and carrying men in suits, and he was taken away, the senior officer said.

Fort Hood gunman [allegedly] shouted 'Allahu Akbar' as he opened fire --Army psychiatrist remains on ventilator after rampage that killed 13 people and wounded 28 06 Nov 2009 A US army psychiatrist about to be deployed to Afghanistan allegedly shouted "Allahu Akbar", or "God is greatest", as he opened fire at a military base in Texas, killing 13 people and wounding 28. The gunman, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, 39, shouted the Arabic phrase just before he began his shooting spree at Fort Hood military installation yesterday, according to the base commander, Lieutenant General Robert Cone.

Details emerge about Fort Hood suspect's history 06 Nov 2009 Army psychiatrist Nidal Malik Hasan, suspect in the assault that killed 13 people at Fort Hood, Texas, and hurt 30, salved the emotional wounds of troops returning from war even as he objected to his own looming deployment to Afghanistan, where he was to counsel soldiers suffering from stress... Hasan recently was involved in a spat with another Fort Hood soldier residing in his apartment complex, apparently related to his Muslim beliefs. The manager of the complex, John Thompson, said the other soldier, John Van de Walker, allegedly keyed Hasan's car and also removed and tore up a bumper sticker that read "Allah is Love." Thompson said Van de Walker had been in Iraq and was upset to learn that Hasan was Muslim. A report filed with Killeen police on Aug. 16 indicates that Hasan's vehicle, a 2006 Honda Civic, had been scratched by an unknown object causing an estimated $1,000 worth of damage. The report indicates that Van de Walker, 30, was arrested on Oct. 21 and charged with criminal mischief.

Death toll rises to 13 in Ft. Hood shootings --Army officials confirmed that the alleged gunman, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, was due to be deployed overseas. Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, was shot by a police officer and is hospitalized. 06 Nov 2009 As authorities continue to search for clues on what prompted the shooting Thursday at Ft. Hood, the death toll rose today to 13. Twenty-eight of the 31 people injured in the attack on the nation's largest military base remain hospitalized. The alleged shooter, an Army psychiatrist who was wounded during the attack, is also hospitalized, unconscious and on a ventilator.

Officers raid Texas home of suspect in Fort Hood shootings 06 Nov 2009 Officers raided the apartment of the soldier suspected in the shootings at Fort Hood, Texas, early Friday, searching for clues as to what caused the military psychiatrist to allegedly gun down soldiers he had taken an oath to help, a police spokeswoman said. The alleged gunman, identified as Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, opened fire at a military processing center at Fort Hood, killing 13 and wounding 30 others, Lt. Gen. Robert Cone said... In the nearby town of Killeen, a SWAT team and FBI agents were searching Hasan's apartment to help determine what caused the shooting, which military experts called the worst mass shooting at an American military base, Carol Smith, a Killeen police spokeswoman, said early Friday.

Surveillance video shows Fort Hood suspect before shootings 06 Nov 2009 An owner of a 7-Eleven convenience store in Fort Hood, Texas, said Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan came in for coffee and hashbrowns most mornings, including the day he allegedly shot dozens of soldiers. Surveillance video from the store obtained by CNN shows a man who, according to the store owner, is Hasan at the cashier's counter at about 6:20 a.m. Thursday (7:20 a.m. ET) -- about seven hours before the mass shooting. "He looked normal, came in had his hashbrowns and coffee as you see in the surveillance video," the owner told CNN. Another surveillance video from the store on Tuesday showed the man believed to be Hasan in scrubs... In 2009, Hasan he completed a fellowship in disaster and preventive psychiatry and was assigned to Darnall in July. He had been awarded the National Defense Service Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and the Army Service Ribbon, but was never deployed outside the United States.

Motive a mystery after Fort Hood rampage --12 die; gunman remain hospitalized, despite earlier reports 06 Nov 2009 An Army psychiatrist about to be deployed to a combat zone overseas allegedly shot and killed 12 people and wounded 31 in a rampage at this sprawling military post north of Austin on Thursday afternoon. Post officials originally said that the suspected shooter -- Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan -- had been killed, but late in the day said he was wounded and in critical condition at a nearby hospital... Hasan is accused of attacking his fellow soldiers about 1:30 p.m. at the Soldier Readiness Processing Center. Armed with two pistols, he shot more than 40 people before military police and civilian police officers responded, officials said. He was wounded by a civilian policewoman, who was injured in the exchange, police said. Officials had reported earlier that the police officer had been killed. Hasan's motives were unclear, and early on Thursday, he showed no signs of worry or stress when he stopped at 7-Eleven for his daily breakfast of hash browns, said Jeannie Strickland, the store's manager. "He came in (Thursday) morning just like normal," she said, "nothing weird, nothing out of the ordinary." A few hours later, officials said, the Virginia native began his rampage on the post.

Counter-terror plans will be revised to reflect Fort Hood and Afghan attacks [Wow, that was quick!] 05 Nov 2009 (UK) A soldier turning on his comrades at Fort Hood, an Afghan policeman killing the British soldiers who trained him - two uncannily similar events in two days, but incidents which, across the Western world, security authorities have been planning for and dreading. Since the Mumbai attacks counter-terrorism planning has seen a major shift. The shootings in Afghanistan and Fort Hood carry echoes of the attacks in India with the added danger that the enemy has come from within.

AP: Authorities Had Concerns About Suspect Over Internet Postings [Wow, that was quick, too!] 05 Nov 2009 Federal law enforcement officials say the suspected Fort Hood, Texas, shooter had come to their attention at least six months ago because of Internet postings that discussed suicide bombings and other threats. The officials say the postings appeared to have been made by Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, who was killed during the shooting incident that left least 11 others dead and 31 wounded... The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the case. One of the Web postings that authorities reviewed is a blog that equates suicide bombers with a soldier throwing himself on a grenade to save the lives of his comrades.

Suspected Fort Hood gunman graduated from Virginia Tech 05 Nov 2009 The Army psychiatrist suspected of carrying a shooting rampage at Fort Hood, Texas, was born in Virginia and graduated from Virginia Tech University, where he was a member of the ROTC and earned a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry in 1997. Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan had come to the attention of authorities six months ago because of Internet postings that discussed suicide bombings and other threats, law enforcement officials said Thursday... He received his medical degree from the military’s Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md., in 2001. He did his internship, residency and a fellowship at Walter Reed.

Twelve dead as US soldiers go on shooting rampage at Fort Hood military base in Texas 05 Nov 2009 At least 12 people have been killed and more than 30 injured after three US soldiers went on a shooting rampage at the Fort Hood military base in Texas. The Army says one of the gunmen has been killed and two others apprehended and all of the gunmen are US soldiers. Lieutenant General Bob Cone: "A shooter opened fire. That person was killed. At this time, we are looking at 12 dead and 31 wounded. They are dispersed among the local hospitals in this area in Texas. "The shooter was killed. He was a soldier. We since then have apprehended two additional soldiers who are suspects, and I would go into the point that there were eyewitness accounts that there may have been more than one shooter." The massacre happened at a training centre on the sprawling grounds of the largest US military base in the world. One gunman was caught quickly but the others went on the run. Four police officers were shot and wounded before they were arrested. Eyewitnesses said the gunmen were dressed in military uniforms.

12 dead, 30 injured in shootings at Fort Hood --Army psychiatrist was gunman in Texas incident, military officials tell NBC 05 Nov 2009 An Army psychiatrist opened fire Thursday at Fort Hood, Texas, killing 12 people and wounding 30 others before being shot to death, officials told NBC News. Eleven of the victims died at the scene, military officials said. A 12th died later at a hospital, NBC station KCEN-TV of Waco reported.

12 Dead, 31 Wounded in Base Shootings 06 Nov 2009 At least 12 people were killed and 31 wounded Thursday afternoon in a shooting at a military installation in Fort Hood, Texas, according to military spokesmen. Lt. General Bob Cone said in Texas that the shooter was an Army soldier who opened fire in a “readiness facility.” Lt. Gen. Cone confirmed that the shooter had been killed. Two other Army soldiers were in custody as suspects. President Obama said it was "horrifying" that American soldiers would face such a situation at home.

Fort Hood death toll now at 12; gunmen were U.S. soldiers 05 Nov 2009 At least 12 people have been killed and 31 wounded in a shooting at Fort Hood Army Base near Killeen, Texas, when at least one gunmen opened fire on soldiers who were making their final deployment preparations. Lt. Gen. Bob Cone, the commander of III Corps, said that at least one gunman opened fire at the base's Soldiers Readiness Processing Center where soldiers were receiving medical and dental exams prior to deployment. The gunman's fire was returned -- Cone did not say by whom -- and the gunman was killed. Two other soldiers who may have participated in the shootings were arrested in nearby buildings, Cone said. At least one of the dead was a civilian police officer working at the base.

Fort Hood (and over 100 other .gov and .mils) is reading CLG news for updates.
hooddoimproxy.hood.army.mil 5 27 156.99 KB
05 Nov 2009 - 17:14

I collected the links from members of the http://12160.org social network and from the great news site http://whatreallyhappened.com

Fort Hood's Killer Shrink: Was He One of the Army Docs Pressured to...

Perhaps we'll learn as details unfold that Hasan — himself a suicide killer — was one of the Army's psychiatrists and psychologists who were pressured during the first five years of the Iraq War to not diagnose screwed-up soldiers as suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Instead, the Army's doctors were diagnosing soldiers as supposedly having "personality disorder," a pre-existing condition for which they wouldn't qualify for treatment. The military had a financial motive — keep healthcare costs down — in addition to the motive of covering up the huge PTSD problems of returning soldiers.

In Response to the Tragedy at Ft. Hood

Fort Hood massacre investigators focus on suspect's internet activi...

AP source: Fort Hood shooting suspect Army major an Army mental hea...

Ft. Hood Killer part of Government Mind Control Program

Texas Gov. Rick Perry Gives Remarks on Fort Hood Shooting Says Ther...


ANYONE SEE THIS??? Officials: Ron Paul supporter involved in Ft. Ho...

Ft Hood Shooter Was a Member of Obama’s Homeland Security Transitio...

AP Video: Fort Hood Suspect Off Life Support

Orlando shooter, US army Fort Hood shooter both linked to psychiatr...

Fort Hood's Killer Shrink: Was He One of the Army Docs Pressured to...

Perhaps we'll learn as details unfold that Hasan — himself a suicide killer — was one of the Army's psychiatrists and psychologists who were pressured during the first five years of the Iraq War to not diagnose screwed-up soldiers as suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Instead, the Army's doctors were diagnosing soldiers as supposedly having "personality disorder," a pre-existing condition for which they wouldn't qualify for treatment. The military had a financial motive — keep healthcare costs down — in addition to the motive of covering up the huge PTSD problems of returning soldiers.

Fort Hood Shooting 'Oddities

US military faces potential minefield over Muslims

Ft.Hood cop shoots Hasan in uniform defending himself?

Female Police Officer Credited With Stopping Fort Hood Massacre, Hailed a Hero Friday, November 06, 2009 Munley and her partner responded within three minutes of reports of gunfire on Thursday, Lt. Gen. Bob Cone said Friday. Authorities say Munley, 34, exchanged fire with the gunman, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, who remains comatose in a Texas hospital. Munley is in stable condition, officials said.

The official Fort Hood story is collapsing.

'Two US privates John Smith and John Henry had been seeing a military psychiatrist major Hasan at Fort hood for a few weeks. Both privates said they were completely against the war of oppression in the middle east and would refuse to report for active duty if ordered to do so. So the army put them both in therapy with Dr. Hasan. After more than five weeks of therapy both Christian privates were called to go to Afghanistan. Both privates warned they would not go and they would defend themselves with force if the army tried to force them to fight in a war they believed was morally wrong. Yesterday fellow soldiers tried to surprize the two consciencious objectors but the privates were prepared and killed 12 soldiers who tried to force their way into the privates' barracks at Fort Hood.

Fort Hood shooter used as excuse to scapegoat Muslims, Arabs

Lest you think that given Hasan’s name and religion, the backlash against Arabs and Muslims is only natural, recall that when Timothy McVeigh killed 168 people in 1995, no one raised alarms about his Catholic upbringing or his Irish heritage. And when it was discovered that Seung-hui Cho had compared himself to Jesus Christ before killing 32 people and himself at Virginia Tech in 2007, no one called for a “war" on either Christians or Korean-Americans.

Ft Hood Shooter Was a Member of Obama’s Homeland Security Transitio...

Incredibly, it appears that Maj. Malik Nidal Hasan, the alleged shooter in the massacre that resulted in at least 12 dead and 31 wounded at Fort Hood today, served on the Homeland Security Policy Institute’s presidential transition task force between April 2008 and January 2009 when Barack Obama was inaugurated as the nation’s 44th president.

Comments on Fort Hood shooting.


Ft. Hood suspect reportedly shouted `Allahu Akbar'

Imam says Fort Hood suspect didn't seem radical

Imam Faizul Khan says he knew Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan for more than 10 years. They first met at the Muslim Community Center in Silver Spring.

Kahn says Hasan was quiet and reserved. They mostly discussed religious matters, but Khan says Hasan never seemed controversial. They rarely discussed politics.

Intelligence officer: Did Fort Hood shooter have 'sinister' connect...

Among the "more sinister aspects" that Pheneger suggested were that Hasan is a "lone wolf" who has sympathy for Islamic militancy and "decided to go act on his own to do some damage" or that he could have "consciously been placed as a plant in the U.S. Army."

The Grand-daddy of all Fake Terror Fall Guys: Guy Fawkes

2009 marks the eighth anniversary of 9/11 – and the 404th anniversary of state-sponsored false-flag terrorism or synthetic terror in the English-speaking world: Guy Fawkes Day.

Even now, few understand that plot: Guy was no fox but a dupe ensnared by the chief minister himself in a madcap scheme to blow up King and Parliament. The real plot was royally successful: to invent a pretext for war with Spain. This fraud was the foundation of the British empire

Cover-up: At least Three Gunman at Ft. Hood, Not just one

DOW JONES NEWSWIRES Nov 5, 2009 Second Gunman In Custody At Army's Fort Hood -Report A second gunman is in custody after a shooting at the Army's Fort Hood in Texas in which at least seven people were killed and 12 wounded, reports KCEN-TV of Waco. The report comes about two hours after a first suspect was captured, shortly after gunfire broke out. Authorities say the gunmen were dressed in fatigues, though it's not confirmed whether they are military personnel. It's also not known if the victims were military personnel or civilians. The incident reportedly began at Fort Hood's theater and then moved to the Soldier Readiness Processing Center, Killeen City Public Information Officer Hillary Shine told Fox News. A graduation ceremony was scheduled to take place Thursday.

Fort Hood shooting: Nidal Malik Hasan 'said Muslims should rise up'

Major Nidal Malik Hasan, who allegedly killed 11 people before being shot and wounded by police at Fort Hood, had said Muslims should "rise up" and attack Americans in retaliation for the US war in Iraq, a former army colleague said.

AP sources: Authorities had concerns about suspect

Surviving Fort Hood shooting suspect arrested at golf course, offic...

The man was surrounded for 25 to 30 minutes, until a convoy of vehicles arrived, led by a Ford Crown Victoria and carrying men in suits, and he was taken away, the senior officer said.

Malik Nadal Hassan: Key Details Emerge About Fort Hood Shooting Sus...

Officials says it was not clear what Hasan's religion was, but investigators are trying to determine if Hasan was his birth name or if he may have changed his name and converted to the Islamic faith at some point.

This is Going to Get Very Dark

The fact that the primary assailant has an Arabic name and is presumably, though we don't know this yet, of Muslim extraction if not a practicing Muslim, is going to be the focus of attention. That is an issue that speaks for itself. And I'm sure it will be the focus of much discussion over the coming days. But in some ways what's more shocking to me is that the assailant was an Army Major.

Violence All Too Familiar at Fort Hood

A mass shooting Thursday at Fort Hood in Texas was the latest in a series of violence incidents at the military post in the past two years

If Girls in the Hood women can defend Fort Hood, they can defend Am...

First blow to CIA's Renditions! 23 arrested by Italian Police.

An Italian judge found 23 Americans and two Italians guilty Wednesday in the kidnapping of an Egyptian terror suspect, delivering the first legal convictions anywhere in the world against people involved in the CIA's extraordinary renditions program...

Senate Bill Would Give President Obama Authority to Pull the Plug on Your Internet

CNET News has obtained a summary of a proposal from Senators Jay Rockefeller (D-W.V.) and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) that would create an Office of the National Cybersecurity Advisor, part of the Executive Office of the President. That office would receive the power to disconnect, if it believes they’re at risk of a cyberattack, “critical” computer networks from the Internet.

ABC's John Stossel Destroys/Pulverizes/Crushes Obama's anti-American 'Health Care' Plan

Webmaster's Commentary:

Shortly after this broadcast, John Stossel was fired.

NSA To Build $1.5 Billion Cybersecurity Data Center

The NSA is building the facility to provide intelligence and warnings related to cybersecurity threats, cybersecurity support to defense and civilian agency networks, and technical assistance to the Department of Homeland Security, according to a transcript of remarks by Glenn Gaffney, deputy director of national intelligence for collection, who is responsible for oversight of cyber intelligence activities in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Isn't it cheaper to shoot the hackers?

'Airport security pervert caught'

The man was among a group of other security officers who allegedly gathered around the screens in the security room - but instead of looking out for suspected terrorists or criminal activity inside the airport they checked out women's breasts.

A source told the Northern Territory News the men - and one female worker - used the hi-tech security surveillance system to zoom in on well-endowed women wearing low-cut tops as they walked through the airport.

Sacked – for telling the truth about drugs

The Government's drugs tsar was forced to resign last night for stating his view that cannabis, ecstasy and LSD were less harmful than the legal drugs tobacco and alcohol.

Webmaster's Commentary:

"You idiot! We get TAX MONEY from tobacco and alcohol! Who CARES if they are dangerous or not?!?!" -- Official White Horse Souse

Russia 'simulates' nuclear attack on Poland

The armed forces are said to have carried out "war games" in which nuclear missiles were fired and troops practised an amphibious landing on the country's coast.

Documents obtained by Wprost, one of Poland's leading news magazines, said the exercise was carried out in conjunction with soldiers from Belarus.

The manoeuvres are thought to have been held in September and involved about 13,000 Russian and Belarusian troops.

Poland, which has strained relations with both countries, was cast as the "potential aggressor".

India is preparing for possible war with China and Pakistan

India is preparing the military for possible war with China and Pakistan. India and Russia have agreed two military pacts, including a 10-year deal on weapons, aircraft, and maintenance contracts potentially worth at least $5 billion, Indian defense officials said. India plans to spend $30 billion over the next five years to buy modern weapons systems and attack planes.

The agreement will certainly help as Russia needs a market and India needs a strategic reassurance to sort out relations that were going sour. India also wants to use the renewed focus on Russia as a counterweight to China, while a strong presence in South Asia could help Moscow keep an eye on China. India fears China is trying to encircle it as they jostle for resources and global influence.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Perhaps, as in the US, a war is considered by the Indian leadership as a way of distracting its population from the massive societal inequities brought about by its growth.

Reaching for the stars? First space hotel will launch in 2012, claim architects

China overdoes cloud seeding to end drought... and blankets Beijing in snow

Chinese meteorologists went a bit over the top when they decided to 'seed' clouds in an effort to combat a lingering drought around Beijing.

They were successful in producing rain - but a sudden drop in temperatures meant the precipitation fell as snow, leaving the streets of the capital carpeted in the stuff on Sunday.

The unusually early snow blanketed the capital from Sunday morning and kept falling for half the day.

Chased by their church: When you try to leave Scientology, they try to bring you back

The St. Petersburg Times has interviewed former high-ranking Scientology officials who coordinated the intelligence gathering and supervised the retrieval of staff who left, or "blew."

They say the church, led by David Miscavige, wanted to contain the threat that those who left might reveal secrets of life inside Scientology.

Marty Rathbun, a former church official and confidant of Miscavige, said the leader especially targeted those he had edged aside during his rise to the top or anyone he feared might threaten his position or the church if left alone on the outside.

Webmaster's Commentary:

One has to remember both the origins and goals of this alleged church.

The "church" of Scientology was founded after a bar bet between its founder, L. Ron Hubbard and Robert Heinlein (both science fiction writers) that such an organization could be built.

Hubbard succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.

Stories like this have abounded for decades; but in the end, the organization is all about money, power, and control of its members, as is true for other "religious" institutions. Scientology is just more openly vicious with its heretics than (generally) other institutions are.


C.I.A.'s 'Blackwater' unit anchored in Peshawar

C.I.A.'s 'Blackwater' unit anchored in Peshawar
Publication time:
4 November 2009, 13:33
Former (?) high-ranking intelligence officer of CIA Steven Cash (photo) is in charge of
Peshawar office of the American terrorist unit of "Blackwater", American and Dubai sources reported.
Various journalists have been approached and offered bribes by the "Blackwater" to implement the "psychological operations" (the so-called PSYOPs) in favor of the US in newspapers and electronic media in Pakistan.They are pushing journalists to publish fictional news stories of Taliban, as the Psychological Operations group of US Army has planned."Blackwater" are paying as high as $ 1000 per published news story to journalists.

Taliban charges US security firm Blackwater for 'devastating' Peshawar blast

The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has once again denied its hand in the devastating Peshawar blast, which killed over 100 people, mostly women and children, and blamed the private US security firm Blackwater for the blast.

Clinton puzzled at Pakistan failure to find Osama bin Laden

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's said on Thursday it was "hard to believe" that no one in Pakistan's government knew where al Qaeda leaders were hiding, striking a new tone on a trip where Washington's credibility has come under attack.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Yep, if they are wagging the dead guy, then it's for sure we are invading.

I also note they did NOT allow comments on this article.

US backs Pakistani military campaign in Waziristan $7.5 billion in aid aimed at propping up unstable U.S. client state

Under great pressure from the United States to attack Taliban and tribal fighters in the border regions with Afghanistan, Pakistan has launched a large-scale assault on the tribal region in the northwest of the country. Embroiled in a deep civil crisis, the military campaign is likely to further strain the stability of the U.S.-client state.

According to the New York Times, the Obama administration rushed hundreds of millions of dollars of arms to Pakistan in the last month, including transport helicopters, spare parts for attack helicopters and night-vision equipment for F15 pilots. The Pentagon is also relaying targeting information collected by U.S. drone aircraft to the Pakistani military.

Webmaster's Commentary:

With Afghanistan in ruins (except for the reinvigorated drug trade), the US is now happy to engineer a complete collapse in Pakistan.

With an attack on Iran off the table (at least for the moment), look to Pakistan to be the next target/victim in the US's "war on terror".

Arrogant US Misses the Message From Pakistan’s People

There has always been in American foreign policy circles a virus called arrogance, caused by the hereditary assumption that Americans know better than others. Surprisingly, this does not always prove the case, but the condition seems highly resistant to treatment, even by experience.

A vocal part of the Pakistani population clearly doesn’t want the United States in their country, and it doesn’t even want the aid the United States is sending. A notorious fact in the past has been that civilian and popular opposition to the U.S. was based on the assumption that American aid was meant to keep military governments in place and buy military cooperation with American policy.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Ignorance...should be painful.

Blackwater/XE in Pakistan

Blackwater USA is looking for mercenaries fluent in Urdu, Pakistan’s national language, and Punjabi, the language spoken by natives of Pakistan’s largest populated province. The US military already deploys officers and commando units manned by people fluent in Pashto, spoken in most of western Pakistan and southern Afghanistan. Keeping in view the denials of the US embassy in Islamabad and the expanding American presence on Pakistani soil, these recruitments are obviously not meant for running call centers. Since Washington has unilaterally decided that Pakistan is now a ‘war theater’ after Iraq and Afghanistan, it is only natural that American terrorism will also be unleashed in Pakistan. Blackwater is in Pakistan.

Blackwater engaged in terrorism?

Former Jamaat-i-Islami Chief Qazi Hussain Ahmed has claimed that US private security firm Blackwater is involved in terrorist activities in the country and it is operating under the guise of "XE International", and US intervention in the internal affairs of Pakistan has increased very much.

Talking to reporters at Multan Airport, on Saturday, Qazi said Blackwater was imparting training to ex-commandos, adding India, America and Israel were active in different parts to destabilise the country. He said, "The Nato and American forces are destined for crushing and shameful defeat in Afghanistan and they should immediately withdraw their troops from the country to save themselves from this quagmire."

UN lashes out at US for drone strikes

The United Nations has warned Washington about indiscriminate use of drone strikes in Pakistan and Afghanistan, saying that it may be breaking humanitarian law.

Sarkozy spends £250,000 of French EU budget on shower he did not use

French financial watchdogs slammed Nicolas Sarkozy for spending £160m during his country's six-month stint in charge of the EU – including £250,000 on a personal presidential shower that he never used.

The vast expense is set out in a report blaming poor management and a lack of transparency by the president's staff.


Trying to spin a war out of a negotiation.

A senior European official characterized the Iranian response as “basically a refusal.” The Iranians, he said, want to keep all of their lightly enriched uranium in the country until receiving fuel bought from the West for the reactor in Tehran.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Look at this from Iran's point of view. The deal the US and Israel want is for Iran to simply ship most of their uranium out of Iran, then trust that somewhere down the road the processed uranium will get shipped back. But Iran is having trouble trusting the US on this deal and for a very good reason; the United States is already violating the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty by asking Iran to cease peaceful uses of nuclear power. For that matter so are France, Britain, and Germany. They all signed the NNPT alongside Iran but are in violation of that treaty by supporting the US position. Israel is not in violation of the NNPT for the simple reason that they never signed it nor have they allowed the same inspections that Iran allows. The fact that France previously reneged on a similar deal involving Iranian uranium shipped to France but never shipped back does not help.

There is one other reason for Iran to be cautious about letting all their processed uranium leave the country. The presence of refined uranium at Iran's facilities is a major reason those facilities have not yet been bombed. If Israel were to attack those facilities while the uranium is resident it would create a disaster on a scale equal to Chernobyl that would poison the middle east including Israel itself (already dealing with leakage issues from the Dimona reactor). If Iran sends the all the uranium in a given facility to Russia, that facility becomes an instant target. It is rather unrealistic to expect Iran to trust the very nations that have been threatening to attack Iran for months now, especially after seeing the war waged on Iraq on the basis of lies and deceptions.

The problem we face today is that too many governments see a new world war as their best way to get out of the troubles they are in, and they are perfectly happy to see millions of people continue to die horrible deaths to prolong their power.

Media Lies And The War Drive Against Iran

Media Lies And The War Drive Against Iran

By John Pilger

14 October, 2009

In 2001, the London Observer published a series of reports claiming an “Iraqi connection” to al-Qaeda, even describing the base in Iraq where the training of terrorists took place and a facility where anthrax was being made as a weapon of mass destruction.

It was all false.

Supplied by US intelligence and Iraqi exiles, planted stories in the British and US media helped then-US president George Bush and then-British prime minister Tony Blair launch an illegal invasion that has caused, according to the most recent study, 1.3 million deaths.

Iran ready to co-operate on nuclear programme, says Ahmadinejad

The Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, today said his country was ready to co-operate with the international community over its nuclear programme but insisted it would not give up its atomic ambitions.

"If you stretch your hand towards us honestly, we will grasp it," Ahmadinejad said in a nationally televised speech at a rally in the north-eastern city of Mashhad.

He said Iran was "ready to co-operate" on issues including the building of civil nuclear plants and fuel exchange and was prepared to work with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UN's nuclear watchdog.

Tehran Rejects Nuclear Accord, Officials Report

It isn't an accord until ALL sides are IN accord.

The big lie here is the attempt to claim that Iran did agree to the original deal, which they did not, then to portray Iran as having broken the agreement which was never agreed to.

EU says Iran must stick by uranium limitation deal

Webmaster's Commentary:

It isn't a deal until ALL sides agree to it.

The big lie here is the attempt to claim that Iran did agree to the original deal, which they did not, then to portray Iran as having broken the agreement which was never agreed to.

Iran Deal on Brink of Collapse as West Condemns Compromise

Just a few hours after the Iranian government submitted a compromise proposal on the third party uranium enrichment deal with the P5+1, European diplomats quickly, and angrily, rejected it.

Webmaster's Commentary:

It isn't a deal until ALL sides agree to it.

Of course, the obvious purpose here isn't Iran's power station and medical isotopes, but to justify another war of conquest for Americans to die in while trying to make it look like Iran is the bad guy here.

Here is a recap of what they are trying to make you forget.

1. Last Spring, Rose Gottemoeller, an assistant secretary of state and Washington's chief nuclear arms negotiator, asked Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Israel refused.

2. The United Nations passed a resolution calling on Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and to submit to inspections. Israel refused.

3. The IAEA asked Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and to submit to inspections. Israel refused.

4. Iran's formal notification to the IAEA of the planned construction of the backup fuel-rod facility underscores that Iran is playing by the rules of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which Iran has signed.

5. Iran allows IAEA inspections of all its facilities.

6. Contrary to face-saving claims, it appears that the US and Israel were both caught off guard by Iran's announcement. The reasoning is simple. Had the US or Israel announced the existence of he new facility before Iran's notified the IAEA, it would have put Iran on the defensive. As it is now, the US and Israel seem to be playing catch up, casting doubt on the veracity of Israel's claims to "know" that Iran is a nuclear threat.

7. The IAEA and all 16 United States Intelligence Agencies are unanimous in agreement that Iran is not building and does not possess nuclear weapons.

8. In 1986, Mordachai Vanunu blew the whistle and provided photographs showing Israel's clandestine nuclear weapons factory underneath the reactor at Dimona.

9. Israel made the same accusations against Iraq that it is making against Iran, leading up to Israel's bombing of the power station at Osirik. Following the invasion of 2003, international experts examined the ruins of the power station at Osirik and found no evidence of a clandestine weapons factory in the rubble.

10. The United Nations has just released the Goldstone Report, a scathing report which accuses Israel of 37 specific war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza earlier this year. Israel has denounced the report as "Anti-Semitic (even though Judge Goldstone is himself Jewish), and the United States will block the report from being referred to the War Crimes Tribunal at the Hague, thereby making the US Government an accessory after-the-fact.

IAEA: We found 'nothing to worry about' at secret Iran nuke site

United Nations inspectors found "nothing to be worried about" in a first look at a previously secret uranium enrichment site in Iran last month, the International Atomic Energy chief said in remarks released Thursday.

ElBaradei warns against any Israeli attack on Iran

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Chief Mohamed ElBaradei has warned that any Israeli attack on Iran will have dire consequences for the Middle East.

ElBaradei warned on Wednesday that such an attack would “turn the Middle East into a ball of fire”.

Webmaster's Commentary:

This would be a logical consequence of such an attack.

Unfortunately, logic and the geopolitical aims of Israel have never had a great on-going relationship.

Clinton warns Iran that patience has limits

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Saturday called on Iran to fulfill its obligations over its controversial nuclear programme, warning the Islamic republic that "patience has limits."

Webmaster's Commentary:

The only "limits" she is discussing are those imposed by Netanyahu earlier this year, who threatened that if the US couldn't take care of the (non-existent) threat of a nuclear armed Iran by the end of this year, Israel would take care of that with a military strike.

It's the first of November, and the clock is ticking toward such a potential scenario.

There's no deal here which has been cast in cement; it is completely reasonable that Iran wants more talks. This is a framework for a potential agreement only.

Let us hope that the adults in the room in Tehran, Tel Aviv, Vienna, and Washington will find a win/win way to make this work.

Otherwise, we may well be looking at a military confrontation which could spell the beginning of World War III, as Russia has made very clear upon whose side they would be fighting, should such a confrontation happen.

EU: Iran must stick by uranium limits deal

European leaders pressed Iran Friday to stick by a deal that would limit its uranium enrichment, voicing "grave concern" over the country's nuclear program.

Webmaster's Commentary:

It isn't a "deal" until ALL sides agree to it!

Israel endorses Iran nuclear plan

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has praised a UN proposal to regulate Iran's uranium enrichment programme.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Dear Israel

Given that you refuse to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and refuse IAEA inspections, kindly shut the fuck up!

Israel endorses draft Iran atom deal as 'first step'

Israel offered cautious praise on Friday for a UN-drafted, US-backed proposal for dealing with Iran's enriched uranium, calling it "a positive first step" toward denying Tehran the means to make nuclear weaponry.

Webmaster's Commentary:

Note that not a word here is mentioned about Iran's counter-proposal.