So, you’ve stumbled onto my humble little blog. Perhaps you are a Millenial wondering why most of your friends aren’t fully employed. Or wondering why ObamaKare is being shoved down your throat. Or why your generation is on the hook for a national debt that stands at $17 $18 Trillion and counting. Maybe you are scratching your head wondering why your President thinks Global Warming the weather is more worrisome than Islamic Terror. And perhaps you’ve started to become aware there might be something the corrupt and biased lame stream media isn’t telling you. The answer, to these and other existential questions, is ... the Left - specifically, the modern American Progressive. Think of this site as a portal to a richer understanding of this answer, a portal purposely designed with a consciously cock-eyed bent to keep it entertaining. Because the First Amendment is forever and the Internet never forgets. (Plus you better figure out FICA isn't the name of a Swedish bikini model, before she eats your entire paycheck.)

How to use the portal? You could dive into my archive*. I was most active here 2010-2012, but that matters not. How many times do I need to demonstrate the central point? To wit, the political / ideological Left is a menace to the constitutional republic and must be resisted lest the American experiment in liberty devolve into socialist dystopia. If it's the more pointed hand-to-hand combat of the comment board that whets your appetite, click the 'My Disqus Comments' widget. I continue to visit that world from time to time as a light diversion. Or you could browse through my blog roll. It's a very representative collection of center-right blogs, though hardly exhaustive. I can't do the political / ideology thing 24x7, and you probably can't either. Leave that to the hysterical, talking point chanting, mob agitating, race baiting, election stealing, gaia worshiping, straw man torching, Islamic Terrorist appeasing, organized Left (aka OFA, MSNBC, UAW, SEIU, Think Progress, Media Matters, most of legacy media, the politically correct faculty lounge, anybody who belonged to Journolist, anybody connected to Occupy Wall Street, anything funded by George Soros or Tom Steyer, their paid Internet trolls, and the rest of the usual Team Leftie suspects).

*Re-posting encouraged. No need to ask for permission. Just follow the commonly accepted convention of acknowledging this site as original source with a link back. That way, you leave the asking for forgiveness to me.

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Showing posts with label Health Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Care. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Demotivational Progressive Talking Heads

Fact #1: Ryan Plan leaves all current Medicare patients, and anyone above age 55 for that matter, untouched.

Fact #2: Obamacare rips $700B (seven hundred billion dollars) out of the shaky hands of today's Medicare patients.

Check it out on the Google machine for yourself, dummy.
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Thursday, June 28, 2012

An Open Letter to Chief Justice John Roberts

A ‘tax’ is a levy on voluntary activity. An involuntary directive to do something under penalty of law is a mandate, plain and simple. By your twisted logic a military draft is no draft, it is an 'invitation to serve.' The fact that it is mandatory can be glossed over, right? You just said so. You are an intellectual coward.

You have become the poster child for a much needed constitutional amendment - "Article III, Section 1 shall be amended to limit judicial appointments to two consecutive seven year terms. The second term must be re-nominated by the sitting President and re-confirmed by the sitting Senate."

This amendment is sorely needed since 'Justice' has obviously become a synonym for 'just another kind of politician.'
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So, That's It Then ...

Today SCOTUS ruled there are no practical limits to federal power.

Supreme Court upholds individual mandate, ObamaCare survives

Score one for tyranny in the battle of Ameritopia.

The Statists In Black have not only punted in this act of judicial cowardice, they have in fact forfeited their very purpose in our original constitutional system. Having ruled the government has the power to universally mandate something, why wouldn't it have the power to universally mandate anything? So, why even have judicial review of anything at all? Tyranny. Period. End of sentence.


It is now up to We The People to use what remains of the constitutional system to repair the damage inflicted upon the republic by this tyrannical ruling.

Are you listening Mittens? Establishment GOP? Repeal *must* be a central campaign theme. Repeal *must* be legislated on day one of the next congressional session, and signed on Inauguration day.

Meanwhile, get some ambitious intern working on Amendment 28 to the constitution - "Congress shall make no law universally mandating the purchase or production of any product or service." Start winding it through the states by next week. Do your job. By my lights 1994-1995 was the last time you did. That's a long time for ceding the field to the statists.
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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Demotivational ObamaCare


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Monday, March 26, 2012

Be There or Be Square

LAS is anticipating a fine afternoon of patriotric reverie tomorrow afternoon on Capitol Hill.  Americans For Prosperity is throwing a little shindig known as the Hands Off My Health Care Rally, to help the Supremes reach the correct judgment on the unconstitutionality of the ObamaCare individual mandate.  I'll be there passing out business cards. (*not as crooked in real life as facsimile would suggest.  iow - opposite the relative relation for the Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama)

If you bump into this upstanding citizen tomorrow ...
... ask for one. Guaranteed to withstand judicial review at every level.


As a little warm up exercise, I went back and mined my blog archive from March 2010 and February 2010 for a review of what it was like when Barry and his corrupt gang of Progressives were shoving this monstrosity down the republic's collective throat, legislatively.


FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2010

Your Agitator-In-Chief is also out fanning the flames. Barack Hussein Obama spent Thursday somewhere in Iowa, giving a stump speech to a crowd that was undoubtedly rounded up by SEIU Brown Shirts. The advice he gave to this gathering of Obama Zombies included “argue” and “get in your neighbors face.” To GOP plans to run in November on a ‘repeal and replace’ plank, he bellowed ‘Bring It on!’ Well, well - we’re way past even bothering to point out what it means to be ‘presidential.’ We should just follow the Agitator-In-Chief’s advice. I don’t think it will have the consequences he intends. This is the guy who badly lost his declared war on a broadcast network last year, and now he wants to declare war on every patriotic American. Bring it on.


It’s The Process, Stupid

On March 17, when his socialized medicine legislation was still in deep trouble on the Hill, Mr. Obama was desperate to reach the largest TV news audience in the country. The problem for him, of course, is he had previously unilaterally declared war on the network that possesses this audience – Fox. Under the circumstances, I think Brett Bair was remarkably restrained while he unsuccessfully attempted to get straight answers to simple questions from a filibustering Obama. The largest TV news audience in the country, already enraged by a legislative process that stinks to high heaven, was told by the Agitator-In-Chief they don’t really care about process after all. Hmmmm. They also witnessed Obama admit he had no idea what was or was not included in his #1 domestic legislative initiative. Hmmmmmm.  They also understand this legislation is a jobs killer in a down economy with high unemployment. Hmmmmm. Smooth politicking, Barry.

MONDAY, MARCH 22, 2010
…the Yeas are 219, the Nays are 212.

Or: Progressives, socialists, liberal Democrats, and allegedly pro-life folding lawn chairs takeover 1/6 of the American economy against popular and bi-partisan opposition.

So, what’s another trillion bucks down the social welfare state rat hole when the country’s broke?

The last count I recall is 38 state attorneys general ready to file lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of the individual mandate. A number of state legislatures (ten and growing, I think) have apparently exercised their tenth amendment rights and passed laws nullifying any individual mandate. I am proud that my home state of Virginia is moving aggressively on both of these fronts. 


Health Care March Madness

In summary, The Most Transparent Administration in History has collaborated with The Most Ethical Congress in History - to throw the entire country into a state of chaos. The House vote presently at issue will have two possible outcomes for Barack Hussein Obama: 

(1) The inevitable Waterloo style defeat originally predicted by Senator Jim DeMint in July 2009, or 

(2) A pyrrhic victory merely deferring the final date for the inevitable Waterloo style defeat originally predicted by Senator Jim DeMint in July 2009.


Liberty vs. Tyranny USA 2010: Pickett's Charge

The moment has arrived for the “Pickett’s Charge” of the American Progressive gang.

When I started this blog, I honestly thought the Progressive gang had so-called “Health Reform” in the bag, and their “Pickett’s Charge” legislative moment would come at a later time - over Cap and Tax, Immigration Amnesty, or any of a number of other Progressive outrages dancing in their little heads. But, along came Scott Brown to shake up their plans, and here we are. The moment has arrived to man the ramparts, take aim at the Progressive troops charging at us with the battle cry “Alinksyu Akbar,” clad in their Mao jackets festooned with hopey-changey campaign paraphernalia. Obama (Lee) has given the orders, Pelosi (Pickett) is leading the charge, and the elected donkey caucus is providing the troops.


…we were treated to a strange morph of Stubborn Obama and Clueless Obama on the afternoon of March 3, 2010. Stubborn Obama had already decided to shove ObamaCare down the American people’s throats against their will. Clueless Obama trotted out a bunch of lab coats as props - after deriding the bill itself as a “prop” in last week’s phony Blair House Summit.  Tin political ear?  

After consulting with Clueless Obama on the so-called “optics,” Stubborn Obama made the speech – defiantly. Stubborn Obama just can’t accept that the American people do not want the government getting between them and their doctor. Stubborn Obama demonizes private insurance companies because this is the entity that currently sits in the daily triangle between patients and doctors (i.e. they are the ‘competition,’ or more accurately, the ‘enemy’ to his preferred third wheel – the government)

Stubborn Obama made a phony show of including Republican ideas in a so-called bi-partisan bill. I’m sorry, but mixing in a few M&Ms into a quarter-pounder crap sandwich doesn’t make the sandwich any more appealing.


Quickie Analysis: Phony Blair House Summit

Well, two out of three isn’t bad. Obama got what he wanted – a phony dog and pony show displaying fake bi-partisanship. The GOP got what they needed – air time to articulate their positions to the American people. Unfortunately, it did not quite degenerate into the full on food fight I was hoping for – slightly diminishing the entertainment value for me.

Legislatively - we now appear to be exactly where we were when I inaugurated this blog on December 30, 2009. The Democrats are pushing a completely partisan monstrosity the American people do not want. The Democrats seem willing to jam the monstrosity down the American peoples' throats. 

If Nanny Pelosi pulls a rabbit out of her hat and gets the monstrosity to the Senate, the Democrats will probably have the 51 votes they need to pass a fundamental change to 1/6 of our economy under the reconciliation procedure – which will be remembered as a monumental abuse of power. If it gets that far, Obama will undoubtedly sign it into law. Two things are then certain to occur. (1) The unconstitutional elements of the monstrosity, including the individual mandates, will be immediately challenged, tying the monstrosity up in court until November for sure. (2) The GOP is now an odds-on favorite to gain a majority in both the House and Senate in November – allowing them to withhold funding for the monstrosity until 2012.

d(^_^)b “Because the Only Good Progressive is a Failed Progressive”


Meanwhile, in today's news, the Manchurian-Candidate-In-Chief is caught giving away the keys to the store to an old Cold War nemesis. (From Pundit and Pundette)

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Update 3/28/12

An excellent afternoon to be out on the Capitol Hill lawn - as documented by the pic taken by my neighbor with my blackberry, who was out on a workday stroll. For some reason, she would not tell me which bureaucracy she worked for. Really.

The Kagan snark got a lot of supportive comments from the crowd - mostly along the lines of "she deserves NO vote." The other side of the sign - What Gub'ment Can Giveth ... Gub'ment Can Taketh Away - didn't get nearly the reaction. But I noticed a lot of people puzzling over it. Too abstract?

I gave an interview to David Weigel of Journolist infamy. He seems a harmless and amicable dunce in person. He stipulated his surprise that so many people would assemble for a court case, as opposed to a legislative proposal. Huh? I also gave an interview to a polite Nordic gentleman who identified himself as a journalist for an unnamed European publication. The polite Nordic journalist conducted the interview in the manner of an advocate for socialized medicine - quoting the bogus 30 million uninsured number from the original debate as fact, and at one point actually prefacing a question with the arrogant words "you can't possibly understand how it is in Europe." I am hopeful my measured responses will help both Weigel and the Nordic gentleman come to better understand the American model of citizen sovereign. Hopeful ... not confident.

I found myself drawn into only two heated debates with Lefties - both in front of the Supreme Court building after the rally proper. One was with a possible "occupier" (judging by the bohemian attire) who attempted to draw a false equivalence between Kagan and Justice Thomas for recusal. As if what one's wife does for a living is equivalent to actually writing portions of the law over which one now sits in judgment. The other was with a frustrated looking pin stripe suit. Probably a gub'ment lawyer fresh from having his lunch eaten in oral arguments.

I did manage to hand out a few business cards. The rush of blog visitors has not arrived yet. Must be a bug in the traffic analysis utility. I think I'll look into that next.
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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Morning Read (Washington Times Edition)

If you wish to keep up with the news and politics of the day, you could do a lot worse than subscribing to the Washington Times email list. The Times has long (since 1984, that is) been the conservative alternative to the Democrat / Leftist propaganda organ known as the Washington Post. In 1984, WaPo stood alone on the local newspaper field, after the prior year’s demise of Washington’s previous “other newspaper” – the Washington Star. The founding of the Times filled a competitive hole in the ideological information landscape.

The Times was founded, and funded at a loss, by New World Communications, until 2010. (I don’t know, but I’ll bet it’s still running at a loss under new ownership.) New World Communications is an international media conglomerate with holdings in other interesting places like Japan, South Korea, and South America. New World Communications is also associated with the Unification Church and its’ founder Sun Myung Moon. The Times, as you would expect, has often been the butt of jokes implying it is “cultish,” based on this association with the “moonies.” On the other hand, you might be able to see the possible interest a South Korean religious figure with deep financial resources might have in funding right leaning voices for religious freedom. South Korea, after all, happens to be located immediately south of North Korea – that militaristic socialist (i.e. fascist) regime, run by the lunatic Kim family dynasty.


I subscribed to home delivery of the Times’ paper edition off and on for many years. Every couple of years or so the phone would ring while I was sitting at my desk paying bills or something, and a disembodied voice would offer me a great deal on trying the Times (again). My agreement would produce the unintended consequence of barely read, ink soaked, dual folded papers stacked up on my porch, waiting to be placed on the curb for the recycling industry. I would fail to proactively renew the subscription, then the phone would ring at my bill paying desk some time later, and the cycle would repeat.

When the time honored phone call arrived this past week, I told the disembodied voice ‘no thank you, I’m already on the email list.’ (The advantage for me - I barely ever read the emails, either, but at least the unread bytes don’t produce an unsightly pile on my porch.) The disembodied voice accepted my answer on face value and politely moved on to her next call. I’m not sure how the Times can survive this environment, but that’s not my problem to resolve right now.


Instead I’ll post on today’s delivery of the Times’ Top Stories and Opinion pages to my email inbox. The three part format is as follows: The original Times link, my alternative heading matching it to this blog’s theme, and a reprint of the comment I left behind as LAS. All the comments immediately went into moderation – I presume due to the harmless little url signature I habitually include – as is the right and privilege of the Times’ staff, of course. This post will allow me to circle back and audit their moderation standards.


BARRASSO: Strategic Petroleum Reserve is for emergencies - not political disasters

LAS Headline
Obama will drain Strategic Petroleum Reserve to fund re-election campaign.

LAS Comment
Draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve will be a "two-fer" for Barry. In the short term it helps his re-election prospects by artificially lowering prices. After the election, it won't be there to offset his second term agenda to drive prices through the roof. And he will ruthlessly pursue this second term agenda - no question.


RUSE: Obama mandate: Not a women’s issue

LAS Headline
Gub’ment takeover of health insurance industry has officially entered the bedroom.

LAS Comment
Memo to Gloria Allred: If you make me pay for your contraceptives, you have to pay for my booze. Deal?


EDITORIAL: Taking back property rights

LAS Headline
Supremes were wrong to rule in favor of Crony Developers

LAS Comment
Just one of many "precedents" the Supremes have been dead wrong on.


KUHNER: Obama’s Islamist agenda

LAS Headline
Obama extended open hand, Tehran cut it off ... next President to “inherit" one hell of a mess in Middle East.

LAS Comment
“[Hillary says] Arab Spring is backsliding” Backsliding? It never was. Barry and Hillary were hoodwinked by the Muslim Brotherhood from day one.


Limbaugh apologizes for making slurs about Georgetown student

LAS Headline
Team Leftie trots out useful idiot to testify in favor of unconstitutional institutional mandate.

LAS Comment
I need a PC ruling: Can I label her a “mooch” for asking the rest of us to underwrite her voluntary behaviors?


Movie Review: ‘The Lorax,’ cuddly cartoon agitprop the Unabomber would’ve loved

LAS Headline
Dr. Seuss as interpreted by Dr. Goebbels.

LAS Comment
The answer to your last two questions ... Hollywood still thinks it's profitably hip to be openly Leftie. This will change in due time. The only thing Hollywood really cares about is being popular.


Conflicting accounts over Afghan Koran burnings

LAS Headline
Surprise! No wrong doing in Afghan Koran burnings. Expect more riots. And more Obama apologies.

LAS Comment
Cooler heads will prevail officially. Islamists will riot when the findings are announced nevertheless. It's what they do.
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Demotivational Fluke

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Friday, February 10, 2012

Sign Me Up!

You, too, can sign up here, to exercise your First Amendment right to tell the gub'ment to take a long walk off the nearest short pier.


The timing of this rally is exquisite. The chicken eggs hidden inside the ObamaCare bill are comin' home to roost!

(1) The Supreme Court will be simultaneously reviewing the obvious unconstitutionality of the Individual mandate.

(2) Team Obama has stepped into it big time, politically, by trying to shove contraception down the Catholic church's throat. (see yesterday's LAS post).

(3) And, of course, one of Team Obama's jackbooted progressive brownshirts - the ersatz Catholic known as Rosa DeLauro - was sent out to instruct us in the Washington Post's opinion propaganda pages that it's really about more free stuff for women. (Hat Tip to radio man Chris Plante) I especially love her "fairness" pitch based on the stipulation men can acquire Viagra without a co-pay. Hey, here's an idea - make it "fairer" by making the l*mp d*cks pay for their own damn Viagra.

(4) And last, but not least, the petting zoo known as OccupyDC will still be in town to provide a brilliant contrast. After we assemble, make our point, and pick up after ourselves, we should drop by to review and photograph the camp squalor. iow - do the corrupt and biased liberal MSM's job for them.

“Because the Only Good Progressive is a Failed Progressive”

Update 6:30 pm

Screen snapped from my Feedjit Live log.  If this doesn't prove it's really about the size and scope of gub'ment, nothing does.  Click to embiggen.

Update 2/13/12 10:00 pm

I've designed my business cards for the rally.



Whaddya think?
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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Newton's Three Laws (Part 25)

Despite my best intentions to leave this title behind ... basically due to the monotony … sometimes you just can’t ditch a good idea.

Sock! Mittens loses a triple header to today’s Not-Romney, Rick Santorum.

Pow! Look out Rick, Mittens the Hun and his Establishment caricature assassination squad will be gunning for you next.

Zock! LAS is still a Newt guy, rest assured. Because results matter and Newt is still the only Speaker in my lifetime to balance a federal budget. Everything else is bread and circuses. Maybe Santorum will return the favor and make the mistake of publicly instructing Newt to leave the race. :)

Bif! Give Santorum his due, though – he’s the first candidate to clear 50% with room to spare in any single contest.

Bam! LAS suspects Santorum – the natural candidate for the devoutly religious – is benefiting from BHO and His Corrupt Gang of Progressives trying to shove contraception down the Catholic church’s throat.

Sok! Meanwhile, BHO’s Secretary of Defense has either been stricken with Alzheimer’s or is sending discreet signals to Tehran, breathing new life into the Stupid or Treasonous series.

Blap! The Israelis have stopped trying to figure out the Stupid or Treasonous angle, and will be taking care of business themselves.

Whap! LAS is glad to see the initiative displayed by the Israelis. Because we here in the US have things to attend to domestically. Like getting conservatives and unrepentant domestic terrorists to the same dinner table for a little light bi-partisan political discourse.

Bif! And stealing elections, if you are a Democrat.

Oooof! And harassing conservatives, if you are an Occupier.


Writing style inspired by the blogging visionary known as the Backyard Conservative.

Content inspired by the greatest example of children’s programming in all history.

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Commentapalooza V

(Find IV if you can)

To fill a gap between parts 3 and 4 of the currently active series ... drawing on the 'Plan B' potential provided by the Commentapalooza format ... LAS gives you ... what LAS has in inventory tonight.  The usual rules apply - LAS Intertubes comment genius captured upon its' boomerang back to this site 90 days or later after seeding.

LAS seeks legal advice regarding his brash comment board practices.

LAS opines on the existentially critical question ... 'fake or real?'

LAS spots a familiar inflatable.

LAS explains why the death of the corrupt and biased MSM is nigh.

LAS reflects on Barry administration's domestic energy policy.

LAS still making friends everywhere he goes.

LAS praises Bibi.

LAS pans waivermania.

LAS plays fashion critic to liberal moron.

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Monday, July 18, 2011

Contemporary Politics and Newton's Three Laws (Part 18)

And so it seems July 2011 is the historical pivot point for which this series of posts was invented. The irresistible force which is the grass roots TEA Party movement will slam into the immovable object that is the ruling elites of the Washington, DC politico establishment. And Soon.

The TEA (let me remind you the acronym stands for Taxed Enough Already) Party movement consists mostly of private citizens from the productive class who are political novices. These intrepid volunteers are supplemented by a cadre of principled conservatives who already knew the names of Edmund Burke, FA Hayek, William F. Buckley, and other great conservative thinkers.

The establishment forces consist of the big government ruling class - country club (“Rockefeller”) establishment Republicans, the entire Democrat Party, the sycophantically biased Mainstream Media (MSM) that is content to robotically carry Democrat water as pathetic little propaganda apparatchiks, the mindless Progressive indoctrination specialists that infest the intellectually stale faculty lounges of academia, and the rest of the Progressive lemmings who would be completely lost without talking points funded daily by Soros, Inc.

The battleground is the hearts and minds of the vast majority of American people. And, oh yeah, a Fourteen and a half trillion dollar (and growing) bill they are passing on to their children and grandchildren.

If you are an “American peoples,” I advise you to decide right now whether you stand behind the irresistible force or the immovable object. Because the winner in this collision will determine both the form and the function of the nation you live in. Sounds kind of important, right? (hint: It is.)


The DC establishment hacks are making economic safety net promises to you they can’t keep. Their mouths are writing checks their asses can’t cash. The checks can only be written by Americans like you and the TEA Party movement patriots. The TEA Party patriots have spent most of the last two and a half years telling you they are broke.

So, which message is more in line with your personal experience in the present dysconomy?



A kind of “free” sort of “market” economy in which the complex of bureaucratic regulation and taxation prevents growth in the complex of human activities concerned with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

Does your mouth have the ability to write checks your ass can’t cash? Are you broke? Maybe Something in between?

Let’s carry on, shall we?


A simple chronology of recent events …

On Wednesday, July 13, 2011, the establishment’s current champion (the Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama) apparently realized it was possible he might not be showered with laurels for ‘leading from behind’ – and therefore threw a temper tantrum. This childish display effectively ended any possibility for a bi-partisan “deal.”  When is the last time a two-year-old achieved a bi-partisan understanding with this behavior?  Not recently, I'll wager.

On Friday July 15, 2011 - switching gears to campaign mode - BHO gave his third press conference in one week’s time pushing to write checks our asses can’t check. The presser was predictably devoid of leadership from the Empty Suit, predictably devoid of useful ideas from the Empty Suit, predictably devoid of fully baked plans from the Empty Suit, and predictably full of sycophantic fawning from the propaganda apparatchiks comprising the MSM.  Upon reading the transcript, I considered writing the third volume in the E2E (English-To-English Translation) series.  But it felt more fundamental than that.

Beginning July 13, I took the extraordinary measure of aggressively commenting on several sites to highlight the best idea I have heard yet for dealing with the Empty Suit’s Progressive intransigence.  It is the idea given to me as a product of listening to Mark Levin's July 13 radio show.

These comments took various forms and edits on the following:
Interest due on the debt in August is about 15% of revenue into the Treasury for August. A little more math, and you figure out entitlements can be covered if approximately half the bureaucracy is given an unplanned vacation. House GOP should just pass a spending bill making debt interest, entitlements, and military salaries spending priorities #1, #2, and #3. Then let Dingy Harry and Veto Barry own defaulting or stiffing Grandma instead of sending half the burea-weenie army home for a month. The House GOP could even take the rest of July off to counter DemoHack lies full time.
Repeat monthly until Barry the Temper-Tantrum-Toddler-In-Chief shows us “his bluff” – which will probably be impeachable.

I haven't taken this extraordinary measure since I bombarded comment boards with advice leading up to the party line vote on ObamaCare ensuring BHO and the Progressives completely own socialized medicine in America.

Then - on Sunday, July 17, the great conservative thinker George Will fell ass-backwards into formulating the moment that is this moment. Mr. Will is generally good, which made him a fine candidate to be the one who would be better lucky than good on this particular Sunday.


And so I sit here, exhausted (in a good way) from a good day at the day job. And I have this advice for the GOP … DO NOT CAPITULATE. The Empty Suit and the Progressive machine that props him up has zero (repeat, ZERO) intention of halting the debt spiral. *DO NOT* get behind any defeatist plans to (essentially) unconditionally raise the debt ceiling (such as McConnell’s ‘Munich Treaty’). Cut, Cap, and Balance is a nice rhetorical statement. By next week it will be DOA – killed by the DC establishment. At that point, I advise you to listen to Mark Levin’s counsel.



In keeping with the tone and tenor of Part 18 … presenting the raw the notes I’ve been accumulating over the past week or so watching this moment leaven …


Momentum increasing … correlation vs. causation for future historians

Corporate jet … cnn … power issue … herman cain … couldn’t be a better novel

Robby Mook hyperbole (what a joke)

Dangerously ill-tempered man-child
Barry Tantrum
Aggressive commenting
Use Maggie version - below
End with poll

Sycophantically biased MSM propaganda apparatchiks

*Copycat demagoguery*
Plante covered Lesson 4 July 15

From Levin July 14 – Dems proposing spending and taxes to offset FW&A and 99 week UI extension

Crybaby graphic

Goonion tactics

Leftist elitist conceit

A rep with stones (Joe Walsh) – pushing BBA
[No not James Gang]

RINOs started it!

40 minute video from perfect source (shallownation)

spine on the senate side

Another good round up

Palin advice

3rd Party sweepstakes

Last refuge

Battle of the Jackson’s – Fitting, Andrew

Class warfare as self-fulfilling prophecy – and, “they own it” narrative
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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Contemporary Politics and Newton's Three Laws (Part 17)

Bright lines are being drawn all across the republic this summer. Brittle lines - the kind that hold megatons of potential energy just waiting to be released into the flow of history. Divisive, emotional, lines that will deliver profound consequences to the people standing on both sides of those lines when they finally snap. The kind of lines that the DemoHack party has become villainously expert at drawing – as the Backyard Conservative eloquently observed recently.
The president took his opening salvo, starting his campaign a year early, demonizing yet another group of Americans. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) calls him out on the Senate floor as engaging in behavior more akin to that of a third world leader.


The National Debt, It is Accumulatin’

Do you think Greece looks like a good vacation spot this summer?

Here is a little video brochure.

This anarchy and chaos is the product of a cradle-to-grave socialist gub’ment running out of other people’s money. The cradle-to-grave socialists (aka rioters) in Greece aren’t very happy about this development, as you can see.

If you agree with these peevish and contemptible dependents of the state, then you must be that one person who is still answering ‘Right Track’ on the American ‘Right Track, Wrong Track Poll.’ And that makes you the person who will be responsible for turning the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave into one giant mob of whiny state dependents unable to process the consequences of running out of other people’s money.

If, on the other hand, you understand the national debt is growing at an outrageous rate due to a gub’ment spending addiction, not a gub’ment revenue problem – then you have the opportunity to take civic action right now – by sending a message to the politicians debating the conditions for raising the gub’ments credit card. Here or Here.


The Tenth Amendment, She is a-Risin’

Do you really want the minutia of your daily life regulated by a small number of ruling elites bumbling about in the District of Columbia?

The Tenth Amendment states:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Since the dawn of the American Progressive movement in the late 19th century, statists have been steadily chipping away at the federalist system of de-centralized power the 10th Amendment was intended to protect. Direct levy of income taxes (amendment 16), popular election of Senators (amendment 17), and the alphabet soup of gub’ment agencies that seem to exist in perpetuity once created – brought to you by FDR’s New Deal, LBJ’s Great Society, and various other Progressive meddlers and do-gooders who have been experimenting with the Founding since Woodrow Wilson came to DC. Prohibition of alcohol (Amendment 18), repealed shortly thereafter by Amendment 21, was probably the most foolish overreach on record (so far) for the Progressives.

The steady march toward centralized national power has now reached a point of absurdity that must be resisted, lest the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave be reduced to a wandering mass of drones looking to DC for every little direction.

The good news is, lately, so-called “states’ rights” seems to be making something of a comeback.  The Supreme Court ruled Arizona can require employers under its jurisdiction to use all available tools to verify the citizenship of employees, against the objections of Eric “My People” Holder’s Department of “Just Us.” This is a blow to the not-so-secret DemoHack 2012 re-election strategy having the code name ‘Project Undocumented Democrats.’ The voting bloc known as 'Undocumented Democrats' is under increasing pressure in Alabama and Georgia, as well.

But the leading light guiding the new rise of the Tenth Amendment seems to be the state of Texas, guided by the firm federalist hand of Governor Rick Perry. Under Governor Perry’s leadership, Texas now has a future as the world’s leading incandescent light bulb manufacturing titan.

Not to mention, the always reliable Cato Institute has a plan for other states to follow the path being blazed by Arizona, Alabama, Georgia, and Texas.

The Rules Made By the Ruling Elites, They Are a-Stinkin’

What do you think of the rules these Ruling Elites in DC have made so far?

So, if you are not convinced yet that vesting broad powers in a small ruling elite is a bad idea – well, let’s look at the record, shall we?

How’s that ObamaCare working out for you, so far? I mean, that is, if you haven’t been one of the lucky few chosen by HHS to receive a waiver (in total violation of the 14th Amendment’s “equal protection clause, IMHO).

Are you an employer looking at rising costs? Or thinking about dropping coverage for your employees due to those costs? Are you an employee of an employer caught in this vice? I have a suggestion – get involved with the Repeal movement. And get involved with the solution to replace the ObamaCare monstrosity. The plan is to kick the DemoHacks completely out of power in 2012. A newly elected congress can pass the repeal in early June January 2013, and the new president can sign it on Inauguration day. It’s only 18 months away, folks.

How’s the economy under these Keynesian geniuses working out for you so far? These geniuses are actually planning to run on the ridiculous meme that the biggest, most expensive, Keynesian stimulus program ever rescued the economy! The very same crappy economy you are living in every day nearly three years on from its passage.

Barry’s so-called economic team doesn’t seem to have the stomach to argue in favor of these policies, as Turbo Tax Tim Geithner seems set to join fellow Progressive/ Keynesian architects of these policies such as Christina Romer, Peter Orzag, and Larry Summers in running for hills and away from the debate.

The republic sorely needs a replacement team to be elected in 2012 to free the greatest national economy ever from the malignant clutches of the DC leviathan.

The Southern Border, it is a-Boilin’

Do YOU want our southern border to turn into the Road Warrior movie?

Or, has it already? The border with Mexico has not only turned into an entry portal for Undocumented Democrats, but a convenient security gap for Jihadis as well. (Warning for humorless Lefties: the link provided is intentionally satire, so save your hyperventilating)

But, no worries, the Ruling Elites in DC have come up with a remedy. Under the code name Fast and Furious, Barack Hussein Obama’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives has been selling armaments to the Mexican drug cartels. The clever devils. Some of us are wondering if this is the cover up that might lead to a premature departure for the Empty Suit Currently Occupying the Oval Office.

The Sharia, it is a-Creepin’

Do want to continue to live in a nation that is about freedom of speech, assembly, and religion for all citizens; or would you prefer to submit to Allah?

TCOTS explains what I mean regarding the stealth invasion now underway inside the borders of the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

And who better that the blog actually named Creeping Sharia to sound Paul Revere’s modernized alarm.

Zilla of the Resistance lays out what that means – especially for you patriotic women. Expect Women’s suffrage (Amendment 19) to be the first thing repealed under sharia. Zilla also gives us a nice piece highlighting your ruling elites’ indifference to the First Amendment freedoms that stand between us and sharia.

Bottom line – Mohammed’s Murder Monkey Cult From Hell means to rule the world and everyone in it. Paraphrasing the Fram Oil Filter guy … we can deal with these nut jobs now, or deal with them later.

Confrontational Times, They Are a-Comin’

And now it’s a time for a-Choosin’

Lead, follow, or get out of the way. But be advised - The Progressive Left already has a 120 year old plan and they are not going anywhere.

We can only hope it stays this “civil.”

The problem is the Progressive Left has a history of not playing well with others. The solution is provided by the great Ann Coulter – that is, most of their drone “foot soldiers” have glass chins.

So, let’s make sure their current champion, the Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama, is facing a different kind of crowd on the campaign trail in 2012. The future of the republic depends on it.


Footnote: I enjoy much of Bob Dylan's music - but, man, does he sing off key.

Updates 7/6/11

‘Fast and Furious’ just got a whole lot more interesting today. The Acting BATFE Director decides he’s not taking the fall for BHO and the Progressives. Chairman Issa informs AG Holder the hearings will continue until morale improves.

The link I chose to support the ObamaCare waiver discussion is somewhat dated. It lists a mere 729 waivers issued as of January 28, 2011. The updated count is more like 1400. HHS can’t be bothered to update its table on the Internet, however. Maybe HHS is confused by the Most Shameless Administration in American History being shamed into discontinuing the application process.

Update 7/10/11

The breaking news this hot and humid Sunday morning is very good. It seems the GOP establishment will be standing tall and firm on principle in the debt ceiling negotiations. If they get their two “take it or leave it” conditions – spending cuts exceeding the number of dollars the ceiling is raised, and not one red cent in additional taxes in this soft economy – it will be a very good deal for the republic given the irresponsible third world kleptocrats currently running the White House and Senate.

Also, the lunatic Left is likely to be driven into the streets, in spasmodic demonstrations of violence, if they are once again denied the opportunity to redistribute other people’s money. It’s going to happen eventually anyway, better now than later – same theory as ruthlessly ripping off a band aid.
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Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Lessons of the NY-26 Special Election

Or …
Liberty vs. Tyranny 2012, Lessons (5:6)
*Because the stakes are that biblical*

These lessons are not what most of the dolts who comprise the criminally biased MSM have told you they are over the past week. This collection of mindless lemmings has rushed to another superficial and ultimately meaningless groupthink conclusion. This over credentialed gaggle of pseudo intellectuals has concluded this one very special election represents a pattern for the upcoming general election – even after actually living through (in recent memory!), the 2009 NY-23 special election and 2010 general election. Pavlov’s dog was smarter, for chrissake.


First of all, the so-called “conventional wisdom” (aka “me-too-itis”) – as exemplified by this completely useless David Gergen piece – is tantamount to accepting the end of the republic. Gergen and the rest of his useless gaggle is recommending to both political parties that they should not go near Medicare, one of the two biggest unfunded entitlements (Social Security being the other) driving our national debt spiral.

The 2009 NY-23 special election had a completely inverse relationship to the results of the 2010 midterm elections. I, LibertyAtStake, shall now explain why the same will be true of NY-26 and 2012 – provided We The People continue the learning curve we began around TEA Party season 2009, and the GOP establishment manages somehow to catch up to us.


They (Demo-hacks and criminally biased MSM) also think NY-26 is somehow a template for massive Democrat gains in 2012. This “analysis” (charitably stated) is utterly destroyed by two utterly obvious observations:

1. No way in hell can the Demo-hack party run a fake TEA Party candidate in every 2012 race. This corrupt strategy simply does not scale.

2. While it may be the case the Demo-hacks can win with an intellectually dishonest “MediScare” platform today, it may not be the case in 18 months – depending upon how well the real lessons (following) are applied, if you please.


Lesson 1: The modern Democrat Party is corrupt, period.

The modern Democrat Party is willing to run a false flag candidate, as long as it means they are “winning!” (per Charlie Sheen).

The modern Democrat Party is willing to tell flat out lies about their opponents’ plans , as long as it means they are “winning!” (per Charlie Sheen).

Just for the record, the false flag candidate is one Jack Davis. And the lie (in this case) they will repeat again and again is this: the Paul Ryan plan affects current retirees and ObamaCare does not. The exact opposite is true. The Paul Ryan plan touches no one above the age of 55, and ObamaCare removes $500 Billion (half a trillion dollars) from Medicare right now.

The Demo-hack party is quite simply third world corrupt. (Kudos to radio man Chris Plante for his clever formulation: “the Third Worlding of America”). The Demo-hack party actually places winning elections above the morality of simply being truthful.

They prove it every day with the vicious demagogic ads full of falsehoods they run every cycle, including this obnoxious recent example:


Lesson 2: The criminally biased MSM is corrupt, period.

The criminally biased MSM, in case it’s not obvious yet, is working directly for the Demo-hack party.

I shall support this assertion with a challenge. Send me any article or post (via comments or email, I just don't care) by the criminally biased MSM that makes either of the two factual points above – i.e. Jack Davis’ false flag impact and the truth about your Granny’s status as of today. I know you David Plouffe trolls are waiting in the wings, show me something for a change – but be prepared for the “exception proving the rule” defense (if you even get that what I mean).

As a matter of fact I believe I’ll open the engagement with a pre-emptive “exception proves the rule” strike - with this simple Google search ….

Search executed 2011-05-28, 7:28 PM.

Find the exception if you can, trolls ...


Lesson 3: The public at large is still far too gullible – still far too susceptible to Demo-hack lies as amplified by the criminally biased MSM.

Here I point to one element of the “conventional wisdom” that should be heeded – for the sake of the republic. Far too many citizens with voting rights still fall for Demo-hack lies. There remains a deep information deficit amongst those who live among us with voting rights. (Ameliorative topic for another post: the No Representation Without Taxation Amendment)

When 70% of people who say they support the TEA Party oppose reforming a program that is bleeding the republic dry, methinks they have something to learn about just what it is they think they are supporting. Those of us driving the Conservative Ascendancy still have a lot of heavy lifting to do, period. The fate of the republic depends upon it. Educate, inform, proselytize. Defeat the lies.

Maybe start with this crisp data point provided by a blogger from NY-25: The Lonely Conservative.


Lesson 4: The GOP had better take off the gloves … or all hell may break loose throughout the republic.

The hapless establishment GOP is still waging politics by the Queensbury Rules. The Demo-hack party, or more accurately the Left, has been bringing brass knuckles, knives, and loaded guns to this fight - from at least the moment they invented the verb ‘to bork.’ The hapless establishment GOP had been getting its collective ass handed to it as a result – until 2010. The unique aspect of the 2010 election season was an infusion of fighting spirit from a nationwide uprising of TEA Party patriots, who wisely determined using the previously empty husk of the GOP as their political party was a winning strategy in 2010.

It is still the best strategy going into 2012, in my opinion. Unfortunately, I had hoped this opinion would be unarguable by this point in the Conservative Ascendancy. It is not – because the establishment GOP is still (disappointingly) the weak sister in this partnership.

Memo to GOP: We cannot afford to have you put up any more RINOs. Jane Corwin is the perfect example of who *not* to run. She was inarticulate, squishy, and unpersuasive on the big issue - Medicare. You know the Demo-hacks are going to demagogue Medicare from now until election day 2012. It’s in their DNA, period. The Conservative Ascendancy needs articulate spokes people, who also possess a fighting spirit. We need people who are willing and able to take the argument directly to the Demo-hacks. And I mean directly. No quarter, no compromise – because none will be given. For chrissake, you’ve been having your ass handed to you for 20 some odd years – are you even smarter than Pavlov’s dog?

And besides, if you lose the respect and trust of the TEA Party patriots … you will hand the Left exactly what it seeks to exploit … anarchy.


A round up of professional Analyzers and Opinionators who see eye to eye with LibertyAtstake …

O’Connell and Pearson on Lessons 1 and 4.

Mona Charen on Lessons 1 and 4.

Linda Chavez on Lessons 1 and 3.

Jonah Goldberg on Lesson 4 (with a nice battle analogy – you know LAS liked that).

Carlson and Patel on Lessons 1 and 4.

Lesson 2 shall stand on my challenge to readers and trolls.  Bring it on, [removed by adminsistrator].

Update 5/31/2011

The long Memorial day weekend has dropped an object lesson in Lesson 2 into our national lap (so to speak). Watch the ironically named Democrat congressman with a taste for young party girls, and a lack of control over his social media technology, get a pass from the criminally biased MSM. Join the search for justice initiated by a senior member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.  My sense is the final spin depends on Mrs. Weiner - which surely cannot portend well for Representative Weiner.
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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Stream of Consciousness on Leaderlessness

The ‘stream of consciousness’ style seems appropriate now that the republic is reeling from Barack Hussein Obama’s utter abdication of leadership…Chris Plante did an excellent hour of talk radio this morning between 9 am and 10 am on the topic of BHO having blood on his hands in Libya due to his indecisiveness and inaction – the audio can be downloaded here …Yes, Mr. Plante, BHO has blood on his hands in Libya, and here’s why … BHO’s words during the Cairo demonstrations (‘Mubarak must go’) gave the world the impression he would provide material support to demonstrators against Arab dictators … He got lucky in Egypt and got the result he wanted without the need to back up his words (always better to be lucky than good, as they say) … But when he repeated the empty words in Libya (‘Ghadaffi must go’) the bully (Ghadaffi) picked a fight … Barry had no stomach for the fight, preferring instead to speechify on grade school bullies … The so-called ‘Arab Spring’ is now about as operative as that empty campaign slogan ‘Hopenchange’…the silver lining (as it were) might be a swing of the pendulum back toward stability in the region that supplies most of our fossil fuels…but I bet Iran has different ideas, starting with picking a fight against Saudi Arabia over majority Shiite Bahrain…How does ‘Drill Here, Drill Now’ sound now to you libs?

And as bodies burn in Libya…as fuel rods melt in Japan…as our national debt reaches a grim milestone … 90 percent of GDP! … BHO occupies himself with NCAA brackets, vacationing in Brazil, and endless parties in the White House (formerly the residence of the leader of the free world)…Ladies, Gentlemen, citizens of the republic: it’s official, the Empty Suit contains no Emperor…

Flopping Aces has an explanation, though…The Empty Suit contains a sociopath… very comforting.

Speaking of ‘Leadership’, conservatives are starting to break ranks with the House GOP leadership … I am not among the defectors (yet), and here’s why … a government shutdown is inevitable because the Mobocrats, ‘lead’ by the Empty Suit Containing No Emperor, will never accede to any meaningful government spending cuts … therefore, it is strategically imperative for the Mobocrats to receive blame from the public for said shutdown … and astute readers of this blog know I tend toward a very dim opinion of the general public’s civic awareness … but I have articulated on comment boards a strategy to win the fight for their hearts and minds …keep up the short-term CRs tied to real cuts … package the cuts as entire programs or agencies … keep the Mobocrats in the position of defending the indefensible until they finally decide they have no choice but to own the shutdown … Then they own the shutdown ... The numbers really don't matter at this point - the Mobocrats are negotiating in bad faith and we will never get anywhere near meaningful numbers with them holding any power... the task before us right now is to discredit the Mobocrats for the next election cycle…

…But the more I think about the Inappropriated (yeah, that’s a word – I just invented it) $105B for Obamacare, I’m in agreement with what Rep. Mike Pence said on Hannity’s radio show today…pick the fight over the $105B and the rest of the 2011 budget enchilada when the current CR ends in three weeks…the gang of Progressive hacks working for The Empty Suit are burning through that money right now…which makes it an emergency ... conservatives everywhere – gear up for a fight beginning now!
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