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What Can Joomla Do?

Right out of the box Joomla is a very powerful application for websites. The potential it has is amazing. You can have as many or as few pages as you want for your website. This can be great for those website owners that have a lot to say. Adding more pages doesn't bloat the code or the site. Joomla was created to handle a lot of pages. Joomla was also created to have organization on your site so you aren't having a hard time trying to figure out where all your pages are. You can categorize them anyway that you want. If part of your website is about services you offer you can categorize them, if part of your site is specific information to your industry it can be categorized as well. This also works well for your visitors because you can link to individual sections and categories and let them choose what they want to look at without cluttering the site with different menus. Once you get into adding things the potential expands even more. The need to pay for extra services becom

Choosing the Right CMS For Your Web Site

By Ryan Bailey We all have seen a few different content management systems I am sure. But with all the different CMS solutions available how do you choose the right one for your Web Site. This article will go over the main points to consider when choosing a content management system and what to look out for. The first thing you need to ask yourself is what type of web site am I creating? There are many different CMS solutions out there to you and each one is best used for a different type of web site. So to choose the right CMS you need to find out what purpose your web site will have and what the main required functions of the content management system will be. For example if you are planning to create a web site that simply will be used to post articles or guides, Wordpress may be the right solution for you. However if you are looking at creating more of a community that focuses around dynamic content and users, a portal like CMS may be what you are looking for. Popular portal like c

CMS Review - PHP Nuke

Today we are going to review the PHP-Nuke Content Management System (CMS). PHP-Nuke is best used for a community website, or a website focused on different information (including articles, guides, etc.) that users can interact with. Simply put the main focus of PHP-Nuke is to manage your web site's pages through the use of modules. There are many different modules available, and as PHP-Nuke is open source many people create thier own module and release them (there is also a new feature on the PHP Nuke Website, where users can sell custom modules). In this article we will dive deep into PHP-Nuke and explore some of the various features available in this free Content Management System. Before we continue on the requirements for setting up PHP Nuke should be stated. Firstly you will need some type of web server (Apache is recommended), along with some time of SQL database (MySQL is standard and best used with PHP Nuke), you will also need a PHP version of at least 4. For this article

Choosing a CMS in 10 Steps

Picture this: you have a great website contract, a stunning design, and everything is ready to roll. Except for one little problem: which content management system (CMS) should be used? There's no real right or wrong answer to this question, but it can certainly cause a lot of grief if you're battling the technology rather than being assisted by it. So here's a couple of handy pointers to help with the decision: 1. Blog or CMS? If the website is primarily going to handle 'posts' - journal entries spread out in time - then a blog is more appropriate. If on the other hand you need to organise a quantity of more structured articles, such as sales literature or support documents, a CMS is going to be your best bet. There's actually a fair amount of crossover between blogs and CMS systems these days, but you may as well start out with a tool that's specialised for the task at hand. Wordpress is becoming fairly ubiquitous for blogging, with a vast range of third-

ON LINE SHOP di Indonesia dan Globalisasi

Weleh sebelumnya saya sudah Posting tentang Online Shop di post terdahulu sekarang lupa nyarinya tapi kenapa kok saya bahas lagi? Yupz soalnya ini menyangkut masa depat umat manusa, bentar lagi akan ada Badai dari segala arah, dimanapun kamu bersembunyi pasti kena Badai ini (kecuali daerah-daerah pedalaman) , Badai ini bernama "GLOBALISASI" wew orang mulai mencari-cari trend Globalisasi low.. Salah satu senjata utama para Ekonomikus Dunia adalah menjual barang tanpa ada batasan tempat-jarak yang kerennya disebut dengan Online Shop Hmm.. cocok-kah dengan kepribadian orang Indonesia ?? ini yang harus kita bahas. Bagaimana kalo ibu-ibu ga usah pergi kepasar cuma buka laptop terus pergi ke website (hehhe *ngibul mode : on) trus disana udah ada lapak pedagang, misalkan si Ibu mau bikin sayur lodeh, tinggal cari aja di ujung webnya tulisan "Search" terus cari deh bahan2-nya, terus ada Chart online nya (kayak Os-comerce itu lho) jadi tinggal naruh

Apa itu Joomla ??

Nah sekarang kia akan membahas salah satu Content Management Systems yang cukup terkenal, yaitu Joomla. Joomla adalah salah satu Open Source Content Management Systems paling powerfull yang pernah ada. Digunakan diseluruh dunia dari situs yang paling sederhana sampai kepada aplikasi korporasi yang kompleks. Kelebihan Joomla! terletak pada kemudahan instalasi dan pengelolaan nya. Masih bingung ??? Joomla merupakan tools untuk membuat website agar lebih mudah dan juga mempunyai banyak kelebihan-kelebihan. Maztam sudah pernah mencoba membuat web dengan joomla, hasilnya seperti ini : (masih polosan -_-"). Kalau menurut Maztam, kelebihan Joomla tuh antara lain : Mempunyai desain yang unik dan menarik Mempunyai banyak fitur yang memudahkan admin Instalasi mudah, hanya 5 menit kita sudah mempunyai web yang menarik Gratiizzz... tizzz.. tiss... tiss (money mode : on) kalau ini maztam bangetzz Semua yang ada pasti punya kelebihan dan kekurangan, kekurangannya Joomla men