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Choosing the Right CMS For Your Web Site

By Ryan Bailey We all have seen a few different content management systems I am sure. But with all the different CMS solutions available how do you choose the right one for your Web Site. This article will go over the main points to consider when choosing a content management system and what to look out for. The first thing you need to ask yourself is what type of web site am I creating? There are many different CMS solutions out there to you and each one is best used for a different type of web site. So to choose the right CMS you need to find out what purpose your web site will have and what the main required functions of the content management system will be. For example if you are planning to create a web site that simply will be used to post articles or guides, Wordpress may be the right solution for you. However if you are looking at creating more of a community that focuses around dynamic content and users, a portal like CMS may be what you are looking for. Popular portal like c

Choosing a CMS in 10 Steps

Picture this: you have a great website contract, a stunning design, and everything is ready to roll. Except for one little problem: which content management system (CMS) should be used? There's no real right or wrong answer to this question, but it can certainly cause a lot of grief if you're battling the technology rather than being assisted by it. So here's a couple of handy pointers to help with the decision: 1. Blog or CMS? If the website is primarily going to handle 'posts' - journal entries spread out in time - then a blog is more appropriate. If on the other hand you need to organise a quantity of more structured articles, such as sales literature or support documents, a CMS is going to be your best bet. There's actually a fair amount of crossover between blogs and CMS systems these days, but you may as well start out with a tool that's specialised for the task at hand. Wordpress is becoming fairly ubiquitous for blogging, with a vast range of third-

Theme Wordpress Made In Indonesian

Busyed dah yang satu ini patut kita beri 10 jempol (asal bukan jempol kaki aja yah) Template Maker kita : Ahmad Rafis. Meskipun ane ga pake wordpress untuk blog ini tetapi saya juga pecinta wordpress <3 apalagi dengan theme yang satu ini saya langsung "Palling in Loph" saat melihat screenshotnya, apalagi buka demo website *aiih* kayak ada cewek chinese yang cakep * keren bangeedz deh nih Theme nya (lebay mulay) dengan slideshownya yang tampak rapi, coba deh dekatkan kursor ke link di sidebar, pasti tuh link pada kabur semua (hihihihi) alias gerak-gerak sendiri .. Kalo saya yang memandang bukan seperti theme tapi lama-lama seperti lukisan, soalnya seni-nya itu loh... Manztab bangedz.. Hehehe dari tadi ngomong apaan sih ane.. Langsung aja ya gan ga pake cingclong : ART-MAGAZINE 1.0.5 Download : Demo : ART-MAGAZINE Featured Slideshow Category Featured Widget Support Theme Options Custom Header Dll Note

Web Indonesia

Membangun Komunitas Link Web Indonesia 1.FREE-7.NET 2.Maztam Blog 3. Nama_blog Url Blog anda Ada sebuah Filosofi politik yang mengatakan "Tidak ada teman dan tidak ada musuh yang abadi, yang ada adalah kepentingan bersama" . Mungkin filosofi ini yang meng-ilhami perushaan IBM bekerja sama dengan komunitas open source untuk menghadapi dominasi Microsoft dalam aplikasi sever. Ter-inspirasi dari filosofi itu dan dari membaca dan berusaha memahami masalah link building dari posting Darren Rowse di -nya (12 Tools and Techniques for Building Relationships with Other Bloggers) juga dari membaca ebook link building secret yg saya temukan , maka saya mencoba menarik kesimpulan intinya dan mencoba membangun ide untuk mengajak para blogger Indonesia bersama-sama menciptakan suatu komunitas online bagi blogger indonesia , untuk saling mengenal dan membangun suatu kerjasama win and win bukan win and lose (menang dan