Showing posts with label Candlewick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Candlewick. Show all posts

Friday, September 7, 2012

Sarah and Michelle discuss picture books

Look, I'm in a video!

My wonderful editor Sarah Ketchersid and I talk about our favorite parts of creating picture books in this short video, which was featured today as part of Candlewick's We Believe in Picture Books celebration! You can also see it right here:

I hope you like it, and I hope you visit often, because Candlewick will be posting a new video every day through August 2013! Authors, illustrators, editors, librarians, readers, and other book-loving friends share favorite stories, reveal behind-the-scenes info, and talk about why picture books matter.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

We Believe in Picture Books!

Get ready for a year-long celebration of picture books with Candlewick's wonderful collection of videos featuring authors, illustrators, publishing professionals, readers, teachers, librarians, and more! This trailer gives a taste of what's to come. 

My editor Sarah and I recorded a we-believe-in-picture-books video at BEA, which will be among those shown during the celebration at some point. :)  

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Special PRINCESS OF TRELIAN pre-order promotion!

Starting this Tuesday, for a limited time, pre-order THE PRINCESS OF TRELIAN and get a free copy of The Dragon of Trelian!

The ever-awesome WORD bookstore will give a free trade paperback edition of the first Trelian novel, The Dragon of Trelian, to the first 10 people who pre-order book 2, THE PRINCESS OF TRELIAN, starting this Tuesday, March 6! I'll post the pre-order link here and on my website late tomorrow night.

Special thanks to my also-ever-awesome publisher, Candlewick Press, for partnering with WORD for this promotion. I'm excited that 10 of you will get free copies of the first book! If you haven't already read book 1, this is your chance to get both books at once. And if you have already read the first one, this is your chance to give it to some nice friend of yours who you think will like it, too!