Showing posts with label princess of trelian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label princess of trelian. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Princess of Trelian in paperback!

It's paperback pub day for The Princess of Trelian

As always, I strongly encourage you to get a copy at your local independent bookstore, but it's also available at Barnes & Noble and on Amazon

If you want a signed and/or personalized copy, you should order from WORD bookstore in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. They'll let me know and I'll head over to sign a copy just for you! (If you only see the hardcover listed, just click "other editions of this title" to get to the paperback.)

If you've already read The Princess of Trelian and are waiting for book 3 ... I can tell you that the third book is now scheduled for fall of 2015. I'll post more specific details when I have them! :)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Princess Spotting

Spotted on display at the East Meadow Public Library by my awesome BFF Jen:

Sunday, May 6, 2012

NYC book signing May 12!

I'll be signing books with other authors at the fabulous Books of Wonder next Saturday, May 12, from noon to 2pm. Come get signed copies of The Dragon of Trelian and/or The Princess of Trelian, meet other authors and check out their books, and support a great NYC independent bookstore! 

You can see full event info here. I've also started an event page on Facebook, if you'd like to RSVP (not necessary, but it would be great to know if you're coming!).

If you can't make it, you can still order a signed book through the store, and I'll sign it on the day of the event.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Get a signed copy of THE PRINCESS OF TRELIAN! (And, if you hurry, a free copy of The Dragon of Trelian, too!)

Pre-order THE PRINCESS OF TRELIAN from WORD bookstore on or before April 6 and you'll receive a signed, personalized copy the week of the official book release (April 10). Just let them know when you order (see link below for details) whether you want the book personalized (i.e., signed to someone in particular) or just signed and dated. Then, when the books arrive, I will zip over to the store and sign your book before they mail it out to you.

PLUS! The first 10 people to pre-order THE PRINCESS OF TRELIAN starting Tuesday, March 6, will get a free trade paperback edition of The Dragon of Trelian to go with it!

Here is the link:

Special thanks to the ever-awesome WORD bookstore and my also-ever-awesome publisher Candlewick Press for setting up this promotion. I'm looking forward to signing books for everyone who pre-orders, and I'm extra excited that 10 of you will get FREE COPIES of the first book! If you haven't already read book 1, this is your chance to get both books at once. And if you have already read the first one, this is your chance to give it to some nice friend of yours who you think will like it, too! :)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Trelian sequel has, uh, another title!

Choosing a title for the sequel was so much fun, we decided to do it again! Actually, the sales folks had some good thoughts about keeping "Trelian" in the title to help make the connection clear between the two books, so we decided to tweak it a little. The new title is:


Goes quite nicely with The Dragon of Trelian, I think, and one more "of Trelian" title for the third book would make a lovely set all together.