Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Friday, September 12, 2014

Evil Librarian Blog Tour Day 4!

Come visit me today over at Green Bean Teen Queen, where I talk about some of my favorite musical theater songs (because there's a musical theater/Sweeney Todd subplot in the book, and also because musical theater = awesome).

Also, don't forget that the Evil Librarian official launch party is happening TONIGHT at WORD bookstore in Brooklyn! Full details here. I hope you can come and help me celebrate! Free and open to the public.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Evil Librarian Blog Tour Day 2!

Come visit me today over at Random Chalk Talk, where I share part of my writing playlist for Evil Librarian!

ALSO! Please join me on Twitter on Friday, September 19 at 4:00pm for a post-tour Twitter chat with hashtag #EvilLibrarian! You could win a signed copy! See you there!

Friday, March 6, 2009

good day for the to-do list

I actually crossed off all three items on my to-do list today. What were they, you ask? Here, I will tell you:

1. Call the gym to reschedule my Tuesday morning training session for the afternoon.
2. Work on novel for school.
3. Work on freelance editing projects.

All three of these things were accomplished. And in addition to some more backgroundy, world-building, figurey-out-y stuff, I wrote ACTUAL NEW WORDS in the novel. A whole new scene. Three and a half pages. 1142 words. I feel very good about this, considering how panicky I've been feeling about not moving forward.

I also even managed to get out for a couple of hours tonight and saw Shayfer James play at Bar 4 in Park Slope. Very fun—I've been trying to catch one of his shows forever, and was very glad to finally make it happen. I'm a big fan.

In other news, yesterday I finally finished a website redesign for I think it looks a little more streamlined and professional than the old version, and hopefully it will be easier to update as well. Someday there will be a real redesign, by a real web designer, but I'm happy with this for now. Part of me was a little sad to say good-bye to my old site, which I did completely in HTML (and I liked getting to be all proud of myself for doing all that coding and stuff). But it was a pain to update, especially to add new book information, and so I hadn't been updating it, and not being updated is not really a good thing for a website.

Here's hoping for another good productive day tomorrow...