Showing posts with label pub day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pub day. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Evil Librarian Pub Day and Blog Tour!

IT'S EVIL LIBRARIAN PUB DAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I am super excited. Can you tell that I am super excited?

That means today is the day you can find EVIL LIBRARIAN out in the world, ideally in your favorite local independent bookstore, but also in various other bookselling places and libraries (except maybe evil ones).

It ALSO means that today is the first day of the EVIL LIBRARIAN BLOG TOUR! You can find me at my first stop on the tour: over at Liza Wiemer's WhoRuBlog.

Here's the whole list of blog tour stops for the next week or so. I hope you'll come visit me along the way!

September 9: WhoRuBlog (Guest Post)

September 10: Random Chalk Talk (Guest Post)

September 11: Books 4 Your Kids (Q&A)

September 12: Green Bean Teen Queen (Guest Post)

September 13: Elizabeth O. Dulemba (Guest Post)

September 15: Katie's Book Blog (Guest Post)

September 16: Word Spelunking (Guest Post)

September 17: Book Chic Club (Q&A)

If you've already read the book, or whenever you do read it, please consider posting reviews on Goodreads, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, your local library website, etc.! Reviews are a great way to help spread the word (and help authors that you like to reach more readers). I also welcome comments on this blog, and you can email me through my website, as well.

I would also like to give a shared-pub-day shout out to fellow authors Caroline Carlson, whose second book in The Very Nearly Honorable League of Pirates series, The Terror of the Southlands, comes out today, and Matt Phelan, whose lovely picture book Druthers comes out today, too!