Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Cedric's Pascha Basket. He got "The Way of the Pilgrim" which I read this Lent. It's a great book and I hope he enjoys it. His icon was the Holy Forefathers, as his Patron Saint is the Patriarch Jacob. Posted by Hello

Xavier's Pascha basket - he assured me he wasn't tired Sunday night, and then broke his wooden cross opening the package (he's allergic to metal). His icon was of Holy Thursday, as his Patron Saint is the Holy Apostle Bartholomew.

Dad came to the rescue, and Xavier's cross is now fixed. Yay Eddie! Posted by Hello

Christ is Risen! We had a wonderful Pascha, and the Troparion is still echoing in my head "Christ is Risen from the dead. Trampling down death by death. And upon those in the tomb bestowing life"
Five things I want to remember about this Pascha
1) I cannot dye eggs red. I should never, ever sign up for bringing a dozen again.
2) Xavier did a great job serving in the Altar. He stayed awake the entire time and looked darling.
3) Cedric is surly and I love him. He looked great in a sage green shirt for Paulie's wedding, even though he insisted on wearing the collar buttoned up and then folded up.
4) It was a beautiful, sunny day it wasn't too cold, rainy or damp and the picnic was wonderful
5) The item I enjoyed breaking my fast with the most was get this, Peeps.
Posted by Hello