Friday, March 03, 2006

The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.

I had really resisted reading this book – I kept hearing that it was a Sci-Fi book, and not being a Sci-Fi reader didn’t pick it up. I bought it several months ago, and the other day decided to give it a try.

It is *so* not a Sci-Fi book, it is a true and classic love story. I was hooked as soon as I began reading it, and couldn’t wait to read more as soon as I got home. On Wednesday night, there was an intense foreshadowing scene, and I found myself sobbing through it (enough so that Eddie asked me if I wanted him to put the book in the freezer).

So, I finished it last night while working out, sobbing through the entire ending. The guy at the machine next to me was kind enough to not ask me what was wrong, but I’m sure he was thinking “I hope this workout goes quickly, there’s a crazy lady next to me”. This book is truly a keeper and one I’ll read again and again, crying the entire time, I’m sure.

Let me know what you thought, and if you’ve read it, I have a couple of quick questions I want to bounce off you.

Happy Friday and Happy Reading! (Xavier is working on a “Hardy Boys” for school, so he’s been reading with me in the evenings. It’s been lovely)

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Everything is Connected – On the way home from Church on Sunday we followed a car with that bumper sticker. After reading it, I thought back to the reading of the day* (Matthew 25),
… for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you took me in, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and in prison and you visited me. For truly I say to you, if you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me (Mt 25)

I tend to shy away from thinking too much about the Last Judgement, as I know that a lot of religious harm and pain has been caused by focusing too much on that aspect. However, the sermon that Father Daniel shared was about the fact that God is Love, and that when we sin (reject that love) we affect all of those around us. I was so taken with the idea that my sins make others around me sin and miss the mark as well. It goes back to the bumper sticker – the dumb choices that I make can and do harm those that I love.

And, of course, the main point is the love for our neighbor that Christ will ask each of us about on that Dread Judgement Day. All I can say is “Lord have Mercy and help me to love others as much as I love myself”

It really put it all together as to why the Orthodox Church in her wisdom does think about this as we approach Lent – how the discipline is a tool to wittling away the passions, not a means to an end as there are no extra brownie points at the Last Judgement for keeping a perfect fast. But you do get them for loving your neighbor.

*the third of the four Pre-Lenten Sundays is “The Sunday of the Last Judgement
Icon visible at the Greek Archdiocese Website

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Today, being the 5th anniversary of the Nisqually Earthquake by far the biggest earthquake I’ve ever been in (a 6.8), - it’s the 15th Anniversary of the day of Cedric's birth(what a 10th birthday present that was!)

Happy birthday to my amazing, incredible, bright, charming and intense son. Many years to you and may your life be filled with love, laughter, a good education (ahem), and happiness.

Monday, February 27, 2006

An Edible Cell - kinda. Xavier's creation before he turned it in today. While everything is food, most of it is not cooked. And, the idea of eating pie dough after sitting in jello for three days is not appealing to me.

And here's a close up of the masterpiece.