I’ve seen this Meme floating around, Dawn, Christina, Presbytera Elizabeth, and Hibee are among those who have played, and I thought I’d add my voice to the chorus. I have to send out a big whohoooo to Cedric who wrote down the songs as they came up on my car’s MP3 player, since that’s the playlist that most accurately reflects my tastes. Eddie also wrote down a couple, thanks babe.
I’ve been struck reading these how many are actually appropriate. Anyway, here goes:
So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't Lie. This is Christina's suggestion, unless you really really hate the song (in which case why is it in your library eh), listen to each one all the way thru as it plays. You might just hear something interesting about yourself you weren't expecting.
Opening Credits: Maybe I’m Amazed (Live) by Paul McCartney
Waking Up: Fake (Live from the Mountain Music Lounge) by The Frames
First Day At School: The Day Begins by The Moody Blues
Falling In Love: Evil by Interpol
Fight Song: I Wanna Hold Your Hand by The Beatles
Breaking Up: Black Coffee In Bed by Squeeze
Prom: Kreen – Akrore by Paul McCartney
Life: Like an Angel by Duran Duran
Career: Atlantis by Donovan
Mental Breakdown: Stories for Boys by U2
Driving: Kundalani Express by Love and Rockets
Flashback: My Own Way by Duran Duran
Getting back together: Veronica by Elvis Costello
Wedding: I’m Finding It Harder To Be A Gentleman by The White Stripes
Birth of Child: Jackson by Johnny Cash (with June Carter)
Midlife Crisis: Helter-Skelter (The Anthology Version) by The Beatles
Final Battle: Blackbird (Live) by Paul McCartney
Death Scene: Belly of the Whale by Burning Sensation
Funeral Song: The Times They Are A Changing (Unplugged Version) by Bob Dylan
End Credits: Fire Island by Fountains of Wayne
My thoughts – isn’t it amazing that my very favorite song of all time came up first on the shuffle? That’s a good opening credit for me. And, the boys both commented on how much they like Veronica. And, bwahahahahahahahaha, since I was born in a town called Jackson, which seems particularly appropriate for birth, no?
So, play along, let me know if you did, I’d love to read yours.