Friday, July 04, 2008

And it just keeps coming....

That's right we have even more new stuff to show off!! So here it is... being the reigning Auckland 48hours champs we were asked by the organisers of the comp to put together a short explaining what the 48 hours is. They then asked us if we could make it anaglyph 3D. So having never made anything like that before we, of course, said "Dam straight we can"!! It proved to be a bit tricky at first, seeing as we had to keep in mind that it was going to be projected onto a movie screen but full credit has to go to Tim who, as usual, figured out how to do it!!
The response has been really cool, and for those who didn't get to see it in 3D (it was an Auckland exclusive) now's your chance to check it out!! And if ya don't have 3D glasses, just use the ones we've supplied below!

And here it is in 2D...


Pinflux said...

"...have exactly 48 hours"
"V 48 hours!"

Haha good stuff guys, just wish I had some 3D glasses. Hitting myself with a ping pong ball just isn't the same.


Onno Knuvers said...

I saw that last night. Good job guys

Anonymous said...

You dudes are funny! And that is excellent work, especially considering you haven't done anaglyph before. Major props.

RAWLS said...

hah..great stuff!! Great accomplishment...not everyone gets to do 3D stuff.

Unknown said...

Yep, Great job. I can imagine the 3D fx. But your talent is more convincing the techniques.

Mike Geiger said...

this was great
who woulda thunk learning could be fun.

Chris Kennett said...

"You'll regret it" gets me everytime. Too funny!

matt dawson said...

Calling all at MukBlog. Faultless work as always. I hope you'll accept my nomination as one of my "Brillante Weblog Premio-2008" blogs. Pop over to my blog and claim your prize...and no, this isn't a time share or get rich quick offer, just a bit of web blog Karma. Sorry if chain letters aren't your thing, just thought it a nice gesture to pass along:)

benjamin trobat -cartoonist- said...

great works dude!!

Double0zero said...

Wow you guys have been busy. I really like your work chaps. Look forward to seeing more. HK

michael foster said...


Authoritaters said...

I absolutely love the roly poly monster, love his nose!