Showing posts with label bedroom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bedroom. Show all posts

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Teenaged Girl's Bedroom in Scandinavian Design

It has been several months since we redesigned my teenaged daughter's bedroom for her birthday, but I wanted to share how lovely it turned out. It's difficult to get into her room and photograph these days, as she is now homeschooled and spends an enormous amount of time in her room, and more specifically on her bed! If you've been following me for any time now, you may remember that we re-did her bedroom a few years ago! She is now a full fledge teenager and has very specific design ideas and so for her 14th birthday, I told her we could redecorate her room. It has been FIVE years and she's a lot different at 14 then she was at 9 years old! Here is what her room looked like before:

Before: Girl's Turquoise Bedroom

Monday, April 16, 2018

Spring Cleaning the Easy Way

The Spring Cleaning Tips are all mine!

Spring Cleaning is one of those phrases that I tend to avoid. Well, cleaning is something I tend to avoid but spring cleaning seems sort of like a phrase that everyone is supposed to just do and that's that! If you've ever been in a "spring cleaning" kind of mood, it's your chance to really open your eyes and see your home in a fresh, new way!

I'd also like to note that a wonderful part of spring "cleaning" can and should include spring decluttering! When you start to look around your home, move things to clean behind, or open the blinds you may notice more than just dust and dirt. 

10 Quick and Easy Spring Cleaning Tips

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

How Decluttering Can Pay Off, Literally!

Lately, I have been hit by the decluttering bug. And by hit, I mean HIT hard. I am pretty good about decluttering, honestly, but about once or twice a year I just start to go a little nuts around the house. Just ask my husband! What I do is I imagine that we are going to be moving across the country! I give myself a deadline - say 2 months - and I start going room by room through every closet, cupboard and shelf! I think about whether I've used the item in the last six months, or even a year. Why am I keeping it? 

Friday, August 25, 2017

Updated Master Bedroom Wallpaper

I was given products from Sherwin-Williams and Walls Republic to complete this project! 

It's the season of projects for me now, at least I've got that drive to get lots done right now. I doubt I'll ever be done with projects around my house and something will always need updating, but I just love doing new things and having projects to do! Our master bedroom hadn't been painted in nearly 8 or 9 years - and that's a long time for me. Add to that, I wanted something to sort of pop in there and make it change. I updated our bedroom a few years ago but wanted something more. It looked nice, but it really needed new paint since the walls had faded a lot. 

Before: Master Bedroom looks great but see after to be wow'd

I decided that I would take my wallpaper obsession to another level and again get some wallpaper up behind the bed. I had previously had a darker blue-ish paint color and wanted to update with gray. I also had put these decals on behind our bed and they were starting to pop off! 

AFTER: Gorgeous gray walls with faux brick wallpaper

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Bee's Knees!

Wouldn't you love to get some FREE summer skincare essentials? Skincare products that you don't have to worry about all that harmful and "who knows what's in it" products? Well, I have an amazing offer for you, so check it out!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Organizing Those Awkward Small Spaces in an RV + Giveaway

I was give product and compensated by
Tidy Living to share my awesome organizing experience. 

We have been vacationing again in our RV/motor home {have you seen our incredible made over RV?}, and  I can't wait to show you some great ideas for small space organizing in THERE, but also in your own small space at home that you can get ideas for! PLUS, I've got an amazing giveaway that YOU can enter to organize your own space! 

BEFORE: RV hall closet

Friday, November 11, 2016

Welcome to my Organized, Colorful Home

I haven't updated my home tour in awhile so I thought it would be fun to share how my house looks right now, since doing my new kitchen and a few other areas this year. So, I'm going to walk you through the house! If you want to now specifics about that room, just click on the link I provide for each room. 

Welcome to our home!

Yellow front door of Organizing Made Fun's home tour

Our front yard got overhauled last year and is now completely drought tolerant and all native. Go HERE to read more about it. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

How to Organize Cords Easily

Living in the 21st century means we have cords, lots and lots of cords. Cords are messy, very messy! You know there are cords by the couch, next to the bed, in the kitchen, in the office, behind the TV - you know, everywhere! So, I consider myself somewhat of an expert in this area now, especially having a husband in the IT field - yes, cords and more cords. My husband also runs the sound system at our church and he's become quite meticulous about how to keep cords out of the way and from view, so I've learned things from him too. I'm going to give you my solutions and some of the basic things you need to keep around your house to keep up with the web of cords - cause I like them hidden!

How to Organize Cords Easily ::

Friday, August 12, 2016

Top Dorm Room Accessories to Keep You Organized

If you have a college student or you ARE a college student, you are probably getting ready to head off to college in the next few of weeks! I've shared with you lots of great ideas for dorm room organizing, RV small space organizing, and small space organizing! It's a fun challenge to see what you can do to maximize a small space! So, I found some really cool products for your dorm room that might help you keep much more organized - I only wish I had these when I went away to college! Soon, I'll have my own college student! 

Feel free to share this with your favorite college student, as I have a special offer for them at the end of this post, too!

Top Dorm Room Accessories to Keep You Organized ::

Monday, June 20, 2016

5 Ways to Get a Better Night's Sleep

I am partnering with IKEA to share some of my best tips for the #First59 Campaign. 

How can you possibly get a better night's sleep? Well, for me, there are things that I do each day to help me ease my way into getting a better sleep! It might seem like simple ways, but they are definitely something that help me be calm. We've got a busy schedule some days and I try to consistently get to bed around the same time. 

5 Ways to Get a Better Night's Sleep ::

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Tips to Improve your Nighttime Routine

I am partnering with IKEA to share some of my best tips for the #First59 Campaign. 

It's always been important in our home to have a nighttime routine. I've been a mom for nearly 17 years and STILL have the kids do a simple nighttime routine, and I have my own too! I have come up with 16 great ways to do that, using a few simple everyday products from IKEA and some creativity, to keep your mornings and evenings from becoming a nightmare! Today I'm going to share two of my tips, focusing on your nighttime routine. You can find all the tips from myself and other experts by going to IKEA's First59 page

Tips to Improve your Nighttime Routine ::

Friday, May 13, 2016

How to Properly Fold a T-Shirt

Years ago I showed you a method of folding shirts and it seems that everyone is now figuring out a similar method! I do this method with my kids, mine, and my husband's shirts. It makes things completely tidy, organized, and fits twice as many in your drawer! Wow! How is it done?

How to Properly Fold a T-Shirt ::

Monday, March 21, 2016

The Best Way to Spend the First and Last Part of Your Day

This post is in partnership with IKEA. 

About three blocks away from our home is Ikea. Yes, Ikea! We live three blocks away! City living has its perks! And, our Ikea is MOVING about 1/2 a mile down to make room for the LARGEST Ikea in the United States that is being built SO close to us!!! You can probably guess that I'm a BIG fan of Ikea and I shop there often - sometime I'm going to have to give you my best tips for getting the most out of an IKEA trip. 


Some would even argue that I love lKEA so much that I painted my house the same colors....but enough about my crazy obsession with IKEA!

Today I am SO excited to share with you that I am partnering with IKEA! Can you believe it? One of my all-time favorite places to shop and find ways to get organized, and IKEA wants to work with me! 

Friday, March 4, 2016

How to Label ANYTHING

So, you finally get that one spot super organized in your house and you want to keep it that way! So, what's the best plan? Perhaps you should LABEL! Yes! That's one of my favorite ways to keep things organized. Labeling is essential in a home with more than one person - and, let's be honest, I'd need it even if I lived alone because I'd forget where to put it! I've come up with a list of ideas for labeling just about everything and how to make those labels, too! 

How to Label ANYTHING ::

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

How to Organize Your Nightstand

It's the last place you go to at the end of the day - your bed! It's important how you spend that last little bit before you head off to sleep! Having an organized nightstand is important - whether you have a small or large one. It can help you ease into bed and have the most important things next to you before going off to sleep. I want to share my tips for getting your nightstand organized so you can have a restful night's sleep, too!

How to Organize Your Nightstand ::

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Five Simple Ways to Get Organized

I realize that not all of my readers are on Instagram or follow me on Instagram, but I have simple organizing tips on there, from time to time, that I use in my own day. So, I wanted to share five of those ways that I get organized!

Five Simple Ways to Get Organized ::

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Bringing Out the OCD in Me!

I admit, I'm not really OCD - or the typical perfectionist who needs things perfectly put in a certain way, but I know I have many readers who do! I know that it's important that things are just so - you won't get me to tell you that but I like when things are in order and look pretty! Today I have a product I'm sharing with you and a giveaway! Let me share it with you...

Xangar Spacers help bring out the OCD in all of us!

Friday, September 25, 2015

How to Organize a Dresser Drawer of Clothes

To be quite honest with you, I do not believe that everyone must organize the same way or that your drawers have to look a certain way. But, I can at least show you a few ways that I organize my drawers and some other options to give you ideas that will work for you. 

How to Organize a Dresser Drawer of Clothes ::

Friday, August 28, 2015

The Perfect Stylish Storage Solution + Giveaway

This post is sponsored by Otto Storage Stools
but opinions about their product are completely mine!

Don't you love a good deal? Or when you find something you can't wait to share with others? I have both to share with you today. Otto Storage contacted me a couple of months ago and shared their product and I loved it right away. We gave away FIVE of these products on Instagram in July and I really had wished I got to try one out for myself...and now I'm able to share it with you and give away FIVE more. But, I have found the perfect, most stylish storage solution and I can't wait to show you!

Red Otto Storage Stool on patio ::

Friday, August 21, 2015

How to Wash a Down Pillow Naturally

OK, so I'm not reinventing the wheel or telling you anything new. But, I washed my down pillows. Yep, big deal? Did you know you can wash down pillows? I did...but, I was just too chicken!

Down pillow before::

So, here is what the pillows look like BEFORE.

Down pillow after::

And here is the AFTER - I know! Unbelievable!! AND, I used NO bleach {I don't even own bleach}. Here's how I did it: