Showing posts with label linen closet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label linen closet. Show all posts

Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Secret to Naturally Clean Laundry

Let me tell you, I am sort of finicky about what I use around my house - it's got to be natural, safe, and scent-free. I've got a couple of important people who live in this house that absolutely can't have scented anything! 

Truly CLEAR  and unscented laundry that's naturally clean!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Welcome to my Organized, Colorful Home

I haven't updated my home tour in awhile so I thought it would be fun to share how my house looks right now, since doing my new kitchen and a few other areas this year. So, I'm going to walk you through the house! If you want to now specifics about that room, just click on the link I provide for each room. 

Welcome to our home!

Yellow front door of Organizing Made Fun's home tour

Our front yard got overhauled last year and is now completely drought tolerant and all native. Go HERE to read more about it. 

Friday, March 4, 2016

How to Label ANYTHING

So, you finally get that one spot super organized in your house and you want to keep it that way! So, what's the best plan? Perhaps you should LABEL! Yes! That's one of my favorite ways to keep things organized. Labeling is essential in a home with more than one person - and, let's be honest, I'd need it even if I lived alone because I'd forget where to put it! I've come up with a list of ideas for labeling just about everything and how to make those labels, too! 

How to Label ANYTHING ::

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

25 of My Best Organizing Hacks!

What is a "hack" - as in organizing hack? It's modifying or customizing everyday {organizing} ideas to improve their functionality. So, I thought that showing you the best organizing hacks that I've ever done would be a fun way to start the year! Here are 25 of them!

25 of My Best Organizing Hacks::

Thursday, November 13, 2014

11 Ways to Organize with Baskets

I love baskets! They are inexpensive and come in all kinds of sizes for organizing. I've come up with 11 great ways to organize with baskets, but honestly, there are a lot more ways! Here are my favorites...

11 Ways to Organize with Baskets ::
Don't forget to enter to win a FOOD Saver. Go HERE!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

31 Days of Spontaneous Organizing - Day #13: Linen Closet

Today is Day #13 of 31 days of spontaneous organizing! Today you get to organize your linen closet! Aren't you super, duper excited??

Monday, January 14, 2013

Get your closet in order and organized: Organizing Revolution Week #3

Oh, how I LOVE an organized closet! Love, love, love! Closets are an important place for us to store our "stuff" without everyone seeing it! So, we're going to begin tackling your closet today {or if you are ahead of the game, you've already started}. But, first:

The winners of last week's office challenge ARE:

1st place: Vanessa with her cute pantry on Pinterest

She won a YEAR subscription to 5 Dinners in One Hour and an Ebook! Congrats!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tweaking and organizing the Linen Closet

One of my summer "to-do" list items was to re-work my linen closet. I've done it before but because it's been a couple of years, there is just some stuff in it that hasn't really worked like I wanted and I also had to fit more stuff in and take some stuff out.

So, I'll give you a glimpse of re-organizing. Once you get things organized in a certain area of your home, you'll notice after awhile that it needs to be re-organized or tweaked. It's perfectly normal and it just happens as time goes on and maybe you system isn't working how you'd hope. So, just adjust it and try something different.  Or maybe you see something FABULOUS on Pinterest and want to try it that way - which I sort of did too!

I have this great built-in linen closet in our hallway. Our house was built in the 1940s so it has some great details like this, and other not-so-great things, too! But, these are definitely one of my favorite things.

I think before was has worked for awhile but it was getting messy and I now had a new humidifier that I couldn't fit under the kids bathroom counter and this was the only place it would fit. It was getting in the way. The linens were organized but I couldn't remember which size was where. The blankets were spilling out and I didn't like how they laid in there.

The baskets have liners in them, but they are really in the way of labeling how I want them. So, I took those out. I got these baskets many years ago on the clearance aisle at Target because they were "Christmas" as the liners had snow flakes on them, but I just turned the liners inside-out and Christmas was gone! Then, I used some leftover chalkboard tags that I had made a little while back and didn't use to finish up this project. My friend, Lisa has similar ones of these in her Etsy shop, too.

I also made up a nice guest amenities basket that I keep in this linen closet. It is filled with all kinds of goodies for my guests to use, if necessary. I pull it out and set it up when they come to stay.

Once I got all the baskets labeled {using one of my favorite tools, cable ties}, I put them back up there.

I decided I wanted to roll the kids' swimming towels and see how it worked out. So far, it's good. They aren't yanking out the towels from back and making a mess of other towels. It's like how I fold their shirts and pants in their drawers and they can see what they want without making a mess of everything else. I keep the swim bag fully stocked with sunscreen and goggles.

It's not a dramatic before and after, but with a little tweaking it is making a big difference in there. I've been able to maintain it easier. 

The linen closet also has a whole bunch of drawers. I actually have several empty! The two on the right bottom are empty so that when we have a guest, I can use those for my daughter as her "dresser" or to put extra pillows, if necessary. I have another drawer just for pillow cases - cause we have a bunch and the kids like to have a cute one with their bedding instead of the matching ones. There are also table linens in another two drawers and one drawer has old sheets and towels for that "just in case" something goes terribly wrong and we have spillage of some sort to clean up and I need to grab something fast!

What kind of linen organizing do you do? A closet, a drawer, a cabinet, nothing? Any other great ideas for organizing your linens and towels?

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Monday, June 11, 2012

Organized Reader: Linens and kids' closet

Daisy, from Maple Hill 101, is our featured space today! She has some very nicely organized spaces to get us all motivated and inspired to get our own done!

One of my favorite things about her web page is her cute "about me" section where she gives a full run down of she and her family - all using Legos as pictures!

You can see that they are a pretty big Lego mania family {as my 13 year old son and 8 year old daughter both enjoy them, too}. You'll have to stop by and see how creative they are!

Daisy wanted to share a couple of spaces with me that I thought were really great! The first one is her kids' closet space. She was able to get things in pretty good order and she had a great organizer already in there to help her out! See her before and after, above. 

The other great space she has is her linen closet. Let me tell you why I like it - I love the baskets that fit in there. They make everything look great even before she did any organizing! She has everything sorted by category.

Then, she's also included a step by step on how she rolls her towels in there. Truly this makes it more "spa-like" having your towels rolled and I really think it can also make more room in your linen closet if you are able to do it well. I have started doing it here and there in my home with towels. Do you have an organized space you'd like to show off? Or, maybe you have the other problem of not knowing HOW to organize a space! Email me and let me know!

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Join me on Facebook - where we interact and have lots of great fun. You can also see behind the scenes pictures and fun stuff I do on my Instagram!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How YOU organize....a linen closet

Now it's time to feature how YOU organize stuff!   I spotted this recently while I was blogging around {is that a real verb?}.   Check it out!

Alison over at "Stuff and Nonsense" blog has this GREAT way she organized her linen closet.  Do you remember my linen closet series?  Well, her linen closet reminded me a lot of mine, since it's old and built-in.  Hers is MUCH older home than my 1947 home - she lives in house that's 120 years old.  It's a beautiful home.  

This is MY linen closet.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Organizing your linen closet (part 3) - the other stuff and folding towels

Feel free to go back over this series.

OK, so now that we've gone through all our old sheets and gotten those out and learned how to fold all our sheets, what else is in your linen closet?  Well, I'll tell you what's in mine:

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Organizing Your Linen Closet (part 2) - How to fold a fitted sheet!

How do you fold a fitted sheet?  Those things are such a pain!  So, I'm going to teach you!  My mom taught me and she's going to help you learn too!  

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Linen Closet - where is yours?

So, where do you have your linen closet?  Is it in your bathroom, hallway, perhaps you don't even have one?  We're going to start our next series on organizing your linen closet!  Yep, it's a hazardous place, but each Wednesday this month we'll go through all kinds of linen closet ideas and inventiveness (is that even a word?).