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Showing posts with the label HL7

New MeaningfulUse Rule will likely impact Stage 1 Criteria

Most Health IT folks today are concerned about Meaningful Use for Stage 2, but they should also be concerned about stage 1 as well.   Under new Federal Regulation for meaningful use, it is certainly possible that the definition of stage 1 meaningful use can change.   As the Meaningful Use Standards final rule stated : The stages of criteria of meaningful use and how they are demonstrated are described further in this final rule and will be updated in subsequent rulemaking to reflect advances in HIT products and infrastructure. We note that such future rulemaking might also include updates to the Stage 1 criteria. The real question for many is what that will mean for vendors implementing products, and providers attesting to meaningful use at a particular stage.   For vendors, it is very clear that EHR products will need to be certified against the new criteria as soon as possible, because again, according to both the final rule for temporary certification  and for ...

A National Standards Maturity Model

Rene Spronk had a great post on the HL7 Affiliate Life Cycle a few weeks back.  Yesterday Catherine Chronaki displayed a simple slide based on that model at the HL7 Working Group meeting.  While Rene talks about it from an HL7 Perspective, I think about it from a national perspective.  There are essentially five levels in Rene's model: Raising Awareness Creating Consensus Based Localization Paid Development Official Endorsement Standards Collaborative So far, only Canada is at level 5.  The US through Meaningful Use is sort of at level 4 for endorsement of HL7 standards, and the ONC S&I Framework is certainly a level 2 activity, if not officially acting as an HL7 Affiliate. The S&I Framework contracts (there are at least 10) will eventually end.  There are a lot of activities which have produced outputs that still need maintenance (e.g., the Clinical Element Data Dictionary).  One of the tasks for the S&I Framework is to establish a long term...