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Showing posts with the label MeaningfulUse

New MeaningfulUse Rule will likely impact Stage 1 Criteria

Most Health IT folks today are concerned about Meaningful Use for Stage 2, but they should also be concerned about stage 1 as well.   Under new Federal Regulation for meaningful use, it is certainly possible that the definition of stage 1 meaningful use can change.   As the Meaningful Use Standards final rule stated : The stages of criteria of meaningful use and how they are demonstrated are described further in this final rule and will be updated in subsequent rulemaking to reflect advances in HIT products and infrastructure. We note that such future rulemaking might also include updates to the Stage 1 criteria. The real question for many is what that will mean for vendors implementing products, and providers attesting to meaningful use at a particular stage.   For vendors, it is very clear that EHR products will need to be certified against the new criteria as soon as possible, because again, according to both the final rule for temporary certification  and for ...

Logistic Growth of EHR users under MeaningfulUse

Logistic Growth Curve (courtesy of Wikipedia) Students of economics will likely be familiar with the logistic growth curve.  The curve has been used to model population growth, in modeling of stochastic processes and  adoption of new technology . The early part of the curve is nearly exponential in the early stages, then moves to linear, and finally into exponential decay. Recently, HHS released data on Meaningful Use attestations (through November of last year) on . Brian Ahier posted a couple of extractions from this data earlier today.  The data includes the following elements: Variable Name Definition Vendor Name Name of EHR vendor EHR Product Name Name of EHR product EHR Product Version Version of EHR product Product Classification Whether product meets all Meaningful Use requirements (Complete) or meets only part of the Meaningful Use requirements (Modular) Product Setting Practice setting for which...