The point is considered that every customer wants their favorite products at low prices, while high prices was greeted on the seller. This is not a contradiction, but it is just a normal appearance. Another fact is that the market is more diverse competitive always leads to lower prices. Each of these economic rules apply in the field glasses. In the modern day, there are many regular marked and eyeglasses, which deals with a large number of species. According to the point that lens or make, two basic categories and non-prescription sunglasses are listed (also called just the glass). In addition, progressive, Bifokal-, optical glasses can be multifocal and is grouped by the different focallengths in a single lens. In the specific category on top of the glass even can be grouped by different brands. Today,includes various types of glass in view of the most prominent manufacturers of frames. Only a few brands producingonly one type of glasses. More info click www.cheapeyeglasse...