
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Wormy the 20 month old

Wow...cant believe she is nearly 2 years old already! it feels just like yesterday we celebrated her 1st birthday. ok what can she do now...

  1. Just recently she started counting 1-2-3....she can actually count till 10 but she will miss out a few numbers here and there. and she will try and try sounds like there's a count drcula in the house (from sesame street)
  2. can complete sentences from some of her favourite bedtime stories :
    1. daddy pig is very ? SPORTY! his tummy is? BIG! but it is made of pure ? MUSCLE! (from daddy pig gets fit)
    2. in the light of the? MOON. a little? EGG! lay on a green? LEAF (the very hungry caterpillar)
  3. same goes for some of her nursery rhymes...e.g.
    1. the wheels on the bus goes? ROUND ROUND. the horn on the bus goes? PEET PEET PEET
  4. can do simple chores like take glasses for daddy, take mummy's bag, get remote control for mummy, put your clothes in dirty bin, throw your dirty diapers :)

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