What are you working on?
I’m launching my first novel Y (https://chbooks.com/Books/Y/Y) in the spring of 2018 and so I’ve
been occupied with that. But I’ve been really fortunate to move around the
world a fair bit over the last two years with a woman I love dearly and see
incredible art object after incredible art object, so I’ve been writing a long
poem, about half way done (I think) about that. There is a through line of
birds and I recently discovered Olivier Messiaen’s long piano piece “Catalogue
d'Oiseaux” and so I have been playing it on repeat as I move through it, from
Porto to Berlin to Toronto, back and forth. It is so different than my last book,
Irresponsible Mediums (https://bookthug.ca/shop/books/irresponsible-mediums-the-chess-games-of-marcel-duchamp-by-aaron-tucker/)
which is a computer generated collection that translates the chess games of
Marcel Duchamp into poems – this poem I’m actually writing!