Showing posts with label Jennifer Bartlett. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jennifer Bartlett. Show all posts

Sunday, 28 August 2022

Jennifer Bartlett : part twelve

Why is poetry important? 

I don't mean to be grumpy, but in the USA poetry is NOT important. It is important in the since of giving the reader an outlet, but David Lehman is in charge (and others) and they are never going to highlight queer/disabled/experimental poets in the New Yorker. Actually no disability poet has ever been in the New Yorker. the gate keepers keep the gates. After spending time in Iceland, I always say "in the USA" because we are not the world.

Sunday, 21 August 2022

Sunday, 14 August 2022

Jennifer Bartlett : part ten

When you require renewal, is there a particular poem or book that you return to? A particular author? 

I know it's sad, but Wild Geese by Mary Oliver. Also, Girly man by Charles Bernstien, particularly the 9/11 poem. Also, Covidity by Bernstein.

Sunday, 7 August 2022

Jennifer Bartlett : part nine

What other poetry books have you been reading lately?

I feel bad, but I don't read a lot of poetry at this moment. I read Icelandic Mysteries and novels. Just finished Braggi's "the pets." Before that, I read Summer light and then comes the night - my favorite book. 

Sunday, 31 July 2022

Jennifer Bartlett : part eight

What poets changed the way you thought about writing?

In order: Allen Ginsberg, Jorie Graham, Mei Mei Berssenbrugge, Nathaniel Tarn, Mary Oliver, Lee Bartlett, Charles Bernstein, Charles Olson, Larry Eigner, Lisa Jarnot, Robert Duncan, Kevin Killian, Maryrose Larkin and James Yeary. 

Sunday, 24 July 2022

Jennifer Bartlett : part seven

What do you find most difficult about writing poetry?

The fact that no one in the USA will read it or cares if you write it. The rest of the world is different. 

Sunday, 17 July 2022

Jennifer Bartlett : part six

What do you feel poetry can accomplish that other forms can’t?


Sunday, 10 July 2022

Jennifer Bartlett : part five

How does your work first enter the world? Do you have a social group or writers group that you work ideas and poems with?


Sunday, 3 July 2022

Jennifer Bartlett : part four

Has your consideration of poetry changed since you began? 

I think I addressed that before, but as a young woman, I loved Ginsberg, then Graham, now me favorite poet is Charles Olson. My perception has changed in the since that I don't know why I am writing. I'm not going to be "famous" at least not in the USA, and I'm not going to be a professor... so should I write? 

Sunday, 26 June 2022

Sunday, 19 June 2022

Jennifer Bartlett : part two

How did you first engage with poetry?

My father, Lee Bartlett, is a critic, poet and professor. I grew up with people my father knew, such as Galway Kinnell. and Michael McClure. William Everson was my father's mentor. The first poet I loved, like many people was Allen Ginsberg. The second poet I loved, strangely, was Jorie Graham.

Sunday, 12 June 2022

Jennifer Bartlett : part one

Jennifer Bartlett’s most recent book is Autobiography/Anti-Autobiography (theenk Books, 2014). Bartlett also co-edited, with Sheila Black and Michael Northen, Beauty Is a Verb: The New Poetry of Disability. She also cofounded Zoeglossia, the first organization in the United States to promote and nurture the work of poets with disabilities. Bartlett has received fellowships from the New York Foundation for the Arts, Fund for Poetry, and the Dodd Research Center at the University of Connecticut. She is currently writing a full-length biography of Larry Eigner.

What are you working on?

I actually have not written a poem in about four years. Somehow my experience with the lock down due to Covid in Brooklyn had a huge effect on me. I have learnt that I am a highly social being and this had a huge effect on my mental health. I have been telling people that I have to feel safe to write a poem, and I haven't felt safe in awhile, but I am also beginning to feel like my language, the language of poetry, has been taken from me.