Showing posts with label Morgan Harlow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Morgan Harlow. Show all posts

Thursday, 11 November 2021

Morgan Harlow : part five

What do you feel poetry can accomplish that other forms can’t?

The inaugural poet is an example. Elegies are another. Poetry brings people together, a community. A few semesters ago I brought to my students a book of poems by a poet I’d assigned to the class and each read a few lines aloud, then passed the book to the next until all had read by turns to the end of the poem. A moment of shared solemnity, wonder and delight in poetry.

Thursday, 4 November 2021

Morgan Harlow : part four

How did you first engage with poetry?

From the earliest of years the world itself seemed like poetry, everything new. Then childhood verse, playground rhymes. Later, songs of the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix.

Thursday, 28 October 2021

Morgan Harlow : part three

How does a poem begin?

It begins with a word. A thought. Notes. A line or more. Hours, or many months, years later, a poem.

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Morgan Harlow : part two

Why is poetry important?

Poetry is everything, and nothing. It's as important as a leaf falling to the ground. The leaf noticed, or not, wondered at, or not, the experience of the leaf fleeting and turning into something new.

Thursday, 14 October 2021

Morgan Harlow : part one

Morgan Harlow studied English literature, journalism and film at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and completed the MFA at George Mason University. Her work has appeared in Blackbox Manifold, Tusculum Review, Washington Square Review, The Moth, Seneca Review and elsewhere and is forthcoming in Cordella Magazine and The Oakland Review. Harlow is the author of a full-length poetry collection, Midwest Ritual Burning (2012). Find her on Twitter @morganharlow.

Photo credit: Jon Harlow

What are you working on?

I'm writing short stories and making progress on two longer works of fiction. A second book of poetry is taking shape.