What other poetry books have you been reading lately?
—Diane Seuss’s Frank Sonnets, which reads like a noir novel. I couldn’t put it down.
—Boris Dralyuck’s stylish and confident My Hollywood and Other Poems (Paul Dry Books) This book also includes some fabulous translations, including poems by Vernon Duke.
—Radio Static (Green Linden Press) by James Hoch, such a moving tribute to a brother who fought in Afghanistan.
—Polina Barskova’s This Lamentable City, (various translators, including Ilya Kaminsky) (Tupelo Press)— I want more from this highly original poet.
—returning to Thomas Gunn’s The Man with the Night Sweats. Gunn’s just a wonder, and I am glad to see other poets “rediscovering” him.
— Ella’s Plan by Jeffrey Bean (Contest Winner, The Poet’s Corner). These enchanting poems about a little girl won my heart.